Dear Instructor,

If you would like to use the Academic Proctoring Center for your online course, please read the information below and submit the Instructor Participation form no later than January 19th, 2018

Why do I need to submit a participation form ahead of time?

We need some time to be able to work out the scheduling and map out how many appointments each instructor will need.

What do I do if another section is added?

Please inform the APC immediately if an additional online section is added. This is so we can create enough appointment slots for the students from your additional course section.

What is the time limit I can put on my exam?

Regular exams cannot exceed 90 minutes. Final exams cannot exceed 120 minutes.

What materials does the Academic Proctoring Center provide?
Due to test security reasons and national proctoring standards, the Academic Proctoring Center requires that students use APC provided pencils and/or pens on all paper based exams.The Academic Proctoring Center provides computers with high speed internet access for computer based exams. No outside laptops are allowed. In addition, we will provide a calculator (basic, scientific, or graphing), scratch paper, ruler, eraser, dictionary and thesaurus if these items are required by the Instructor.

Students must bring their own blue/green books and scantrons. The proctor will ask to check these items before testing.

How do I submit the exam to the APC?

Every Exam needs to be submitted to the APC no later than three working days before the scheduled exam start date per email, intercampus mail or by dropping it off in person. Even if your exam is on blackboard, we need this lead in time to check the settings of your exam and create instructions for your students to find your exam. For every exam you will need to submit a new test transmittal form.

How do DSPS students in my online course receive extended time accommodations on my exam(s)?

All students receiving DSPS services for online or on ground courses are required to schedule their exam appointments using ClockWork, found at The DSPS Student Services Coordinator determines whether or not the student will complete their exam with extended time in the Academic Proctoring Center or with a DSPS Proctor. Please contact Abrey Nydegger at 760-795-6658 with any questions.

Warm greetings from your testing team!