By Rod

This sketch is based on ‘The Rich Young Ruler’ [Matthew 19 vv 16-23, Mark 10 vv 17-23, Luke 18 vv 18-24] and is a parody of the TV quiz show ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’. As much authenticity to the real show should be achieved.


Chris Tarrantthe quiz host

Richie King/ Iona Fortunethe rich young ruler and the contestant

Jesusnot seen on stage but the ‘phone a friend’

The music from ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ is played. Chris and Richie are standing side by side behind the set of two stools each with a console facing them.

CHRISGood evening and welcome to this special edition of ‘Who wants to be a millionaire’. We have with us Richie King from Perea, which is just across the Jordan River. Now Richie is already a millionaire so he is a very rich young man indeed. But he’s about to face his final question; the question which could earn him riches beyond even his wildest dreams.

Well, Richie are you ready?

RICHIEI am indeed. I am keen to see the question.

COkay. In that case let’s play ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire’. [They move forward to take their seats] Let’s waste no more time and have a look at that final crucial question.

[Computer graphic appears up on screen. Chris reads as if from the screen in front of him.]

“What must I do to inherit eternal life”? [Looks at Richie who has a wry smile on his face] What does that look mean?

RIt’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot.

CDoes that mean you know the answer?

RI’m afraid not. In fact it’s quite the reverse.

CWell let’s see the four possible answers anyway.[Computer grahic reveals the four answers. Again Chris appears to read from the screen in front of him] Is it: A Live a good life

BAttend synagogue regularly

CKeep the commandments

OrDSell everything I have.

[Looking at Richie] What are you thinking?

RI’m thinking that I really don’t know the answer. I’m pretty sure it’s not D but the other three are all possible. I’ve been exploring them since I was a boy.

CYou’ve still got one of your lifelines left. You could `phone a friend.

RYes, Chris, I’ll do that.

CWho do you want to `phone?


CWhat does he do?

RHe used to be carpenter but now he’s a teacher.

CIs he a good teacher?

RYes, he’s very good. He’s got an excellent reputation.

CSo you think he’ll know the answer?

RI hope so.

CLet’s see. [Sound of telephone ringing and then being picked up]


CHello, is that Jesus?


CGood, it’s Chris Tarrant from ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’.

JI thought it might be. Hello, Chris.

C[A little surprised] Oh, right. [Recovering] I’ve got Richie King here and he’s stuck on a question. He is hoping you can help him.

JI’ll do all I can.

CExcellent. The next voice you will hear will be Richie’s and you will have 30 seconds to give him your answer. Your time starts now.

RHello, Jesus, the question is this: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Is it: A Live a good life

BAttend synagogue regularly

CKeep the commandments

OrDSell everything I have.

JIn your case, Richie, the answer is clear.

RWhat’s that?

JIt’s D. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven.

RAre you sure?


ROkay, thanks.

CWell he’s the kind of friend you need. He certainly seemed to know what he was talking about.

RYes, he did seem pretty sure of himself.

CWell, are you going to take his advice? Are you going to follow Jesus?

RI can’t, Chris, the cost is too high.

CAs you know, Richie, I can’t help you. It’s your call. It’s up to you. But take all the time you need.

R[Suddenly deciding] I’ll keep my money, Chris.

CIs that your final answer?

RFinal answer.

CSo, your money is more important to you than treasure in heaven?

RYes, Chris, I’m sad to say it is.

CSo you’re not going to follow Jesus?

RNo, Chris, I want to keep my money.

CFinal answer?

RFinal answer. [Chris and Richie freeze. The voice of Jesus speaks out….]

JHow hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.