Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics
Greg McFee
Room 415
Course Description
The goal of this class is to provide students with an analytical perspective on our nation’s government and political system. The course is structured to place rigorous demands on students that are equivalent to a college level class. Students will master important facts, concepts and theories relating to U. S. Government and Politics. Students will also understand the formation of our political beliefs and behaviors as well as the interaction between government institutions and processes and political groups. The main topics of study include: Constitutional Underpinnings of United States Government; Political Beliefs and Behaviors; Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media; Institutions of National Government; Public Policy; and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
Wilson, James Q. American Government: Institutions and Policies. 10th Edition. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
Supplemental Text
Students are required to purchase AP U.S. Government And Politics Crash Course by Larry Krieger. This AP Exam review is by far the best I have seen and will be beneficial to you throughout the course. It is available at Barnes and Noble and retails for approximately $12.00.
Class Rules and Procedures
The following are expectations that I have of each student and procedures that we will follow in order to create an environment that will enable all students to succeed in this class.
1. Attendance: No student may miss more than 5 days of class per semester. Both excused and unexcused absences will count towards the 5 day limit. If more than 5 days are missed, students must make up the absences. If excessive absences are not made up, a grade of U will be given and no credit will be earned for the course.
2. Make-Up Work: After an absence, the student is responsible for getting all assignments that were missed. Upon returning to class the student should see the teacher to get the missed assignments. Students will have until the end of the grading period to turn in missed assignments.
3. Expectations: 1. Follow all school rules.
2. Respect others and their property.
3. Take responsibility for your actions (i.e., be on time, bring materials to class, make up work when you are absent).
4. Do not speak when the teacher or other students are speaking.
5. No food is permitted in this classroom. Water or other beverages are permitted as long as they are in a secure container.
6. Have a positive attitude and always try your best.
4. Consequences: If necessary the following steps will be taken to resolve problems in class:
1st Offense: Warning.
2nd Offense: 25 minute detention (7:35-8:00 or 3:05-3:30) and parent contact.
3rd Offense: Referral to administrator.
Severe Disruption: automatic referral to administrator.
5. Cheating: Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student suspected of cheating will be required to complete
an alternate assignment. Any student who is caught cheating will receive a grade of 0 on the
assignment, parents will be contacted, and a discipline referral will be turned in. The minimum
punishment will be ISS, maximum punishment will be OSS.
6. Tardiness: Any student who enters the classroom after the tardy bell has rung will be considered tardy. The consequences for tardiness are listed below:
1st Tardy: Warning.
2nd Tardy: 25 minute detention (7:35-8:00 or 3:05-3:30) and parent contact.
3rd Tardy: Counts as absence from class. Referral to administrator.
7. Bathroom Passes: Please try to stop by the bathroom/water fountain on your way to class. If you need to be excused during class that is okay but if you abuse the privilege I will take it away.
8. Grading: Grades will be taken on notebooks, quizzes, class projects and tests.
Nine weeks grades will be determined based on the following weighted percentages:
Notebook 25%
Quizzes 25%
Projects 10%
Tests (Multiple Choice and Free Response) 40%
Final Grade 100%
Letter grades range as follows:
A: 93-100
B: 85-92
C: 77-84
D: 70-76
F: 0-69
The final grade for the course is determined based on the following weighted percentages:
1st Nine Weeks Grade 37.5%
2nd Nine Weeks Grade 37.5%
Final Exam 25%
Final Grade 100%
While all students are required to take the AP Exam, that grade will not be used as the final exam grade. A teacher made final exam will be given at the end of the semester.
9. Progress Reports: To keep the student and parents informed of progress in class, a progress report will be prepared by the teacher and sent home to the parent via the student every three weeks. This report will give the student’s average and number of absences from class at that point in the grading period and, after being signed by the parent, will be taken up for a grade. Any time you feel you need to discuss student progress with me please contact me at school
(645-4221) or send me an e-mail at .
10. Materials Needed: Each student needs to have a pen or pencil every day. You will also need a three-ring notebook with loose-leaf paper.
If I can ever be of assistance to you please let me know. If you are having trouble with class please talk to me so that I can help you to do your best. That is what I am here for. Please take this home for your parents to read and have them sign the attached sheet. If returned within 1 week you will receive a 100 for a quiz grade. If not returned you will receive a 0.
I have read and fully understand the Class Expectations and Procedures for Mr. McFee’s Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics class.
Student Signature:______Date:______
Parent Signature:______Date:______
Parents, if you have an e-mail account that I could use to contact you please list your address below.
Parent e-mail address: ______
Parent e-mail address: ______