Why Lutherans for Life?
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1, KJV).
“So God created man in His own image, in the Image of God created He him; male and female created He them” (Genesis 1:27).
Historical Events Shaping21st Century Beliefs and Ethics
The Enlightenment(1685-1815)
While the Enlightenment brought much good to the West, the great minds of the movement highly valued human reason and diminished the Sovereignty ofGod andHis Word in western society.
“The Enlightenment produced a revolution in the way humans thought about God, the Bible, and themselves. Since theology deals with something no one can weigh, measure, experiment upon, test, or prove, it must be thrown back to the inner self. Subjective experience becomes the source of ‘God thought.’ As one writer put it, ‘Man, in the condition of his soul, not God in His work becomes the center’ ” (Church History for the Masses, 2007, April 22).
The Communist Manifesto (published in 1848)
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto in February 1848. Communism refers to religion as, “the opium of the people”(Habsjeh, 2012, November 22). In Communist nations, the Party replaces God.The present day push toward Worldwide Socialism in the West is also based on Marxist ideology and is known as--Secular Humanism or Secularism. What is Secular Humanism?
“The message of secular humanism is that humanity is in sole control of its destiny and that the solution to all of our problems is in our own hands. In denying the spiritual dimension of life, secular humanism robs life of meaning and value” (Maranatha Community, 2016).
The Theory of Evolution(1859)
Charles Darwin published, On the Origin of Species in 1859. Darwin’s, Theory of Evolution, declared the Biblical account of creation in the Book of Genesis to be a myth. Darwin believed that human beings evolved from lower forms of life, rejecting God as the Creator.
The Value of Human Life in the 21st Century
When briefly looking at just a few of the people and movements (as noted above) that have shaped our world in the 21st century, is it any wonder that we live in a world which no longer values human life?
Consider how human life has become cheapened to the point that the West now embraces/allows:
- Abortion/Selling of Fetal Organs
- Infanticide
- Euthanasia
- Physician Assisted Suicide
- Fetal Stem Cell Harvesting
- Human Cloning
- Human Trafficking -not embraced but increasingly prevalent
“…Here I Stand…” - Martin Luther
Lutherans for Life: “Our destination is a Gospel-motivated culture of life in and around your church”. We stand for life because we believe that all human life is precious to God-at all stages and at all ages. He created our first parents, Adam and Eve--in His Image-- Though they fell into sin, He loved mankind enough to send His Son to save the world:
“For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”
(John 3:16).
Consider joining our Lutherans for Life Team at Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Church History for the Masses Website. (2007, April 22). Retrieved from
Habsjeh, E. (2012, November 22).Communism:Why do communist systems ban religion? Quora. Retrieved from
Maranatha Community Website. (2016, February). Retrieved from
Than, K. (2015, May 13).What is Darwin’s theory of evolution? Live Science. Retrieved from
The Life Information Website. (2012). Suicide, abortion, euthanasia and life issues. Retrieved from