LT3D06_print's Code
Created by: Frank Kelly
Methods first method ( )pathMAX= 10
CoordinatePlaneset pointOfViewto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
cameraset pointOfViewto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
While ( world.abCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) set localTransformationto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) turn forward0.25 revolutionsduration = 0 seconds
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) turn to face cameraduration = 0 seconds
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) resize 0.02duration = 0 seconds
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) set vehicleto v1duration = 0 seconds
increment world.abCNTRby 1duration = 0 seconds
While ( world.acCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) set localTransformationto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) turn forward0.25 revolutionsduration = 0 seconds
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) turn to face cameraduration = 0 seconds
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) resize 0.02duration = 0 seconds
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) set vehicleto v2duration = 0 seconds
increment world.acCNTRby 1duration = 0 seconds
While ( world.bcCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) set localTransformationto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) turn forward0.25 revolutionsduration = 0 seconds
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) turn to face cameraduration = 0 seconds
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) resize 0.02duration = 0 seconds
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) set vehicleto v3duration = 0 seconds
increment world.bcCNTRby 1duration = 0 seconds
world.abCNTRset valueto ( round 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
world.acCNTRset valueto ( round 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
world.bcCNTRset valueto ( round 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
axesset pointOfViewto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1duration = 0 seconds
cameraset pointOfViewto position: 0, 0, 0; orientation: (0, 0, 0) 1style = gentlyduration = 1 second
cameramove to world ( right = 0, up = 0, forward = 10 ) style = gentlyduration = 1 second
cameraturn to face axesduration = 0 seconds
cameraturn right0.5 revolutionsasSeenBy = axesduration = 0 seconds
Do in order
v1move to world ( ( ( ( ( ( subject = triangle's width ) *1) ) /2) ) , up = 0, forward = 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
v2move to world ( ( ( ( ( ( subject = triangle's width ) *-1) ) /2) ) , up = 0, forward = 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
v3move to world ( right = 0, ( subject = triangle's height ) , forward = 0 ) duration = 0 seconds
Do in order
v1move right1 meterduration = 0.5 seconds
v2move right2 metersduration = 0.5 seconds
v2move backward3 metersduration = 0.5 seconds
v3move right3 metersduration = 0.5 seconds
v3move forward2 meters
world.abCNTRset valueto 0duration = 0 seconds
world.acCNTRset valueto 0duration = 0 seconds
world.bcCNTRset valueto 0duration = 0 seconds
While ( world.abCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) set vehicleto worldduration = 0.01 seconds
( item world.abCNTRfrom world.abPath ) move ( ( ( v1distance to v2 ) * ( (world.abCNTR/10) ) ) ) toward target = v2duration = .01 seconds
increment world.abCNTRby 1duration = 0 seconds
While ( world.acCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) set vehicleto worldduration = 0.01 seconds
( item world.acCNTRfrom world.acPath ) move ( ( ( v2distance to v3 ) * ( (world.acCNTR/10) ) ) ) toward target = v3duration = 0.01 seconds
increment world.acCNTRby 1duration = 0.01 seconds
While ( world.bcCNTRpathMAX )
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) set vehicleto worldduration = 0.01 seconds
( item world.bcCNTRfrom world.bcPath ) move ( ( ( v3distance to v1 ) * ( (world.bcCNTR/10) ) ) ) toward target = v1duration = 0.01 seconds
increment world.bcCNTRby 1duration = 0.01 seconds
cameraturn left0.12 revolutionsasSeenBy = axesduration = 0.25 seconds
cameraturn forward0.12 revolutionsasSeenBy = axesduration = 0.25 seconds
print THE END