I first learned of the names of Abba (Father) and Messiah in 1995. In 2005 I wrote the article: The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Creator of the Universe--the Father and Messiah ofIsrael (A documented explanation of the real Hebrew Names and titles of our Elohim and exposing the roots of the pagan names and titles used in the Christian church, the Messianic Movement, and in Judaism/January 2005)
I finished writing the above-mentioned documented article on the Hebrew Names the third week of December 2005. I was living in Aqaba, Jordan, at the time, where I lived for eight years on the Red Sea. A friend was coming to visit me for a few days from about the 19th of December until the 29th of December. I finished the article the day before she arrived and was very excited to get it out to all on my address list before she came. But, as I prepared to send it out, Abba spoke to my spirit “Do NOT send it out”. I questioned … but He repeated Himself “DO NOT send it out!” I said my usual “Yes, Sir” but was still puzzled. I had worked months on it, and it was ready as far as I knew. But, I am an obedient servant.
On December 23rd we went to Jerusalem. December 26th, I took her to the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. We had been walking around the walls and ended up coming through the Arab Quarter through a checkpoint into the Western Wall Plaza. We sat down on the ledge to the back of the plaza. My friend then realized that she had left her souvenirs in a bag at the checkpoint. She left immediately to get it.
As she walked away, a nice-looking elderly man came up to me, white hair, lovely blue eyes, and softly said to me: “Do you know Yahweh?” Being in Jerusalem many times, I understand the “Jerusalem Syndrome” – people thinking they are Jesus, or Elijah, or Moses – whom the authorities put nicely in a special hospital. So, I did not answer him right away. But, looking at him, he didn’t appear to be crazy, so I slowly said, “Yes”. He said: “I saw you and your friend walking down the steps and the Spirit spoke to me that I had something you needed”. Roy sat down and for about 20 minutes our spirits went back and forth in fellowship with Yahuweh’s Spirit that was tremendous. He said he was ½ Jewish and ½ Welsh and had made aliyah years before. He, and a friend-- an elderly Messianic Rabbi who was in his 80s—came down to the Wall area every day very early to talk to Jews about using the real names of Elohim and His correct titles. He said Rabbi Reuben had spent many years in researching the Names, and had compiled much data. Roy had a stack of his research data in his briefcase. He pulled it out
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and told me that the Spirit of Yahweh had told him to give it to me. I put the papers in my backpack. As we neared the end of our anointing time together, my friend came back. Roy told me that Abba had sent my friend away so that we could talk. Yes, I think He did.
I had been teaching her Exodus 28 about doing intercession in the garments of the High Priest relating it to Ephesians 2:10-18. I had a love affair with the golden crown that fit over the turban of the High Priest, which read “Set-Apart to YHWH” on it.
I told Roy that I was going to take her up on the Temple Mount. He said, “oh no, please, take her to the Temple Institute”. Since, by this time, I knew Roy really heard from Abba, I told him I would take her to the Temple Institute, which I did. As I entered the area displaying pieces that had been made for the third temple of Ezekiel 40-46, and the garments of the High Priest, there in the display case was the golden altar of incense, and at its base sat, on a little platform, sat the golden crown! I was in shock with wonder. What a tremendous blessing that I should see with my own eyes the crown that the High Priest must wear to be able to intercede for His people.
We read in Zechariah 6:12-15 that Messiah will sit on His throne on the Temple Mount as both King and Priest, for He is of the House of Judah, but also of the House of Levi. (Exodus 28:36-38)
I went back to my apartment in Aqaba, Jordan, and after my friend left to return to the U.S., I looked at Rabbi Reuben’s notes in detail. I was numbed to see that everything that Reuben found in his research matched exactly what Abba’s Spirit had shown me in my research.
My friends, if you are Spirit-taught, He teaches all of His servants the same things. He takes us from Genesis to Revelation and cross references what He has said. “…no prophecy of Scripture came to be by one’s own interpretation for prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Elohim spoke, being moved upon by the Set-Apart Spirit”. “All Scripture is Elohim-breathed…” (II Peter 1:20-21; II Timothy 3:16a)
If you are man-taught, you might get 100 opinions from 100 people. Oh how foolish His people are that they run to man who learns from man and will not allow the time necessary for the Spirit of Abba to teach them personally. I am Spirit taught. (Jeremiah 17:5-9) I can be with other Spirit taught people for days and weeks, and we have no disagreements on what He has said!
Trusting in man is like leaning on a straw, when trusting Abba is leaning on “the everlasting arms”. I have walked with Him now for most of 67 years, and I know Him. I know His ways, thinking and nature. I have studied and taught His Word for way over 45 years, and I know how faithful
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He is! I have listed 66 things that the Protestant evangelical/charismatic church teaches (not even touching the pagan blasphemy of the Roman Catholic Church) that are not even in the Word at all, or not as He teaches throughout the Word. Concepts are vaguely Greek-Roman, and totally against the nature, ways and thinking of the Elohim of Israel.
I study from Genesis to Revelation on any given subject that He leads me to study. I get His full will on every subject, as He sees it by His nature, ways and thinking. I get the whole context of how He sees things. I do not search for man’s opinions or his thinking. Why waste my time. If I need confirmation on what the Spirit is showing me, He faithfully brings the confirmation from those He has taught. His ways of bringing confirmation are most exciting and unique. Why would I be so stupid to listen to humans that He has not sent to confirm His Word, when I have the mind of the Spirit to instruct me in my eternal spirit within my own body, which is a portal into the realm of the eternal? I only want His opinion. It is the only valid opinion in the universe! Why settle for a mixture of truth and error, which is in what most men teach, when you can have 100% pure Truth?
So, I incorporated Rabbi Reuben’s research throughout my article – and quoted him in almost everything he said. Then, Abba said to me: “Now, you can send it out”. Read it – you will gain much insight into His Names and titles.
Later I was wondering why I felt such an aversion in my spirit when I heard the word “Adonai”. I could not say it. So, I did research on “Adonai”. I learned that the Jews substituted the word “Adonai”, which they use for “Lord”, for His Name, purposely to hide His Name. As I suspected, “Adonai” was taken from the Phoenician “Adon” for “Lord”, a god, which the Greeks made into the god Adonis in their pantheon.
Earlier I had learned that “Lord” was a substitute for His Name, also. The word “Lord”, used 6, 823 times in the Tenak, comes from the Hebrew word “Ba’al”. If you look at a Bible that has Hebrew on one side and the English translation on the other side, you will see that when the word “Lord” is used in English, it is almost always YHWH written in Hebrew. I refuse to call my Beloved by the name of a pagan sun god whose phallus is worshipped under many symbols, from obelisks to Christmas trees, to whom child sacrifice was offered, and is still being done under “hidden rituals” by most people in the western world.
Truth demands change!Once truth is presented we must repent for our sin of ignorance and seek to know the truth, then embrace truth and live it daily, or else truth becomes our enemy and turns against us in judgment.
Elohim has had great mercy on us in our ignorance, but as Leviticus 4 tells us, sins of ignorance must also be repented of and atoned for. We suffer
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from ignorance, but we suffer more from continuing in lies and deceptions.
Exodus 3:13-15; 6:2-3,6: “And Moshe said to Elohim: `See, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them “The Elohim of your fathers has
sent me to you” and they say to me, “What is His Name?”, what shall I say to them?’ And Elohim said to Moshe: `I AM that which I AM’. And He said, `Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, “I AM has sent me to you’ ”. And Elohim said further to Moshe: `Thus you are to say to the children of Israel, “Yahuweh Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the Elohim of Yitzak, and the Elohim of Ya’cob, has sent me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance to all generations.” ’ ”
“And Elohim spoke to Moshe and said to him: `I AM Yahuweh! And I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzak, and to Ya’cob as El Shaddai. And by My Name Yahuweh (YHWH) was I not known to them?...Say to the children of Israel “I AM Yahuweh’ ”.
From a note in The ScripturesBible on Exodus 3:13: “The Hebrew text reads `eyehasher eyeh, derived from `hayah’ which means “to be, to exist…This is not His Name, but is an explanation that leads up to the revelation of His Name in verse 15, namely Yahuweh (YHWH)”.
Yahuweh in its full meaning means: “I AM the eternal ever-existing One who breathes”. Yahushua Messiah’s Name means: “Yahuweh is salvation”.
Exodus 20:7 – the Third Commandment of the Ten: “You shall not bring the Name of Yahuweh your Elohim to nothingness, for Yahuweh does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name to nothingness”.
Isaiah 42:8: “I AM Yahuweh, THAT IS MY NAME, and My esteem I will not give to another nor My praise to idols”. The English translations translate that from Greek: “I am the Lord. That is My Name”… As written, that is a lie! His Name is not “the Lord”.
Over and over and over throughout the Word He commands us to praise His Name--not His titles, not substitute names and titles – but His Name!
His Name was used among His people until the time after Solomon when the ten tribes separated and went after paganism and were scattered in 722 BCE into all nations AMONG the gentiles, and then Judah was taken into captivity for their sins to Babylon. Upon their return from Babylon, all sorts of ridiculous hocus pocus was pulled to make His Name “unutterable”. Ridiculous superstition taken from Nimrod’s paganism! Why would the children of Shem, to whom Noah said “blessed is the Elohim of Shem”, use the titles of the gods of Ham or Japeth?
His Name is to be held in the highest honor! His Name is not to be made profane or common! His Name is not to be overly used, thus cheapening it. His Name is to be used with praise and worship.
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His Name is the most powerful Name in the universe!
In Zechariah 3:2, Yahuweh uses His own Name to rebuke Satan. There is no more powerful name, so He used His own Name!
So, tell me, who is behind this ridiculous hoax of not using His Name?
Who is the one person in all the universe who suffers every time His Name is used from the mouth of a redeemed, set-apart, pure of heart lover of Yahuweh? -- It is none other than Satan! He also fears that Name more than any other name, especially in the mouth of one whom Yahuweh trusts, and backs with His authority!
He also fears the Name of the Messiah who came in His Father’s Name – Yahushua. The first three letters of the Son’s Name are YHW. “Blessed is He who comes in the Name of Yahuweh”.
Exodus 23:13: “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make NO MENTION of the name of other gods--let it not be heard from your mouth!”
To not mention His Name, but use pagan substitutes for it, is bringing His Name to nothingness, to vanity, to emptiness. It is to shame Him by not using His Name. If someone refuses to use your name, isn’t that an insult!
If they sought to honor you by using your enemy’s names and titles, wouldn’t that anger you? It angers Yahuweh! His Name is set-apart. It is not to be erased by the ludicrous excuse that you are honoring Him!
Using the name of the pagan god “God”, Gawd, or Gad, with its many perversions in different languages, along with “Lord”, is to use the name of a Canaanite God. (Joshua 11:17; 12:7; and 13:5) The name of this god,
Ba’al Gad,means: “the lord of fortune”. The name of this god permeates the charismatic Christian “word of faith” movement, whose emphasis is on getting wealth by calling on “the Lord God”.
Ba’al Gad was associated with Ba’al worship near Mt. Hermon in the north of Israel, where the book of Enoch I says the Nephilim came down in the days of Jared. It is where the tribe of Dan worshipped Ba’al, and sacrificed on their calf alter, set up by Jeroboam. In fact the ancient name of Hermon was: Ba’al Hermon.
The “J” is only 500 years old in the English language, so there was no “Jesus” before that, nor was there a “Jehovah” before that either. “Jehovah” is a messed up mess – another attempt at hiding His Name – putting the vowels for Adonai into Yahweh.
“Christ” comes from the worshippers of Serapis in Alexandria, Egypt. I suggest for the documented truth about the roots of our deceptive heritage, you read “The Foundation of Deception” and “The Hebrew Names and Titles of the Elohim of Israel”.
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In the attempt of Jewish leaders after the Babylonian captivity to date to hideHis Name out of blasphemous superstition and fear, they did all sorts of things to pervert His Name and to substitute for His Name, and to change His Name. Satan loves that!Stop using substitutes that give glory to Satan’s emissaries and ancient Nephillim.
To use Abba’s correct Name with reverence and respect is what He wills. But, to keep from making it “common” or “profane”, bringing it to overuse, I suggest that you use the Hebrew Abba (Father), or El Elyon (the Most High) or El Shaddai (the Almighty), or as the Jews at times refer to Him as “the Eternal One”. I use Abba more than any other, since He is my precious Father!
Evidently the Word of Yahuweh doesn’t think it overuses His Name--as it is in the Tenak 6,823 times. Yahushua’s Name is not overused either. But, you could use “Savior”, “Messiah” or “Beloved”, as titles for Yahushua.
His Name is not “Y’shua or Yeshua. That is a super word meaning salvation – but it is not His Name. It erases the Yah – the family Name, separating Him from His family Name – which comes very close to the spirit of anti-messiah, putting a wedge between the Father and Son’s relationship. It is by the family name that a son is known!
Yahushua was called the “Son of David”. He called Himself, “the Son of man”. He also referred to Himself as the Son of Elohim. It was for His bold declaration of His relationship with His Abba that the Jews tried to kill Him many times.
In John 17, Messiah says three times that He gave His disciples His Abba’s Name. By that time they had ceased to use His Name.
Post Babylonian captivity superstition, and the writings of the Jews outlawed the use of Abba’s Name, calling the use of it “blasphemy”. It was not that way before they went into Babylon. Their oral Talmud instructed that the only excuse the Sanhedrin could use for condemning someone to death was for “blasphemy”. That rule is still in effect in the written Talmud. Thus, because of the reaction of the High Priest, Yahushua might well have used His Abba’s Name in their interrogation of Him, for the High Priest tore his garments and called out “He has blasphemed…He is worthy of death”. They sent Him to the Roman governor for execution. (Matthew 26:63-67)
One of the modern-day “Noahide Law” categories is “You shall not blaspheme”. Today, the newly positioned Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, in upholding the Talmud,could and will condemn to death anyone using His Name. Their power for that is being set up through the Vatican, and in Israel. [Refer to: “Beware of the Noahide Laws”]
Mark 13:9 tells us that in these last days that true believers in Messiah will