Q & A
St. Maximillian
Faith Formation
Why are classes moving from Sunday mornings to Wednesday evenings?
Wednesday evenings provide a great opportunity to offer classes for Kindergarten-10th grade all in one night. We will be starting a parent/adult series lead by Father Nathan during class time as well. We also want to allow Sunday as a day of rest for both our students and catechists.
How do I register?
Complete registration form and return to St. Maximilian parish. Registration forms also available online at delanocatholic.com.
What is the Deadline to Register?
We ask that you enroll your child by September 20th, 2015. A $25 late fee will be assessed for registrations after the deadline.
What curriculum will be used for K-6th Grade?
We be using the beautiful Faith and Life Series curriculum for K-6 as our main text and activity book. However we will have multiple supplements to it to provide a more hands on experience.
What curriculum will be used for 7th-8th Grade?
We will be using the YouCat. The YouCat is a youth catechism given to us by the Vatican. It is set up in an accessiblequestion/answer format with lots of great sidebars to engage the youth.
What curriculum will be used for 9th & 10th Grade Confirmation?
Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation is a powerful, life-changing experience for teens as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation. This remarkable new program takes young people on a journey through the entire Catholic Faith in all its richness and vitality. The goal is nothing short of winning over the hearts of teens at a critical time in their lives and keeping them in the Church.
In addition we’ll be using Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed addresses head-on one of the biggest problems we all face: How do we get Catholic teens to appreciate the awesome beauty and mystery of the Mass…and look forward to attending and participating? Through a unique learning experience, including powerful cinematography and workbook resources, teens will come to see the Mass and the priesthood in a dramatically new way.
I’m an adult interested in learning more about my faith, are there any opportunities this year for me to learn?
As mentioned above there will be an opportunity most Wednesday with Father Nathan, and there will be more to come about as the year processes, so stay tuned!
I’m interested in being a Catechist, I have questions about the program, Who do I contact?
Please contact Jim Lang or Michelle Davis in the parish office.