Short - Channeling Session - 23 November 2013

Present: Shirley Short, Devon Belanger, Paola Harris and Tom Hamblin

Father, we thank you for gathering us at this time. That we might better come to understand the course of activity and the pathway for these individuals. We ask you now to surround us in a perfect cone of light. For as we visualize ourselves within that cone of light, we know that it contains peace, harmony, love, light, life.

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, he maketh me to lie down in green pastures, he leadeth me beside the still waters, he restoreth my soul, he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his namesake, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me, thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, thou annointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever, Here, Oh Israel, the Lord, our God, is one. Amen

This is Central Control! This is Central Control! Standby! Information to follow! Standby! Information to follow! On our mark .. five, four, three, two, one! Mark! This is Central Control calling ADDI. Central Control calling ADDI. We are standing by, ADDI. We are standing by.

(Shirley: ADDI is a town in Jupiter)

This is the voice of ADDI. This is the voice of ADDI. We are ready to transmit. We are ready to transmit. One moment please.

This is the voice of Instruct Relay Automatic InterPlanetary on Uranus for the call of Jupiter on behalf of the automaton? called Kortan, we are ready to begin. With information we have for the individuals at this time, begin. Let us begin with the individua to the left forefront to the instrument.

Devon: My question is, if we want to make a change to try and transform this world …

Bob: You will need to raise your volume

Devon: If we need to get messages out to our world to help transform, where do we start? Can you guide us?

Bob: You will need to seek out medium. You will need to seek out medium different aspects primarily that which is recorded across your various outlets of this medium, so that the people of your world can take notice and here are these things that are being done on the behalf of seeing to it that changes are made of a more enlightened and peaceful nature among those of your planet who are waiting and looking for these changes even now that which is occurring in and among the nations of your world such as these very violent storms and various aspects and incidents that will begin to take place that have to do with the changes of your earth that is seismic upheavals and further storms and eruptions of volcanic nature including the rebirth of tha area in the Sunda Strait of your planet that was called at one point in time, Krakatoa. This is beginning to build once again, and this could come to life and thus cause a great deal of alarm and perhaps damage to those areas of the Indonesian peninsulars and islands as well as Timor and those that are over the nations to the north and east and west of that area therefore all of these things are taking place at the present time but your populous is looking for that which will be a calming nature and will be of a more peaceful type and thus if you would and would add thus take upon yourselves this type of work and that which is of a volunteer nature to see to it that this information which has to do with that which had it’s occasion both in the past and the present time period such as the coming together of people across your world who are interested in the application of knowledge and enlightenment together with peaceful movements to bring about such changes that have already taken place in some regard that is of the recognition of various races of people on your planet who are now of a more equal nature than previously, however there is still violence and bloodshed among your people which is very sad and further to be of concern and would wish that this would come to a cessation and thus your planet would become what is truly called “terror” rather than as it is which is repetitive affliction or sorrows of shanan, so thus we look toward this so that there are those among your people such as those that are presently in this location who wish to take upon themselves this work to be done so that these changes can reach your populous through various media and various outlets wherever they may occur, wherever they may be, making contact with such individuals in media, so that they will become interested in the aspects of what is being done and can be done to bring about these more, as it were, peaceful means and gatherings together with teachings of enlightenment to bring about that awakening heading toward that which is the golden age, or the age of Satya Yuga, and therefore, we would say to you this is and can be, if you decide to take upon yourself this particular work and this volunteer aspect will be left to your own decisions to make. We only address ourselves to this, to that degree, but we are in hope that many of you who have chosen us and thus we chose and we will choose those who choose us, Sheol, Sheal, Sheol, to apples we salt, therefore it is entirely again your own decision to take upon yourself, is that understood?

Devon: Yes, that is understood. Thank you.

Bob: Very well, again also, to contact those who may be of some help of a volunteer nature and also funding or fiduciary funds in order to put this into action as it were, as it begins to come forward and go through and come to that aspect which will be a positive movement amongst those of your planet. There have been other time periods, where this has been tried but unfortunately came short of the goal but again now there is the possibility that this, now, because of what is taking place among your populous and the earth seeing it for themselves these changes, which not altogether have been of a peaceful nature, they are beginning to recognize something is taking place with your planet within the bowels and the surface of your planet and therefore is in need of a change of a more peaceful nature thus cooperating with what is termed mother earth, therefore you have this say in your nature to be of that assistance and nature to help those others who are willing to take upon themselves that kind of responsibility, is that understood?

Devon: That is understood. Thank you.

Bob: Very well. We will go to the next individual.

Paola: Will we have help from you in doing, in particular, my line of work of disclosure.

Bob: We will do what we can do although we are not allowed by our rules of the space law code to directly interfere with any aspect of your lives and of those of nations and governments, we can subtly, as it were, influence and bring about such influence when, and if it possible and usable, we will apply it and thus we will do what we can to be of vary/value? to you and assistance to your movements and that which you carry out in the name of the people of your planet. And therefore, that is what we can do. But in so far as any direct connection with your movements other than very subtly and very unintended as we might term it, that it is not noticeable that we are in the assistance to such movements and those individuals who carry this out because they feel that this needs to be done now and in the time ahead so that we can pass into this next age of which is through that which you term as aquarian age, which took place exactly March 7th, 1970 during the eclipse of your nation United States of America and parts of that nation called Unidos Stados Mexico thus this had that aspect in your heavens directly over your rule or your national capital called Washington District of Columbia, that is the sign of aquarius in the heavens holding forth the knowledge upon your world and also took in parts of the Republica Mexico when this took place the great eclipse and later was followed by another in July of 1991 where your sun was to be called Tigre Sun or El Sul de Tigre last saw the jaguar or tiger son but again moving into that aspect of the aquarian age which you are now in and have begun thus these changes will begin to take place about and around you which will give you notice that there are incidents and events happening some for good and positive nature some that are changes that have been brought about by energies and vibrations that have been entered into the levels of your earth planet which have caused damage and many people to lose lives which is most unfortunate and very sad to take notice but nonetheless we work and continue to move forward with these aspects of a more positive and of a more helpful nature among the populous of your world, thus reach your media in whatever way can be done. We will do all that we can to help you and aid you in that respect but again, it must be behind the scenes, somewhere unnoticed that we are in this aspect of being able to be of such help to you, is that understood?

Paola: Yes. It is understood.

Bob: And again, it is not just that you do this because of this nature or that nature, it is because you have chosen to volunteer together with those who are present to begin and work with this kind of a movement again like it did back in that month which you call August of that year nineteen hundred and seventy and eighty seven rather, nineteen hundred and eighty seven and took part throughout the world where everyone met together and to put forward positive fields of energy or vibrations and these were sent both into your earth planet out into space thus we also were present about when this took place in various places of your planet where changes could be brought about, notice the wall that came down and that which took place in that nation called the Commonwealth of Independent States which was called Sovetskaya, Russia? and therefore other nations as well made changes where more people were given the equal status and thus all of this, because people need change and want change of a positive and a knowledgeable type where they can all come together as one, which you truly are, all people on your planet should be recognized firstly that they are all one, under the created principles. Is that understood?

Paola: Yes, it is understood.

Bob: Is there a further inquiry?

Tom: I have a question! How do we, as individuals, reach out to those who contact us?

Bob: You should develop certain codes that you may make use of, that will identify what you are about. And that they would recognize that this is of a true and peaceful and positive nature rather than just something that is looking for material wants and needs, even though there are certain aspects to such needs, nonetheless, firstly it should be to serve in the capacity of helping to see to it that your planet and those who live upon it need to make these changes of a peaceful and positive nature, to join together in this aspect so that it can bring about changes in technology and as well in spirituality, and even those that are of a religious nature, will begin to see these taking place and will begin to want to be a part of that which is positive and speaks out to the problems that must be solved and resolved in a peaceful nature. And thus put an end to violence and bloodshed amongst the brothers and sisters of your planet, is that understood?

Tom: Yes, it is.

Bob: Will that suffice for this time period?

All: Yes, thank you.

Bob: Blessings be upon thy heads, oh sons and daughters of God,

This is instruct automatic ending our transmission, we are standing by.

This is the voice of ADDI.

This is the voice of ADDI.

We’re ending our transmission.

We’re ending our transmission.

Standing by.

Standing by.

This is Central Control ADDI

This is Central Control ADDI

We understand end transmission

We understand end transmission

All monitors and scanners return to routine patrol

All monitors and scanners return to routine patrol

