The Proxy Vote
The Canadian AIDS Society (CAS) encourages its member organizations to attend the Annual Meeting (AM) whenever possible. If you are unable to attend, we would request that you use the proxy vote to ensure that your organization will still have the opportunity to express its views, even in its absence.
What is a proxy vote?
A proxy vote enables a voting member to authorize another voting member from the same region, who will be in attendance at the AM, to vote on their behalf.
Why would my organization give another organization our vote?
Sometimes it is difficult to find the time and/or resources to attend a meeting such as the AM. Despite your inability to attend, there may still be important issues in your community or region that your organization would like to bring forward or have an opportunity to support through its voting privileges. By giving another organization attending the AM your vote, you are allowing that organization to speak on your behalf and represent your views.
Why would my organization not want to give another organization our vote?
The proxy vote system is an excellent opportunity to have your voice heard at meetings which you are unable to attend. However, once you have given that vote to another organization, it is free to use that vote however it sees fit. You should only give someone your proxy vote if you are confident they are able and willing to speak accurately on your behalf.
Note:Member organizations may only carry one (1) proxy vote.
How does the proxy vote work?
- Talk to a voting delegate of a CAS member organization from your region attending the AM and ensure that they will speak on behalf of your organization
- Complete the proxy vote form
- Send one copy of the completed proxy vote form to CAS
- Give one copy of the completed proxy vote form to the organization you have chosen and request that their delegate bring it to the AM with them.
Proxy Vote
- please print clearly -
Name of Executive Director or Board Chair
Name of organization exercising your proxy vote
to vote on behalf of
Name of your organization
at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Canadian AIDS Society.
Signature of Executive Director or Board Chair Date
** Please Remember **
You, the organization giving your proxy vote to another:
(a)Send a copy of the completed proxy vote form to the Canadian AIDS Society before the meeting:
Fax or e-mail the completed form to the Executive Assistant
Canadian AIDS Society | Fax: 613-563-4998 | E-mail:
(b)Give one copy to the organization you have chosen to represent you at the Annual Meetingand request them to bring it to the AM with them.
Proxy holder (Person & Organization receiving the proxy):
(a)Before the day of the annual meeting, inform the CAS office (person compiling registrations) about the proxy you will use during the meeting.
(b)On the day of the meeting, give your proxy form to the person compiling registrations.