Lyrics Project: Mr. Veronsky, Grade 8, Computer Applications

Objective –Students will learn how to create an attractive document for a song

Class Activities:

Using the internet, find the lyrics of a song (must not use any inappropriate language, you may use *** in place of any inappropriate language).

1. Copy and paste the lyrics into an MS Word spreadsheet

Modify as follows:

2. Select all text and center it

3. Change the page orientation to landscape

4. Change to single spacing

5. Add a line style page border.

6. Select all text and change font and font size as you wish

7. Select the title and artist and apply bold

8. Insert an appropriate clip art image in the center below the song lyrics.

9. Insert a header with: Artists Name Lyrics Date

10. Insert a footer with your name, save as Veronsky/Grade8/Lyrics{your name}


Criteria / Excellent (10) / Fair (5) / Needs Improvement(1)
Content / All lyrics are appropriate and accurate. / One or two rows are inaccurate. / Three colums or rows are inaccurate.
Centered / All text is centered / Some text is centered / Text is not centered
Page Orientation / Set to landscape / - / Not set to landscape
Spacing / Set to single space / - / Not set to single space
Border / Line style border / Not line style / No border set
Bolding / Text is bolded / Some text is bolded / No text is bolded
Clip Art / Is included, is appropriate and is located properly / Is included, but is either inappropriate or not located properly / Is Missing
Header / Included with appropriate entries / Included but is not entered properly / Is missing
Footer / Included with appropriate entries / Included but is not entered properly / Is missing
Font / Contains two or more folts / - / One font is used