1. Briefly describe your background and experience. Include in your answer the reasons for your interest in WMS, your reasons for leaving your current position and your short and long term career goals.
2. Please describe your philosophy of middle school education. In particular comment on the middle school structure and the characteristics of the middle school student.
3. Please comment on your administrative skills. Using specific examples, please address communication, planning and organizational skills. FU- With rotating schedules, how would you ensure that all staff members are kept informed regarding all major programs and school initiatives?
4. Please speak to us regarding your approach to student discipline? FU- How would you address a difficult conflict between a parent and teacher? FU- Please comment on how you would ensure fairness in the discipline process, especially when encountering vocal and influential parents? FU-How would you communicate discipline results to the teams? FU-Organizationally, who would typically assume responsibility for the discipline process in you school?
5. Describe your experience in scheduling. In particular comment on your experience scheduling teachers with less than full time equivalent, i.e FTE, positions.
6. In North Kingstown, through School Advisory Councils and PTO’s, parents and community members play an active role in school governance. Please comment on your administrative style in working collaboratively with parents and community members.
7. Change is an essential ingredient in school improvement. Describe for us how have you have successfully managed change. Based upon your past experience, include in your answer what you feel we can expect to see in the way of school improvement at Wickford Middle School.
8. What is your experience with respect to teacher and staff evaluation? FU-In your personal opinion, what criteria should be used to evaluate a teacher’s instructional effectiveness in the classroom? FU-If you found a teacher’s performance to be borderline, what would you do?
9. Describe your working day, touching upon your involvement with students, parents and staff. What obligations would require you to be absent from the building during the school day?
10. What is your position regarding inclusion vs. pull out programs?
11. What are the most important qualities of an effective principal and how do you measure up in this respect? Follow Up- What is your role with respect to the curriculum process?
12. Using role play, give us an example of your morning communications over the PA system.
13. Comment on your background in the school improvement process as well as the school accreditation process. In your answer please reference the requirements of Article 31 if you are familiar with this state statute.
14. What is your philosophy regarding heterogeneous vs. homogeneous grouping?
15. Please comment on your position regarding backpacks and how would you handle a discipline situation in this regard?
16. What are your hobbies and interests and how can you relate these to interaction with students?