Agenda for a Regular Meeting of the Verona Township Council on Wednesday,

September 9, 2015 beginning at 6:30P.M. in the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 600Bloomfield Avenue, Verona N.J. Council will enter into Closed Session immediately following the reading of compliance with the Open Public Meetings Act. The public meeting will convene at 7:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order

The agenda and notice of this meeting has been posted 48 hours in advance of the public meeting, on the bulletin board designated for this purpose, located in the lobby of the Municipal Building, 600 Bloomfield Avenue, Verona, New Jersey. The agenda and notice of this meeting has been faxed or electronically transmitted to two newspapers circulating within the Township as required by statute, in order that the public may be informed 48 hours in advance of the public meeting.

  1. Roll Call
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Approval of Minutes

August 17, 2015

  1. Mayor’s Report

Russo Development (Annin Lofts)

Introduction of New Essex County Liaison

  1. Report of Manager

George Librizzi, Tax Assessor

“Verona in Motion” presentation: Connie Pifher

Status Update – IT Issue

  1. Councilmember’s Reports
  1. Ordinances on Second Reading including Public Hearing & Final Passage

#7-15 - Authorizing and Approving a Financial Agreement Between the
Township of Verona and Verona Place Urban Renewal LLC

#8-15 – Township of Verona Towing Ordinance

  1. Introduction of Ordinances

#9-15 – An Ordinance fixing the salaries, compensation and retainers of the paid
employees of the Township of Verona for the year 2015.

#10-15– An Ordinance fixing the salaries, compensation and retainers of thepaid Police
Officers of the Township of Verona for the year 2015.

#11-15– An Ordinance fixing the salaries, compensation and retainers of the paid
officers and employees of the Township of Verona for years 2015.

  1. Resolutions

#102 – Resolution Authorizing the Township of Verona to Hire Brigette Bogart
Planning and Design Professionals, LLC as a Professional Planner to Prepare a
Redevelopment Plan for Tax Blocks 9, Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 and
52 Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5

#103 – Grant Acceptance from Partners in Health to fund “Verona in Motion”

#104 – Extension of Township Engineer Contract

#105 – Extension of Interim Town Manager appointment

#106 –Appointments to Landmarks Preservation Commission

#107 - Limousine License Application for Ultimate Party and Bus Limo, LLC,
251.5 Grove Avenue, Verona, New Jersey

#108 – Approval of Contract Between Township of Verona and Auditel for Audit

#109 – Authorizing Execution of Shared Services Defense Agreement

#110 – Closed Session

11: Public Participation

12:New Business

RA# 827 – Verona Music Parents Association – On Premise 50/50

13. Old Business

14: Adjournment