Wholesale Customer Frequently Asked Questions (3.11.16)

1.  Is WRAP program is optional for the communities who buy water from the GLWA?

Yes, WRAP is optional for communities who are customers of GLWA.

2.  How much time (resources) will be required from the utility biller? What is needed from the utility’s point of contact? Who is the best person in our community to assign as a WRAP contact?

Utility will need to designate a main point of contact for the Alliance agency that will be responsible for information, including, but not limited to: confirming payment history, verifying enrollment in other payment plans, alerts, and reporting on enrolled WRAP clients’ payment status on-going basis. The main point of contact should be available to field questions in the cases of special resident circumstances or questions that may present. The main point of contact will ideally

3.  What information will be needed from the utility to assist the resident?

WRAP resident will be required to bring in most recent bill at time of intake.

Bill should indicate past due/arrearage amount, monthly payment, water and sewer break out as applicable, and water usage.

If utility has a web-based portal to access customer history, it would be beneficial to provide access to Alliance representatives. Applicable sharing agreements and protocol would be formalized.

4.  What evidence will the utility have that a resident has taken action by contacting WRAP?

Utility will receive monthly (at minimum) notification of new and current WRAP resident enrollees. This will be accessed via the secure web portal with information sharing between utility and Alliance agency. Reporting frequency will be determined between WRAP and the utility.

Utility will be notified in writing within 7 days additionally should a WRAP client be exited from program due to two missed payments.

5.  Will payments be made from WRAP directly to the utility?

Payments will be made directly from the WRAP agency to the utility’s specified billing address. First WRAP client assistance commitment of $25 will be an individual payment, noting resident name, address, account number as applicable. Subsequent payments will be batched representing current WRAP clients in good standing in the program for the appropriate billing cycle (payment plan and arrearages.)

6.  How long from the time a resident contacts WRAP until the utility receives the first payment?

The first $25 credit will be paid within 7-14 business days after client enrolls. On-going payments will be aligned to billing cycle of WRAP client. Once confirmation is received that the WRAP client was current on previous bill, batched payment will be processed with 7-14 business days.

7.  How will WRAP know if a resident misses a regular monthly/quarterly payment?

WRAP will provide on-going list of new and current WRAP clients enrolled.

WRAP will rely on utility to confirm previous payment status of WRAP client based on payment cycle of resident (i.e. monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly) confirmation.

8.  What rules apply to the utility if a resident participates in the WRAP program (i.e. shut-offs, certifications, turn-on if water already off)?

WRAP is requesting that utilities work with Alliance agencies in regard to these matters.

Arrearages: As part of the universal delivery model, arrearages would be frozen. Utility would receive notice resident has enrolled in WRAP for the bill plan assistance ($300 annually) and is eligible for up to $700 paid in two 50% installments at 6 months and 12 months if WRAP resident maintains consistent monthly payments.

Pending shut-off or water disconnected: WRAP would provide enrollment verification letter to client. WRAP client would be responsible for contacting utility directly for water restoration and would be responsible for any related turn-off/turn-on fees.

Alliance agencies are available to meet with individual utilities on a one-on-one basis to discuss.

9.  Will our IT department need to be involved to establish the secure portal? What is required?

The secure WRAP portal will be housed on www.waynemetro/wrap.

Utility main points of contact will be provided instructions for accessing upon confirmation of community opt-in.

All portal maintenance and IT requirements will be fulfilled by Wayne Metro CAA.

10.  Is the 120% above average use determined by WRAP? Yes, the above average use is determined by WRAP, using the following chart:



One 3CCF 4ccf


Three 9CCF 11CCF

Four 12 CCF 14 CCF

Five 15 CCF 18 CCF

Six 18CCF 21 CCF

Seven 21 CCF 25 CCF

Eight 24 CCF 29 CCF

Nine 27 CCF 32 CCF

Ten 30 CCF 36 CCF

Eleven 33 CCF 40 CCF

Twelve 36 CCF 43 CCF

Thirteen 39 CCF 47 CCF

Fourteen 42 CCF 50 CCF

Fifteen 45 CCF 54 CCF

11.  How often is the utility notified of WRAP participants (i.e. as approved, as removed, weekly, monthly)?

Utilities will be notified of WRAP residents enrolled on a weekly to monthly basis. Regularity of notification will be determined between WRAP and wholesale customer.

12.  What is the definition of an Account Holder?

Account Holder is the homeowner or rental tenant responsible for water payment. The Account Holder must be present to enroll in the WRAP Program.

If a homeowner, name and/or address on Water Account will be verified by other documentation (i.e. I.D., mortgage, deed, etc.)

If a rental tenant, current lease will be required to verify that tenant is responsible for water bill. Name and/or address on Water Account will be verified by other documentation (i.e. I.D., lease, etc.)

13.  How will literature be distributed to residents?

WRAP information, including resident FAQs, flyers, videos, can be accessed at http://www.waynemetro.org/wrap.

Resident information about WRAP will also be provided to participating wholesale communities for distribution to their customers, including flyer, insert slips for mailings, etc.

Alliance agencies will also distribute WRAP literature and resource links through their extensive networks via social media, outreach presentations, and print distribution.

14.  Can you provide additional information regarding the March 17thmeeting?

Additional WRAP presentation will be given at the scheduled March 17, 2016 meeting of TAC/ Steering Committee Meeting.

Meeting location: Wyndham Garden Conference Center – 34911 Van Dyke Ave., Sterling Heights MI 48312.

Meeting time: 12:30-2:30 p.m.

15.  How do we contact WRAP?

Preferred communication to best direct questions to appropriate WRAP representatives is via email .

16.  We have completed the survey, now what can we expect?

Meetings to discuss summary expectations for participation in WRAP will be scheduled with Wholesale customers that completed the survey and indicated their preference to opt-in in order to finalize process workflows and discuss any challenges that may present to fully opting in. A Memorandum of Agreement outlining summary expectations of WRAP and Wholesale customers will be executed.

A WRAP Participation Webinar is scheduled for Monday, March 7, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

This webcast will provide step-by-step how to for GLWA Wholesale Customer Communities on the requirements for participating in the program, provide roles and responsibilities, set expectations for communications.

Wholesale Community Roundtables will be hosted in March in communities to provide further opportunity to discuss requirement and receive feedback from Wholesale customers. Registration links will be sent out.

17.  When does WRAP formally start? My board will need to approve before we opt-in. Can the March 8 deadline be extended?

WRAP formally starts March 1, 2016. Wholesale Customer communities that opt-in and have finalized MOA will be listed on the WRAP website under “Participating Communities.” At that time, residents may call (313) 388-WRAP to be screened for an appointment. WRAP will work with Wholesale Customers who may need an extension to opt-in and onboard them into WRAP at the appropriate time. Given resident interest that has been generated, it our goal to have firm opt in agreements by March 31 at latest.

18.  Did email notification go directly to NOCWA, YCUA, and SOCWA 2nd tier customers? Do 2nd tier customers need to opt-in?

Yes, email notification includes 2nd tier customers. 2nd Tier customers may opt-in but individual communities within the 2nd tier will need to opt-in as well as WRAP communication regarding residents enrolled will need to be handled directly with each community.

19.  What happens if we opt-in but decide it is too much work and want out?

To avoid disruption and confusion to residential customers, firm commitments are expected when opting into WRAP. A 30 day termination notice clause will be included in the MOA. Upon receipt of notice of termination of enrollments into WRAP will immediately halt; however, residents enrolled prior to notice will be expected to continue in the WRAP assistance program until the first 12 months of enrollment is completed.

20.  Will we have to settle with what we get from WRAP for arrearages?

It is the expectation for the Universal Delivery Model of the program that the arrearages of residents who enroll into the program will be frozen at time of enrollment. A resident who remains current on water bills will receive $300 annually in ongoing bill credits applied per billing cycle. A resident who also enters into WRAP with arrearage/past due amount is eligible for up to $700 annually, paid at 6 months (50%) and 12 months (2nd 50%). Alliance agencies may also apply additional arrearage assistance up to an additional $700 using other funding sources for residents who meet the eligibility requirements of the funding source. This additional assistance is based on availability of funds.

21.  Is WRAP available for property owners? Would residents in manufactured home communities be allowed to utilize this program if they are a customer of the manufactured home community and not the township, even though water is supplied by the township?

WRAP is intended to assist residents who have direct responsibility for water bill payment as documented and verified through homeownership (i.e. mortgage, deed, etc.) or lease agreement. Private property owners are not eligible to apply.

22.  What portion does our community pay into the WRAP Program? How much do we get from WRAP?

The following WRAP assistance funding distributions by County based on 2015-2016 GLWA Budgeted Revenue Allocations are listed below. Individual community assistance will be dependent upon eligible residents enrolled into WRAP.

DETROIT / $1,238,736.29 / $288,022.46
OUT-WAYNE / $748,629.22 / $174,066.13
OAKLAND / $740,154.59 / $172,095.67
MACOMB / $379,764.03 / $88,300.13
GENESEE / $63,836.88 / $14,842.91
WASHTENAW / $35,418.83 / $8,235.34
LAPEER / $3,050.69 / $709.33
MONROE / $5,092.76 / $1,184.13
ST. CLAIR / $10,080.34 / $2,343.81
TOTAL / $3,224,764 / $749,800.00

23.  Questions have come in regarding meters. New AMRS are not installed as part of the Home Water Conservation measures provided by WRAP. Some municipalities have requested that WRAP make it a requirement of residents that new meters are installed as part of receiving Home Water Conservation assistance. This is at the discretion of the municipality opting in if they would like to make it a requirement.

24.  If garbage is a part of water service, would WRAP simply deduct the garbage portion of the bill? Yes, garbage portion will be deducted from the bill to determine amount applicable to WRAP program assistance.

25.  If residents have paid off a bankruptcy account, are we able to assist with future bills?Yes

26.  Would a landlord be able to attest a renter receiving assistance at their property? Provisions related to who (i.e. tenant to be eligible for WRAP) is responsible for paying utilities should be clearly stated in a lease agreement. No other form of attestment can be accepted.

27.  Question received regarding municipalities that may not be willing to freeze accounts that have a balance past $1,000 indicating that past-due notices/shutoffs will still be sent to the residents, even if they are in WRAP. What are opt-in possibilities?

Wholesale customer could solely opt-in for WRAP for their residents to be enrolled in bill payment plan assistance going forward (i.e. $300 annually based on resident staying current on billings per cycle.)

It is possible that Wholesale Customers in this situation could consider opting in to the arrearage assistance portion of WRAP for their residents (i.e. $700 per year). Residents would need to be advised of making initial balance of payment to not exceed $700 balance in arrearages. CA Alliance is able to have one-on-one discussions with Wholesale Customers regarding their ability to freeze arrearage to determine the most feasible opt in plan for WRAP.

However, if a Wholesale Community is not willing to stop shut-offs for residents in the WRAP program, opting into WRAP is not advised.

28.  If a customer only has one GLWA service, do they need to keep their entire bill current, or only the one service? For example, a customer may have GLWA sewer and community well water. Their total bill is $75 per month, of which $50 is sewer and $25 is water. If WRAP pays $25, it will be difficult for us to apply it only to the sewer.

If resident is receiving a combined bill for water and sewer from their local unit, then they need to be current on the whole bill. Given the combined bill scenario we will leave it up to the local unit to apply the $25 to the proper portion of the bill. If the customer receives separate bills for water and sewer service then they would only need to stay current on the bill for which GLWA provides service.

29.  Will the City of Livonia customers be eligible for help with the sewer portion of their bills, since the GLWA charge is the largest component of their charge? Seems like the situation is similar to the 2ndtier customers of NOCWA, YCUA and SOCWA, who are allowed to participate.

Yes, Livonia customers are eligible for WRAP assistance toward total bill (water and sewer).

GLWA Second Tier customers and the communities that fall within for water and/or sewer are included in WRAP.

We can provide similar confirmation for other communities that may inquire.