
Board of Assessment Appeals

Saturday, March 5, 2005

Present: Kristan Higgins, John Szewczyk, Jr.

Absent:Joyce Tubby

The Board of Assessment Appeals heard from the following property owners:

William Spitzmacher, 101 Cream Pot Road. Mr. Spitzmacher came in to question a change in his assessment from 2003. It was indicated by the assistant assessor that two features that were listed as incomplete in 2003 were thought to be finished. Mr. Spitzmacher said this was not the case. The Board of Assessment Appeals plans a site visit at a date yet to be determined.

Kathleen Croteau, 504 Powder Hill Road. Ms. Croteau asked that the square footage on her card be adjusted to reflect a two-story foyer and not a fourth bedroom. She also questioned why her house received an A grade when other, similar houses in the neighborhood, built by the same builder, had an A- grade. The board will question the assessor. A site visit may be necessary.

Philip Augur, 17R Tri-Mountain Road. Mr. Augur’s appointment from Friday night was rescheduled for Saturday morning. Mr. Augur failed to file an Open Spaces application following the death of his father. He stated his intention to keep the land unbuilt for light farming. He has already filled out an Open Spaces application for next year and filed it with the assistant assessor.

Gloria Bellacicco, 9 Washington Trail. Ms. Bellacicco stated that her lawn and cellar have been flooding since her road was repaved this summer, causing excessive flooding that is not controlled by a curtain drain and sump pump. She detailed damage to her lawn, cellar and driveway as a result. She claims the water comes from an underground river that flows beneath her house, run-off from the road and run-off from a neighbor’s yard, which was raised ten feet. In addition, the excess water has caused a utility pole to shift. She feels her house is endangered by this shift. Northeast Utilities was, according to Ms. Bellacicco, supposed to have replaced the pole last month but has failed to so as of this date.

Final deliberations and decisions will be made on March 15, 2005, 1 p.m., in the first level meeting room of the Durham Public Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristan Higgins
