Why do a holiday club?

Scripture Union employs a specific ethos when it comes to working with children. We believe that all children are part of God’s kingdom and have the capacity to love and follow him. A holiday club provides the opportunity for children to hear Bible stories and engage in Christian life and teaching in a fun way. Hopefully holiday club times will be memorable times in children’s lives. Times of prayer and worship also bring the children into an experience of God in a safe and trusting community. The hallmarks of any event with young people, children and families would be a biblical foundation, time in small groups and a commitment to developing long-term relationships. Showstoppers! is no different. This all might be summarised in three points:

  • Embodying Christian lifestyle

As leaders in a holiday club situation, we act as positive role models for the children. As we live out our faith in word and deed, we reveal the hallmarks of God’s Spirit on our lives. It is essential that our lives are right with God as we take part in this event and that we live out the fruits of the spirit as we engage in all the activities.

  • Communicating Christian truth

Bible teaching is a major part of the holiday club programme. Bible stories are told and reflected upon in small group times. The ‘programme notes’ contain the Bible text of each story and children are invited to discuss the teaching during the session. Team may also talk about their own life and faith with the children in informal discussions.

  • Building positive relationships.

Holiday club times provide many opportunities for relationship building; team with team; team with children and children with each other. Very often long-lasting relationships are formed. During craft, games, refreshments and small group times children will share their lives with each other and with their leaders.

(See also the section on Child Protection issues in relation to this).

We want our holiday clubs to meet the whole child – body, mind and spirit. Working through the creative arts provides the opportunity for this and allows the children to take part in their own learning and experience of Christian life and teaching.