Checkmark those things you agree with. If there are any you do not agree with, review your answers with a successful person.

To be “successful” in life you must achieve “desired results.”

People cannot expect to be successful in life without doing the following, though some believe they can. The road is littered with the debris of those who have “hoped” for some magical solution or benefit. Just hoping is the formula for not being successful; it is the child victim role, where other powers must come and rescue the powerless child.

Successful people are self-directed, know where they are going and how to get there.[1]

Expecting to be successful without being self-directed is simply wishful hoping.


Not having a plan is plainly relying on hoping and wishing. It is hoping to get

somewhere, without a route to get there.

If you don’t know the steps to take, then you have no way of proceeding.

To achieve desired results, you must:
1. First know what those desired results are.
2. Construct a plan (map) with enough detail to get to each of the destinations.
3. Give as much time to planning as is needed.
Requirements for a plan:
A plan must be in writing.
It must contain the essential instructions for how to reach a goal.
It must contain the necessary steps to reach the goal.
It must contain the resources (including allies) needed to get you there.

I recognize that, to be very successful in life, I must be a master at planning, as this is a

key basic skill in life.

"Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success." ~
Stephen A. Brennan


Given the above:

I do not choose to plan.

It’s too much work.

My life is already spectacular.

God will handle it for me.

I commit to becoming a master at planning.

As such, I now list what will be necessary to reach this goal, with at least a starting


Signed: ______Date: ____/____/____ (Put in a notebook.)[2]

© 2005 Keith D. Garrick 1 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\TimeLevelMgmt\PlanGen\PlanWhyBother.doc

[1] At least enough to move forward. Plans often need to be adjusted as we round the next bend in the river, but we make much more progress with them even if we can’t know upfront everything that is needed to get us there.

[2] See notebooks under