Poetry Questions

Here are several questions you may want to consider when trying to analyze a poem.

* Who is the speaker? What do we know about his/her character?

* Is the poem addressed to a particular individual? Why?

* What seems to be the basic setting or event?

* What seems to be the central theme? Is it stated directly or indirectly?

* What is the point of view?

* What is the time? past? present? future? combination?

* What is some of the figurative language: allegory, comparison, hyperbole, metaphor...

* What is the structure of the poem? Can it be broken into distinct movements?

* What can you observe about the sounds and meter of the poem?

* What is your gut response to a first reading? to a 2nd reading? Differences?

Vocabulaire Critique

Here is a list of helpful vocabulary items for expanding your ability to write about poetry and literature critically. You should also refer to the section on course-related items of interest.


balanced - équilibré

evocative -&eacutevocateur

forceful - vigoureux, &eacutenergique

inspired - inspiré

lively, spirited - animé

lyrical - lyrique

pleasant - agréable

economical - sobre

stirring - prenant

striking - frappant


affected - précieux

bombastic - affecté

coarse - vulgaire

flat, colorless, insipid - plat, insipide

high-flown - ampoulé

inflated - boursouflé

involved - compliqué

overdone - chargé

ponderous - lourd

prosaic, pedestrian - prosaique

slipshod - négligé

tedious - ennuyeux

wordy, verbose - verbeux


above (as in "quoted above") - ci-dessus, déja cité

contrary to, unlike - à la différence de

figuratively - au sens figuré

in line -- au vers

in a literal sense, literally - au sens propre

throughout - tout au long de

provoke interest - susciter l'intérêt

to be based on - être fondé sur

be concerned with - s'intéresser à

to draw a distinction between - faire la distinction entre

make a comparison with - établir une comparaison entre

to make specific - préciser

to read into - mettre dans une phrase ce qui n'y est pas

to what degree - dans quelle mesure

with respect to - à l'égard de


achievement - accomplissement

antithesis - antithèse

character - caractère (personality)

character - personnage

climax - point culminant

content - fond

form and content - forme et fond

device - procédé


effect - effet

emphasis - accent, force

excerpt - extrait

flashback - retour en arrière

framework - cadre

handling of a subject - traîtement

incisiveness - netteté

insight - pénétration

meaning - signification, sens

mood - état d'âme

narrative - récit

outline - schéma, plan

plot - intrigue

process - processus

rhyme scheme - agencement; disposition des rimes

setting - décor, cadre

shade of meaning - nuance


accentuate - mettre l'accent sur

achieve - réaliser (not achever)

consist of - se composer de

convey - communiquer

devote to - consacrer à

draw a conclusion - tirer une conclusion

emerge - se dégager de

highlight - mettre en relief

imply - faire supposer que


ambiguous - équivoque, ambigu

basic - fondamental

biting - mordant

clumsy - gauche, maladroit

colorful - pittoresque

deep-seated - foncier

emotional - affectif (not émotionnel)

entertaining - divertissant, amusant

evocative - évocateur, - trice

exciting - passionnant, émouvant

far-fetched - tiré par les cheveux

gripping, thrilling - saisissant

humorous - humoristique

involved (style) - embrouillé, compliqué

irrelevant - sans rapport avec le sujet, hors de propos

lively - animé, mouvementé, vivant

meaningful - significatif

perfect - achevé

sloppy - négligé

trite - banal

witty - spirituel

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