Why not unpack some of the myths around feminism?
The following section by Myrtle, Liz and Meg
Myth Buster:
Question / Answer / ExplanationCan men be feminists? / Yes / Feminism is about equality between Women and Men so it’s not just for Women. In fact there have been many men in history who have openly supported feminism.
Are all feminists Anti-Men? / No / Feminism isn’t about being anti-men but anti- discrimination, anti-inequality etc towards women by men and women.
Are all lesbians feminists? / No / Being a Lesbian doesn’t mean you believe in feminism or that you even know it exists, many lesbian and bisexual women understand the injustice that they face because of their sexual orientation and are made aware of women’s oppression in general. All types of women are feminists from all walks of life and diversities.
Isn’t feminism a hippy thing that has been and gone? / No / Feminism has been publicised more at different times, one of which was in the 60’s where there was hope for peace and equality and actions were being taken to achieve this. Feminism will always be around as long as there is unfairness and bias towards men over women.
Don’t feminists just want to be men? / No / Feminists don’t want to be men they want to be acknowledged as equal to men in legislation, policy, payment, rights etc.
Is rape ever a woman’s fault? / No / It is a myth that it is ever a woman’s fault – its doesn’t matter what clothes you wear (even a short mini skirt and boob tube!) you are never asking to be raped! Rape is used all over the world to control women and stop our freedom of expression even if that means choosing to wear a mini skirt!
Made from Adams Rib?
The story…
In the bible it says that once God had made Adam he took one of his ribs and made Eve out of it.
So what does it mean…Many feel that it is proof that women should be subservient to men and that is why the world is bias towards men because this is how it was meant to be.
However…Some would argue that this doesn’t represent anything such as this and that if you were to say that then saying men should be subservient to women as they were born from a womb would be just as valid.
So what’s the answer…Interpret it as you will but it’s fair to say that women shouldn’t be subservient to men and nor men to women.
DID YOU KNOW? The feminist magazine of the mid 20th century Spare Rib was titled this because of the biblical story of ‘How God made Adam and Eve’.