Grade: 8 Lesson # 5

Why is it important for consumers to get information before purchasing goods or services?

Are all consumer information sources reliable?

SS.8.FL.2.1 Explain why when deciding what to buy, consumers may choose to gather information from a variety of sources. Describe how the quality and usefulness of information provided by sources can vary greatly from source to source. Explain that, while many sources provide valuable information, other sources provide information that is deliberately misleading.

SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.

Correlated Literacy Standards:

LAFS.68.RH.1.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

LAFS.68.RH.3.8 - Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text

SS.8.FL.2.1 Explain why when deciding what to buy, consumers may choose to gather information from a variety of sources. Describe how the quality and usefulness of information provided by sources can vary greatly from source to source. Explain that, while many sources provide valuable information, other sources provide information that is deliberately misleading.

SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.


Lesson # 5

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)

SS.8.FL.2.1 SS.8.FL.2.2

Essential Question

·  Why might people gather information on a product (or service) before paying for it?

·  Is all product information reliable?

·  How can some product or service information be misleading?

·  What are some ways that consumers can better evaluate the information they find??

Learning Goals/Objectives

·  Understand the importance of getting reliable sources of product (or service) information

·  Describe and identify the variations in product information.

·  Understand the implications of valuable information and information that may be misleading.


Students will explore various ways to obtain information on products (and service) before making a purchase. Students will be able to distinguish valuable information from that which is misleading.


·  Computer with internet access

·  Handouts #1 and #2 (Included in lesson)


·  50 minutes

Activity Sequence

Introduction/Hook:Getting the Right Information.

Ask students about the importance of getting reliable information (not opinions) before they enlist a service (car repair shop) or purchase goods (flat screen TV). Allow them to share with class. Validate that reliable information can not only help them save money it can also prevent financial disasters.

1. Students will activate a text conversation (see link below) between a father and daughter before she buys a car. Have them take notes on the note-taking handout (Handout #1)

(5 minutes)

Activity #1 Whether you are buying a car, a toy - or borrowing money - READ!!!

1. Have students watch the videos and interactives below. They should take notes on the note-taking sheet (HANDOUT #1)

a) On Guard Online - making purchases online, evaluating online reviews

b)video clip on payday lending and pawnshops.

c) activate a text chat between friends about getting a payday loan.

d)play the interactive game What's in the Shopping Bag

4. After the videos and interactives, engage the class in summarizing how reliable information can impact outcomes -especially when it comes to getting a loan or making a purchase. Use a white board display the major points the students make.

(25 minutes)

Activity #2 Deceptive labeling

Students will read 2 court cases involving companies who practiced deceptive food labeling. After they read the articles, students will complete the summary table for each (Handout #2 - front and back).

(20 minutes)




Buy Here - Pay Here Text Chat

On Guard, Online Making online purchases, Evaluating online reviews

Alternative financial Services

Payday Loan Text Chat

What's in the Shopping Bag?


Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) Sues Major Companies Citing Misleading Labeling and False Advertising

What did
Vitaminwater claim?
What was the reality?
What was the resolution?
What company owns Vitaminwater?
What company makes Cheerios?
What did the company claim?
What was the reality?
What was the resolution?
