Report 2

Whole-Body Vibration Health Effects

Due: Monday, October before start of chat session – load into D2L Dropbox

Open the link for the NIOSH publication of the proceedings of the 2nd American Conference on Human Vibration (ACHV). The ACHV meets every two years, bringing together leading experts from around the world for the topic of humans and vibration. Authors prepare two-page abstracts which are selected and peer-reviewed by the ACHV scientific committee. Once accepted, the authors are invited to give a 15-minute presentation detailing the abstract.

Your assignment is:

1. Based primarily on the abstracts presented in Sessions I, VIII, and IX, explain how vibration may cause injury. In your brief report, state your assumptions, references (abstracts and others) used, and conclusions.

2. While perusing the proceedings, did any other abstract catch your attention? Why? (1/2 page approximately)

I. Introduction

Types of WBV injuries

II. Discussion

Mechanism of WBV injury (how vibration harms human body tissue)

Mode of transmission in body

Other factors exacerbating WBV injury

Epidemiological support of WBV injuries

III. Conclusion regarding WBV injury

IV. Other WBV topic of interest from the proceedings.

Report 2: WBV

Grading matrix

Poor / Minimum / Fair / Good / Excellent
WBV injury / Absent / Mentions WBV injuries / Briefly describes some types of injuries / Describes most types of WBV injuries, 1 external peer-reviewed reference / Concise, informative, pertinent, 2 or more external peer-reviewed references
How WBV damages tissue / Absent / Present, but minimal / Details at least one mechanism / Details at least two mechanisms / Presents clear, concise understanding
Transmission of WBV in the human body / Absent / Present, but minimal / Briefly describes / Explains well, discusses modeling / Presents clear, concise understanding
Exacerbating factors in injury causation / Absent / Present, but minimal / Descriptive / Discuss several briefly, relates to WBV / Presents clear, concise understanding
Epidemiological findings / Absent / Present, but minimal / Brief description / Compelling argument for or against WBV relation to injury / Presents clear, concise understanding
Conclusion / Absent / Present, but minimal / Descriptive / Detailed, yet concise, ties previous findings together well / Well written
Additional WBV topic of interest / Absent / Present, but minimal / Briefly interprets into plain language / Demonstrate understanding / Ties in with actual example chosen by student
Grammar, spelling, punctuation / >15 errors / 10 to 15 errors / Few errors / Very few or no errors
Overall appearance:
Instructor perception / unreadable / Poor / Information present, but not well organized / Organized with some graphics / Well written, organized, excellent graphics