November 9, 2015
Christy Tayler, Vice-Chair Jeff Dillon, Superintendent
Robert Fogg Tim Jensen, Principal
Jeb Bechtel Susan Lincoln, Clerk
Jaime Ponce Shaunna Noe, Treasurer
Tom Farley, Federal Programs Director
Sarah Hoover, Staff Member
Jeremy Hoover, Patron
Harold Nevill, COSSA CEO
Charles Abel, Staff Member
Sheryln Rueda, Elementary Student Council
Cristina Barrera, Parent
Alexis Lansdell, Elementary Student Council
Nichole Lansdell, Parent
Daphne Bechtel, Elementary Student Council
Vice Chair Christy Tayler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Jeb Bechtel moved to approve the Confirmation and Consent Agenda as presented. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon introduced members of the Elementary Student Council, Alexis Lansdell and Daphne Bechtel, and recognized them for being leaders in their school.
Mr. Harold Nevill of COSSA reported on COSSA and updated the Board on the numbers, successes and some of the issues they are having. The four day week that 3 of the schools are on are one of the biggest challenges for them. They also started out with more students in the Academy at the beginning of the year and have concerns about overcrowding. They are considering adding four more classrooms.
Mr. Jensen reported that they just had homecoming and it went very smoothly. Staff and students all pitched in to make it a good event.
Mr. Jensen also reported that they are currently doing the Star Testing and will look at data later as they get the results.
Mr. Jensen spoke to the Board about a new program the SDE has started called Directed Missions Programs. This program ensures that seniors will receive at least six letters of admission from Idaho colleges. These are based on the student scores so the better the student’s scores, the more letters they will receive from colleges.
Mr. Dillon has been asked to speak at the Idaho Reading Summit in Boise next week with other dignitaries.
Mr. Dillon updated the Board with the date of the roll out. For teachers it will be January 13 and for students it will be February. He will update the Board as more information comes out.
Mr. Dillon held a 2nd Reading of Policy 906 – Volunteer Assistance Program. Discussion was held. Mr. Dillon will bring this back to the Board.
Mr. Dillon held a discussion about running the levy in 2016. He would like to ask for even less next time. Possibly $220,000 per year for 2 years. He will look at the numbers when they come in from the State and determine what would work. He reported that we are in need of an Ag building for the Ag Program. Also, there is much repair work needing to be done in the Middle/High School, including a new roof. This will be brought back to the Board again.
Mr. Dillon spoke to the Board about the Idaho Mastery Education Network. He has been talking to the Board about this and he would like to see Wilder Schools as a part of the pilot program in the State.
Jeb Bechtel moved to approve applying for the pilot program with the Idaho Mastery Education Network as presented. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Dillon spoke to the Board about the amended audit for 2014-15. There was an error that required them to amend the audit. Jeb Bechtel moved to approve the amended audit as presented. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried.
Mr. Dillon reported that Notus School District is interested in purchasing the elementary school bookshelves. Discussion was held about a fair price. Robert Fogg moved to approve the sale of the 12 bookshelf units for a total of $1500. Jeb Bechtel seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Jeb Bechtel moved to move item 6.2 – Personnel Report to Execution Session. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried.
Mr. Dillon presented the budget as advertised for approval. Jeb Bechtel moved to approve the budget as advertised. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Jensen presented an addendum to the Student Handbooks for the discipline section. Discussion was held. Jeb Bechtel moved to approve the addendum on discipline as amended. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Robert Fogg requested that Administration look into purchasing athletic cards for the Board Members. Mr. Jensen will check into this.
Jeb Bechtel moved that the Board of Trustees proceed into Executive Session to discuss matters as allowed by Idaho Code 74-206 (1) (a,b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against a public officer, employee, staff member or agent; Roll Call was conducted as follows: Jaime Ponce (yes), Jeb Bechtel (yes), Robert Fogg (yes), and Christy Tayler (yes). The motion carried and the Board proceeded into Execution Session to discuss matters as authorized by Idaho Code 74-206. The time was 8:37 p.m.
Personnel matters were discussed.
It was decided to leave Executive Session at 9:27 p.m.
Jeb Bechtel moved to approve to put Employee A on an Improvement Plan with an expiration date of May 10, 2016 as recommended by Mr. Dillon. Robert Fogg seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Jeb Bechtel moved to temporarily table the Personnel Report without approval until more information can be brought back to the Board by Mr. Jensen. Jaime Ponce seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
Christy Tayler adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Lincoln
District Clerk
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