Title and description of the event
  • Why was this activity selected for CPD?

These are examples of the things you might wish to consider in your reflection:
  • Summarise briefly the learning event
  • Why you chose this and what is it about it that made it important to you
  • How it impacts or is relevant to your current practice?
  • Was it a new skill you are aiming to put into practice or an update?
  • How valuable was the event to you?
  • If it was a meeting, did you feed back to the organisers on the event?

What did you learn?
Describehowthisactivitycontributedtothe developmentofyourknowledge,skillsor professionalbehaviours.
Youmay wishtolinkthislearningtooneormore oftheGMC GoodMedicalPracticedomainstodemonstratecompliancewiththeirprinciplesandvalues,i.e.:
  • Knowledge,skillsandperformance
  • Safety andQuality
  • Communication,partnershipandteamwork
  • MaintainingTrust

These are examples of the things you might wish to consider in your reflection:
  • Write here briefly what you gained from the event and the importance of it within your sphere of practice
  • How useful the learning was to you
  • What new information was provided?
  • Was it a regular update or society meeting?
  • Was there good networking opportunity or specific elements that changed your ideas?
  • Did you challenge any new ideas presented?

Describe here ways in which your own behaviourwill change as a result of reflecting on this event and give a timescale for your actions
•Haveyouidentifiedanyskillsand/orknowledgegapsrelatingtoyourprofessional practice?
•What changestoyourprofessionalbehaviourhave youidentifiedasdesirable?
•Howwillthisactivityorevent leadtoimprovementsinpatientcare orsafety?
•Whataspectsofyourcurrentpracticedid you feel werereinforced?
•What changesinyourteam/department/organisation’sworkinghave youidentifiedas necessary?
These are examples of the things you might wish to consider in your reflection:
  • Are you planning to make any changes as a result of your learning: if not, say why
  • Describe what these will be and why you think they are important
  • What difference will this make to patients safety and quality?
  • What impact or difference will this make for you personally?
  • Try to identify any needs to help you do this successfully
  • Try to identify which Domain of the GMC Good Medical Practice your comments relate to
  • Was your current practice re-enforced or challenged by the learning event?

Have any other issues come out of the experience/event?
•If furtherlearninganddevelopmentneedshavebeenidentifiedhowdoyouintendto addressthese?
  • SetSMARTobjectivesforthese(i.e.Specific,Measurable,Achievable,Relevant andTime-bound);
  • Can you identify any further specific needs to discuss with your appraiser for your personal development? If so then you must include these in your appraisal submission and reflect them in your PDP

These are examples of the things you might wish to consider in your reflection:
  • Write here any personal objectives following the learning event (SMART format)
  • Relate these through into your appraisal each year
  • Did you identify for example wider learning needs eg: departmental or organisational? How might you take these forward?
  • Can you share your learning? How will you do this?