Each year East Tennessee State University selects outstanding student leaders to represent the university in the publication WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS® IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES. Juniors, seniors, and graduate students are eligible. Students who have already received this honor and students in professional schools are not eligible.

An academic average of 2.8 cumulative GPA or better is a prerequisite, and to receive serious consideration the student must have made significant contributions to at least two of the following categories:

  • Community service
  • Campus organizational life
  • Drama, speech, music, fine arts
  • Campus governance
  • Athletics
  • Publications

Please designate the years in which you were involved in the activity and/or held a leadership position with the organization, i.e. 2013-14 or 2016-present. Please do not include any of the following: (1) activities at another university or 2) ETSU activity which involves academic credit. (Elected or appointed leadership positions offering a “scholarship” may be listed.)

The information on the WHO’S WHO application form, the results of a personal interview, and one letter of recommendation from a faculty or staff member who is familiar with your activities at ETSU will be used by the WHO’S WHO Selection Committee to determine successful applicants. Candidates are evaluated in scholarship achievement, breadth and quality of involvement in campus activities and personal presentation.

Eligible candidates must be available to interview on the date and time specified by the WHO’S WHO Selection Committee. Interviews for selected qualified candidates will be scheduled shortly after the application deadline. Requests for an alternate interview date or time will only be considered prior to the scheduled interview. The committee will select only the top finalists for interview. After completion of the interviews and confirmation from WHO’S WHO, an email will be sent to each individual.

Please note that the attached application must be completed. Attached résumés will not be considered. Incomplete or illegible applications may be excluded from consideration. The letter of recommendation should be attached to the back of the application. Application will not be accepted without the letter of recommendation attached. For proper consideration, letters of recommendation should not be written by friends or family members.

Please return this application to the SORC, Suite A (1st Floor Culp Center) as soon as you can but no later than 4p.m. on Friday, November 11, 2016.




BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION:(Please type or write legibly)

(Mr.) (Ms.) ______Student E#______


Major Jr., Sr., or Grad. Student Anticipated Graduation Date Last semester enrolled in which grades were recorded


Local Address Local Phone ETSU P.O. Box


Home AddressE-mail Address

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Off-campus activity/service with churches, civic groups, etc.

Organizations/Positions Start date End date




ORGANIZATIONS: Membership and elected offices held (any office/s to which appointed should be so designated)

Campus Governance:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date

(including SGA/University Committees)





Fraternities or Sororities:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilities Start date End date




Other Campus Organizations/Activities:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date(departmental clubs, councils, student

work position, i.e. residence advisor)





Honor Societies:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date______




DRAMA, SPEECH, FINE ARTS:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date______






SportElected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date Intercollegiate:(Including cheerleading)






PUBLICATIONS:Elected offices, roles, or responsibilitiesStart date End date

(East Tennessean, The Mockingbird, etc.)



Other notations, additional organizations, or comments may be listed on the back of this application. Please staple letters of recommendation to back of this application.

I understand my signature gives permission to the Division of Student Affairs to release academic information to the WHO’S WHO Selection Committee regarding my cumulative GPA and status as a currently enrolled and continuing student at EastTennesseeStateUniversity. I understand if I am selected to receive this honor my name, class level and major will be included in press releases, as well as my name and address provided to WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS in AmericanUniversities and Colleges.

All of the information contained within this application is correct.

