Wiki Rubric Draft
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Content / Content is accurate and complete. Content is written by the student and shows a depth of understanding. / Content is complete Content is written by the student and shows understanding of the content. / Content is partially complete. Some content may be copied from various sources and depth of understanding is limited. / Content is incomplete and may be inaccurate. Much of the content has been copied and pasted. Shows little understanding.
Organization/Presentation / Posts are organized neatly with headings or bulleted lists. Font, colors, pictures enhance the Wiki. / Posts are organized neatly. Some heading may be missing or font, colors, and pictures are distracting. / Few headings and several distracting elements. Difficult to find information. / No headings. Fonts, colors, and graphics are distracting and/or unnecessary.
Contribution / Contributes, modifies, and/or edits content of others in order to enhance it over time. / Several edits and some contributed information to others’ Wiki pages. / Few edits are done on other Wiki pages. Additional information is not contributed or does not enhance overall content. / Does not contribute, edit or modify other Wiki pages.
Citations / All sources of information are correctly cited including source and location found. Various sources are used. / Most sources are cited correctly. Some citations maybe missing or incorrectly cited. Multiple sources are used. / Few sources are cited and often cited incorrectly. / No sources are cited.
Collaboration / Is an active participant to discussions on the Discussion Tab. Applies suggestions when appropriate. Polite and constructive language used. / Applies suggestions when appropriate. Sometimes uses the Discussion Tab as a collaborative tool. Polite and constructive language offered. / Discouraged with contributions from others.
Underutilizes the Discussion Tab or uses inappropriately. Is not an active contributor to Wiki discussions. / Does not accept contributions from others. Does not utilize the Discussion Tab or contribute to Wiki conversations.
Technologies (hyperlinks, video, photos, graphics, sound, etc.) / Multiple technologies are utilized and enhance the overall content and presentation. / Several technologies are used to enhance the overall content and presentation. / Few technologies are used and may distract from overall content and presentation. / Technologies are not present.