La Pirámide Nutritiva:

Students are to create a poster illustrating the Food Guide Pyramid. You must label the different categories in Spanish and draw and/or print/cut out pictures of each item. The pyramid must be neat & colorful. Use the following pyramid as your guide. Label the categories in Spanish. Then, be sure to include ALL the vocabulary items from below, in Spanish, accompanied with a picture.



sweets, sugar

milk, meats,

yogurt, poultry,

cheese fish

vegetables fruit

whole grains, cereals, rice, pasta, bread


WORDS TO INCLUDE ON PYRAMID (accompanied by picture): ¡OJO! The words must be in Spanish along with their definite article (el, la, los, las).

-cereal -eggs -bread -banana -sausage

-bacon -yogurt -strawberries -cookies -ham

-apple -orange -French fries -cheese -water

-milk -beefsteak -meat -chicken -fish

-onion -peas -green beans -lettuce -tomatoes

-grapes -carrots -rice -grains -spaghetti

-fats -butter -ice cream -pastries -hot dog

How you will be graded:

- accuracy of category names;

- accuracy of food vocabulary names;

- neatness/colorfulness/creativity

= Total 50 points!

(Superior = 50 points; Basic = 40-45 points; Minimal = 35 points; Inadequate = <30 points)

Note: This will count as an Alternate Assessment Grade (see general Project Rubric for full description).