Whorlton Village Community Association

Minutes of Committee Meeting on Wednesday 17thJanuary 2016, 7.30pm

Prepared by / Mary Stastny
Distribution of Minutes / E – mail and hard copy to Kath Tallentyre
Attending – Committee members / Mary Stastny(in the chair), Linda Alderson, George Stastny, Ann Foster, Rod Dawson.
Agenda Item / Person
1. Apologies - Peter Bigge, Michele Bigge, Kath Tallentyre
2. Minutes of last meeting were agreed
3. Matters arising: Mary Stastny contacted Iris Hillary regarding the inclusion of Whorlton into their 40s event and she was going to put it to their committee but MS has not heard back from her.
4. Stage Lights - MS received from Bob Blyth who installed our lighting system asking us to pay for the 4no lights which are on loan and offering to install more lights of better quality than are there on the stage. He will also overhaul the system and show Rob Dawson how to operate the lighting in the hall. The price for all this would be £1000. Given that a new prelude stage light costs £250 without all its essential accessories it was thought that £1000 was a good price and the committee agreed to accept Bob Blyth’s offer. AF and LA said they would like more events organised which use the stage. Rod Dawson offered to try and get a grant towards the lights. / MS
5 Newsletter
Mary will include notice about AGM / MS
6 Finances -
Funds are healthy
7. Playground update and graveyard extension
GS told the meeting that he had been contacted by the chairman of Danshell, who own the land in question and had received assurance that the sale of the land to Whorlton PC will be completed in the next few weeks. GS told the meeting that W&WPC have lots of legal expenses as a result of this acquisition of land and so they will be looking for funding and grants and donations to help cover the cost of installing the playground. LA said the playground should have a picnic area and RD said it must have a bench for the parents and grandparents who are with the children. MS asked the committee if they would consider making a contribution to the play equipment. A decision will be made when the land has been acquired. / GS
8. AOB LA reported that she had found some keys missing but most of them had turned up at Whorlton Hall after they had borrowed it and one of the users had removed the keys. RD suggested we get a key safe with originals of all necessary keys kept in there.
LA has bought a steam cleaner for the floor to help her and Kath keep the place clean.
9. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 22nd March 7.30

Forthcoming events and dates:

  • AGM Wed 13th April at 7pm.
  • Open Gardens Preview – Saturday 11th June 5 pm
  • Open Gardens Day – Sunday 12th June, 2pm- 5pm

The Queen’s Birthday. Date not yet fixed– to be discussed next time