SF110 Mentored SF Non-Residential Application

The Educational Ministries and Leadership Department (EML) of Dallas Theological Seminary offers eligible students in the Th.M., M.A./CE, M.A./CL, M.A./CM, M.A./MW, and M.A./CS programsalternative means of completing the Spiritual Formation (SF) graduation requirement. The SF Staff reserves the right to deny any student an alternative means of fulfilling the SF requirement, which is traditionally completed through taking the SF100 course over four consecutive semesters on the Dallas or Houston campus. Ifthe SF Staffapproves the student’s application, then the student will pay alltuition and fees, and the student will complete at a satisfactory level the alternative SF option that isspecified.


Please follow the steps below to complete your application. These steps are to be completed electronically. Please email your attached documents to with “SF110 Application for [insert your name]” in the subject line. Your references should follow these instructions as well.If you have questions, please contact us at 214-887-5276. We are here to help!

  1. Complete the application below.
  2. Submit a Personal Letter (1 page in length)describingyour participation and/or leadership in relational small group ministry, including:
  1. Church/ministry organization name and location,
  2. Dates you participated in small group,
  3. Make-up and nature (purpose) of the group,
  4. The title(s) of the curriculum studied,
  5. Your role in the group,
  6. Life circumstances and personal growth you shared with the group,
  7. Specific assignments you presented to the group,
  8. Name and contact information of the small group leader or the ministry supervisor at that location.
  1. Submit a Church Authentication letter:
  1. The letter will be written by a leader from the church on church letterhead.
  2. The letter will authenticate the student’s active status and reputation in their local church.
  3. The letter will confirm the student’s active involvement in an authentic small group and service to the church.
  1. Submit a Personal Recommendation Letter and Reference Form (see sample found at end of this document):

A completed reference form from someone with spiritual authority over you(e.g., pastor, teacher, professor, or mentor).

next steps

  1. The SF Staff will receive and review your application and attendant paperwork. They may stipulate an interview(either in-person, by phone, or Skype) with you or call you to gather more information.
  2. The SF Staff will notify the student of their decision via email.
  1. If theSF Staffapproves the student to take a non-residential option of SF, then the student will complete the Non-Residential Planning Documentno later than August 15th(to start in the fall) or December 15th (to start in the spring).
  2. If the SF Staffdenies the student from taking a non-residential option of SF, then the student will work toward receiving the required SF credit according to his or her degree program joining a regularly scheduled Spiritual Formation group(SF100) on the Dallas or Houston campus.


What is Spiritual Formation all about at DTS?

The Spiritual Formation (SF) ministry exists to glorify God and make disciples by providing a relational context and biblical curriculum to help a highly diverse body of future servant-leaders engage with matters of the heart such as identity and integrity to experience transformation through growth in Christlikeness, and participate in the Spirit’s transformation of others. The Educational Ministries and Leadership Department (EML)offers two ways to complete your SF requirement as described below. For more information regarding your options for completing your SF requirement please contact EML at 214-887-5276or .

(1)SF @ Dallas and Houston (SF100)

The Traditional Form of SF

In Dallas and Houston, you will engage in a two-year small group experience with fellow students. Your SF group is specifically assembled for spiritual formation, and you are guided by a curriculum specifically designed to aid the process. As a group, under leadership of one of your peers you will learn to be attentive to God’s formative hand in your life as well as draw attention to God’s work in the lives of your peers. We offer credit and non-credit options for the completion of this SF course.

(2)Mentored SF for Students Taking Classes Online & at Extension Sites (SF110)

Students must complete the “SF110 Mentored Non-Residential Application” paperwork and be approved to participate in this option

You will engage in Spiritual Formation at your current location with the assistance of a self-chosen, same-gender mentor (SF Mentor) and guidance from a staff contact in our office (SF Guide) during two consecutive semesters (with Christmas break and summer off).

One of your first assignments will be to identify a person with whom you can honestly impart the experiences of your life, and thissame-gender mentor should guide you to see God’s formative hand in those experiences. This course requires the use of DTS’ online education website. In this course, you will complete the same assignments as if you were on campus at Dallas or Houston but in a shorter time period. We offercredit and non-credit options for the completion of this SF course.


Legal Name:______Student ID:______

Nickname:______Spouse’s Name:______

Home Phone:______Work/Cell Phone:______

Email:______DTS Campus You’re Attending: ______

Ministry Track:______Degree Hours Completed:______

Date of Initial Enrollment:______Anticipated Graduation Date: ______

Current Church:______Member Since: ______

*Requested Start Date: ______(please list semester and year—e.g., Fall 2015)


Check all that apply:

I am enrolled in a degree requiring Spiritual Formation. Markwhich one:

____ ThM ____ MACE ____ MACL ____MACM ____MAMW ____MACS

I have not enrolled in SF.

I was enrolled in SF in the past. My group leader was: ______

I have not been denied SF credit.

I request the following Non-Residential SF Option:

____SF110: The Two Semester Spiritual Formation Course for Extension & Online Students



Eligible students will meet one of the following criteria: (Check all that apply.)

Military Deployment– receiving a Leave of Absence status with the Registrar’s Office

Medical Hardship– receiving a Leave of Absence status with the Registrar’s Office

Taking Only Classes Online or at Extension Sites –not taking classes on the Dallas or Houston campus

Taking Classes Only in Summer and/orWinter Semester – not taking classes on the Dallas or Houston campus in fall & spring semesters

Degree Reclassification – switching from a degree that did not require SF to a degree that requires SF

Graduating Early – cannot complete the SF requirement prior to your anticipated graduation date

Other – describe reason below

*Please describe the reason you are requesting to take a non-residentialoption of SF: (Required)

Reference Form (Part 1 of 2)

Name of Student: ______

Please evaluate the student by placing a check mark by one or more items under each of the headings below; however, do not check items of which you feel uncertain:

A. Sociability or friendliness
□ Avoided by group members
□ Tolerated by group members
□ Liked by group members
□ Well-liked by group members
□ Sought by group members / E.Sense of self
□ Insecure
□ Unable to express thoughts/emotions
□ Unaware of their impact on others
□ Modest, true estimate of self
□ May be prone to boast / H.Transparency/Authenticity
□ Unaware of their emotions
□ Unwilling to express thoughts/emotions
□ Shared thoughts/emotions appropriately
□ Eager to express thoughts/emotions
□ Open to discussing thoughts/emotions
B. Group Dynamics
□ Frequently caused friction
□ Preferred to not participate
□ Usually cooperative
□ Frequent interaction with group members
□ Constructively communicates with different personalities or temperaments / F.Responsiveness
□ Rarely responded to others
□ Slow to sense how others felt
□ Reasonably responsive
□ Understanding and thoughtful responses
□ Responded with unusual insight and consideration of others / I.Personal Integrity
□ Able to keep confidentiality
□ Displays discipline in personal life
□ Displayed an active faith
□ Consistent in decision-making
□ Upheld the group covenant
C.Conflict management
□ Avoided conflict
□ Unaware of conflict
□ Acknowledged conflict
□ Pursued a resolution for conflict
□ Able to agree “to disagree” / G.Emotional Behavior
□ Tense, fearful, worried
□ Easily angered, easily frustrated
□ Downhearted, blue, depressed
□ Regularly stressed, regularly overwhelmed
□ Maintains balance, self-controlled / J.Service
□ Unwillingly interacted in group service projects
□ Reluctantly serves others
□ Serves others without hesitation
□ Willingly interacted in group service projects
□Appropriately served as needed
□ Rigid, argumentative
□ Highly opinionated
□ Open-minded
□ Willing to discuss other’s opinions
□ Seeks alternate opinions

What reservations do you have for this student? ______

Do you recommend this studentto complete their Spiritual formation requirement one-on-one with a mentor at their present location, rather than with a small group on campus? ______

Is this student involved in some form of Christian community? ______

Your name: ______Occupation:______

Relationship to this student: ___ Spouse ___ Friend ___ Mentor ___ Mentee Other: ______

How long you have known this student:______Organization:______


Your signature/initials:______

Reference Form (Part 2 of 2)

Please use the following space to tell us about the student’s spiritual maturity andChristlike character, as well as their involvement in Christian community in the local church. Be sure to include areas where they still need to grow in their faith.

Please check the following box:

I do hereby attest, to the best of my ability, the authenticity and accuracy of the above information.

Please email the form to with “SF110 Application for [insert Student’s Name]” in the subject line. Thank you very much.

1SF110 Mentored Non-Residential ApplicationRevised: 12/5/2018