Capital Project Ranking Form /
Project Type / Broadly Academic / Broadly Non-Academic / Date:
Project Name / Cost Estimate
Project Manager / Time to Build
Department / Sequencing

This form is to be used to score the proposed capital project according to the criteria below.

Background information

1.) Project Type
This category focuses on the reasons behind the need for the project / No / Partly / Yes
a. / Replace existing provision for the activity?
b. / Add to existing provision for the activity?
c. / Provide space for a new activity?
d. / Support an expansion of activity?

Why is the Project Needed?

Please rank the relative importance of the following to the project on the criteria based on a scale of 0 to 4where 0 = Not at all, 1 = A little, 2 = Somewhat, 3 = Quite a lot and 4 = Greatly

2.) Why is this Project Needed?
This category addresses the need for this project to be undertaken / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a / Provide a competitive advantage?
b. / Address a competitive threat?
c. / Meet an essential requirement of an accrediting body?
d. / Meet an essential requirement of a statutory body?
e. / Address a pressing health and safety requirement?
f. / Require immediate attention?
Additional information:

Alignment with University Mission and Vision

3.) Student Experience
Recruiting and retaining excellent students and promoting personal and intellectual development / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Enhance student satisfaction?
b. / Impact on a large number of students e.g. >50?
c. / Enhance learning opportunities?
d. / Enhance the study environment?
e. / Enhance and support learning?
f. / Enhance teaching innovation?
g. / Enhance student services?
h. / Enhance the student social environment?
i. / Enhance the ability to recruit and retain high quality home/EU undergraduates?
j. / Enhance the ability to recruit and retain high quality international undergraduates?
k. / Enhance the ability to recruit and retain high quality additional home/EU PGT and PGR students?
l. / Enhance the ability to recruit and retain high quality additional international PGT and PGR students?
m. / Increase the employability of students?
n. / Improve teaching and learning league table positions
Additional information:
4.) Research
The University is a research intensive university and investments in research facilities and technology help in two competitive areas: securing grant funding, and recruiting and retaining researchers / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Increase research space?
b. / Enable enhanced quality of research to be undertaken?
c. / Help recruit and retain high quality researchers?
d. / Support new areas of research?
e. / Enable the university to meet known research commitments?
f. / Improve research league table position?
g. / Meet important requirements of a funding body?
h. / Enable the university to house regional or national research organisations?
Additional information:
5.) Outreach
This criterion allows a project to be scored on its ability to affect positively the service mission of the university / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Extend opportunities for engaging with the region?
b. / Enable contributions to economic development?
Additional information:
6.) Staff
Recruiting and retaining excellent staff and allowing them to work collaboratively / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Enhance the working environment?
b. / Impact on a large number of staff e.g. >20?
c. / Enhance ability to recruit and retain staff?
d. / Support efficient working?
e. / Support collaborative working?
Additional information:

Practical Issues

7.) Sequencing
This criterion accounts for the fact that capital projects are sometimes connected to an external variable and that this variable can have a significant effect on the project's overall priority / No
(0) / Partly
(2) / Yes
Does the project…..
a. / Depend on other projects being complete before it can start?
b. / Allow other high value projects to start?
Additional information:
8.) Finance
This category focuses on the factors of the project which impact on finances for the University / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Have the ability to increase fee income?
b. / Have the ability to increase research grant income?
c. / Positively impact on cash flows?
d. / Have a small impact on debt load relative to other projects?
e. / Have a contingent donation attached?
f. / Have potential to attract external funding e.g. partnership with external providers?
Additional information:
9.) Operations
The Operations category addresses the need to carry out the University’s daily objectives. This category can be seen as the underpinning infrastructure which makes the rest of the University’s functions possible / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Does the project…..
a. / Increase operational efficiency?
b. / Improve technological infrastructure?
c. / Reduce backlog maintenance?
d. / Replace/repair existing facilities nearing the end of their life?
f. / Improve environmental league table position?
Additional information:
Additional information regarding this proposed capital project:
Completed by


Revised 4th January 2011