Wilder Waite PTO Meeting Minutes
March 20, 2012
IN ATTENDANCE: K. Klein, L. Stiverson, S. Johnson,A. Livesay, M. Rohn, J. VandeWiele, L. Malalahalli, T. Lang, M. Fidler, J. Henley, M. Gardner, J. Ross, Mr. Jefferson, Mrs. Browning, T. Keene, E. Olsen
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by PTO President, Kim Klein. A motion to suspend the rules of quorum was made by M. Rohn. J. VandeWiele seconds.
Thorne Keene, Scout Leader for Wilder Waite and Eric Olsen from Boy Scouts are here for a presentation. The PTO is a sponsor for the scouting program. Eric Olsen presented Kim Klein with a Certificate of Charter for the PTO. The Wilder Waite program was originally chartered in 1966. Thorne Keene thanked the PTO for their support of the program. He is concerned for the continuation of the pack at Wilder Waite next year because all but one of the current leaders will be going to Hickory Grove. There are 46 scouts at Wilder Waite and 23 of those boys will be going to Hickory Grove. They will split their current funds between WW and HG, but they are in need of at least 6 leaders to keep the WW pack going. If anyone has suggestions or interest, please contact Thorne at .
Principal’s Report: Todd Jefferson
Mr. Jefferson talked about the transition stage that we are in. There will be some rearranging with the staff and that is just now starting to be discussed. They will know where they will be no later than the end of the school year. Stacy Berg was approved to serve as the principal at Wilder-Waite for the 2012-13 school year. Mr. Jefferson would like to be at Ridgeview by June 1st and Ms. Berg will not be starting at Wilder Waite until July 1st. They will be working together however they can to make this an easier transition. Mr. Jefferson is encouraging parents to be positive about all of the changes to help the kids adjust to those changes. There is an Open House tentatively planned for April 26th for new Wilder Waite families to see the building. There is also a Picnic on the Playground planned for May 17th at Banner to help support the Hickory Grove PTO.
Mr. Jefferson introduced Mrs. Browning. She shared about the PLC time for the Technology teachers. They had a Smart Goal to improve keyboarding skills for 3rd grade-5th grade and now they have a goal to improve information gathering for 2nd-5th grade. The PLC time has given them this opportunity that they never had before. P.E., Band, Orchestra, Art, etc. are also meeting each week and collaborating on what is being taught at each school.
We need a Spook date for this fall. The date that is decided is Oct. 20, 2012. Also, the new PTO board needs to be determined. An idea for this is to have an informal gathering or maybe join with the Wilder Waite Open House to give an opportunity for all WW families to hear about PTO. As far as Hickory Grove PTO, we will be waiting for Mr. Etnyre to discuss.
Cook’s Night Out at Qdoba made $233.22. A Cook’s Night Out is planned for Buffalo Wild Wings for April 19th from 5-8 pm.
Kim Klein asks for a motion to approve the February 2012 minutes. M. Fidler motions. A. Livesay seconds. Motion passed.
There was a beginning balance of $18,965.01 and an ending balance of $19,694.68. Kim Klein asks for a motion to approve the financials. T. Lang motions and J. VandeWiele seconds. Motion approved.
YEARBOOK: Tonya Lang and Marni Fidler
The yearbook design was submitted on March 12th. There were 325 yearbooks ordered.
SCRIP: not present
Keep reloading Kroger cards.
MARKET DAY: Julie Henley
March sale was $122.59 and the next sale is April 24th.
BOX TOPS: Marcie Gardner
Just finished with the last contest and we are waiting for the check to come in.
VOLUNteer Resources: Lakshmi Malalahalli
Culture Fair is this Thursday. A lot of hard work is going into the fair. Mr. Jefferson will be doing an interactive display that will allow families to mark their countries of origin. Ms. Johnson has created a map that kids will be able to stamp their hands on. Every child will get a passport and also a souvenir to take home.
SPIRIT WEAR: not present
5th grade shirts were passed out and a Spring order is coming up.
ACCELERATED READER: Lara Metzger, Jennifer VandeWiele
The last AR store is Friday, May 11th.
ROOM PARENT: not present
Popsicles will be provided for Field Day.
Staff Appreciation Week is May 7th-11th. There will be something each day for the staff and they are looking for volunteers to donate baskets to raffle each day.
Newsletter will be going out soon.
Ice machine has been installed and everyone is enjoying it.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:02 p.m.