Why do the Greaser's always have to be so arrogant and intolerant? The Greaser's certainly deserve their fate, in S.E Hinton's award winning book “The Outsiders.” This is because of the atrocious choices they made, their awful actions, and they lived life carelessly. The Greaser's affect the people around them because their behaviour hurt many others around them. Perhaps the main reason the Greaser's deserved their fate was because of the choices they made.

The choices that the Greaser's made were unacceptable and disturbing. They chose to attack, when it was unnecessary. For example, when Johnny killed Bob he wasn't thinking and just reacted. If he had thought about it first, his life could have ended differently. Another inappropriate decision was when the whole gang of Greaser's fought with the Socs. This was not a good decision because both groups ended up hurt in the end, so there was really no point to the rumble. A model for this is when Ponyboy gets a concussion from joining into the rumble, which clearly states, once again, a terrible choice. Also, many of them didn't persevere through their education so they ended as high-school dropouts. For example, Soda thought he was stupid, so he stopped trying in school and then decided to completely quit getting an education, which made him a high- school dropout. The actions the Greaser's made also determined their future.

The way the Greaser's acted was also absolutely horrid. They robbed stores, when unneeded and caused them to get in to deep trouble. For instance, when Dally was mad, he went to the corner store and held a gun up to the clerk's head. He should have thought through what he was going to do, before just reacting simultaneously. Also, another disgusting action the Greaser's made was when the whole group of Greaser's acted upon the rumble. They didn't have to appear, because really there was no reason to fight, but they did anyways. Also, almost every Greaser carried a weapon of some sort, that was illegal, around with them, such as heaters and knives which is clearly not an action that needed to be done. They could have thought of other ways to keep safe though. For example, Dally carried a heater on him, which he knew he wasn't supposed to be, and Johnny had a switchblade on him. The way the Greaser's didn't care about life was also a main reason they deserved their fate.

The Greaser's didn't care about life, so they hurt them self mentally and physically. They attended parties with alcohol and cigarettes, which tempted them to get drunk or smoke at young ages. An illustration of this is, when Dally is at Buck's house for a party, and in the movie it looks smoky in the house and musty. Also, a lot of the Greaser's had criminal records, which is obviously not an accomplishment. For example, Dally has committed many crimes and said himself that the fuzz know him. Lastly, the main majority of the group of Greaser's, are constantly smoking, knowing that it is harming them. This is seen when, Ponyboy is at the hospital and he pulls out a cigarette. The elder man beside him clearly says that he should stop smoking because it is not a good habit and it ruins your body. However, he kept smoking knowing full well that it was harmful.

To conclude, the group of Greaser's most certainly deserve their fate. Their way of living, wasn't very successful or enjoyable, because their choices were despicable, they lived life to the lowest, and acted ridiculous for their age. An avid reader should definitely read The Outsiders, to see for themselves why the Greaser's deserved what they got. “Soda fought for fun, Darry for pride and Two-Bit for conformity.”

Katie 8F