NOVEMBER 6–7, 2010
Theme of today’s Readings: In response to an attempt to ridicule his teaching about life after death, Jesus again proclaims a resurrection of the dead, that life is indeed stronger than death itself. This is our eternal consolation and hope. Then will our joy be truly complete.
SundayCCD (Sunday School Pre K thru 8)...... 9:30 A.M. (Convent)
BIBLE STUDY (Grades 9-12)...... 9:30 A.M. (Upper Meeting Room)
WELCOME COMMITTEE...... 9:30 A.M. (Deacon Thompson Room)
TuesdayPRAYER GROUP...... 9:30 A.M. (Chapel)
LEGION OF MARY...... 11:00 A.M. (Upper Meeting Room)
SENIORS ON THE MOVE...... 12:00 P.M. (Church Hall)
LITURGICAL DANCERS (Youth)...... 6:30 P.M. (Church Hall)
USHERS...... 6:30 P.M. (Deacon Thompson Room)
CHOIR...... 7:00 P.M. (Music Room)
WednesdayWOMEN OF NEW ALL SAINTS...... 6:30 P.M. (Deacon Thompson Room)
ThursdayLITURGICAL DANCERS (Adult)...... 6:30 P.M. (Church Hall)
CHOIR...... 7:00 P.M. (Music Room)
SaturdayRCIC...... 10:00 A.M. (Rectory)
Refrain to Psalm 17:
Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full.
…4:00 p.m. Mass: Special Remembrance Massfor loved ones who have died October 31, 2009 thru November 1, 2010, especially. The name of your loved one will be called; you or your designee will light a memorial candle.
...A Special Parish Collectionwill be taken up for Charity
Assistanceat all liturgies.
New All Saints Youth Groupis having a bake sale this weekend after each mass at the rear of the church. Proceeds are to be used to purchase special Youth Group t-shirts.
Buy yourSHAREFood Network November Holiday Packages! Three packages are available: A Value Package “A”, Turkey Package “B”, and Value & Turkey Package “C”,flyers available at entrances.Payment is due today;pickup on Saturday, November 20. For information, please call the rectory office.
New All Saints Religious Store Hours
Nov 7 after 8:00 a.m. Mass Nov 14 after 11:00 p.m. Mass
Nov 27 after 4:00 p.m. Mass Dec 5 after 8:00 a.m. Mass
“SHUT-IN” PARISHIONERS: Michael Agyeman; Vivian Bailey; Lorene Cephas; Donald Evans; Jean Fenzel; Yolanda Graves; Gwendolyn Hall; Karen Hernandez; Ruth Johnson; Anna Jones;Jeanette Pittman; Edmund Ward; Beatrice Washington
Parishioners in Nursing Home/Hospital: Calvin & Jean Carter (Emerald Estates);Genesta Lane (Augsburg Lutheran);Veronica Peaco(Emerald Estates); Joseph Richardson (Future Care); Lyla “Bobbi” Thomas (Kozy Kottage)
SICK PARISHIONERS: Merle Borel;Hyder Cousar; Loretta Davis; Margaret Fernandez; Harriett Garrett; Rosalie Griffin; Agnes Gross; Susie Harding; Sheila Ishmael; Catherine Johnson; Patrice Johnson; Aubrey Knox; Ernest Knox;Teresa Logan; Denise Matthews;Alvin Moore; Robert Motley;John Murray;Theresa Oliver; Charles Richardson;Jude Richardson; Helen Santana; Theresa Sisco; StewartSmith; Delores Spicer;Mary Stanton; Jeanette Sterling; Corrine Thomas; Rita Turner; Vanessa Westcott; Gerald White, Sr.; Gerald (Tony) White, Jr.; Joshua Woods
SICK FAMILY & FRIENDS:William A. Bevans III;Teresa Dargan; Marvin Dawkins; Tyne Gray; Maria Hall; Keith Hamlet; Audrey Hill; Leroy Johnson; Toni Lee; Cynthia Lewis; Wallace Moore; Beverly Reddeck; Clara Reid; Leslie Shields;Marie Simms; Gerald Smith; John Stewart; Dora Tapp; Joann West; Milton West; Rose West
“November 7th – November 13th”
7Deidra Adams; Annie Griffin; Susie Harding
8Naomi Bundy; Romila Capers
David Ezeala; Cindy White
9Owusu-Ansah Agyeman; Patrick Cadet
Ellen Smith; Cecelia Williams
10Terrence Bradley; Betty Parker; Karen Webb
11Kyle Anderson; Elaine Johnson; Berita Parsons
12Melissa King; Alonzo Rogers; Kevin Simmons
13Arnold Bundy; Todd Carter; Eric Gambrill
Gwendolyn Lindsay; Payton Lucas; Helen Odeh
CCD News: The CCD classes have a theme for the year-“The Power of Prayer.” Each month the classes learn a prayer and its meaning. We are putting the prayer in the bulletin and its meaning. Parents and parishioners, please helpstudents learn the prayers and their meaning. We are ending with “The Lord’s Prayer” this weekend. We will start another prayer next weekend.
Rum & Pound Cakes are on sale for the holidays. Cakes are $20 each.Orders for Thanksgivingmust be received by Sunday, November 14. All proceeds will be given to New All Saints Church. Please see the flyer in your bulletin or call Rita Martin (410) 521-7195.
Please say a special prayer for those who will be traveling on the Italy Pilgrimage on November 10th. They will return on November 20th. We wish you a safe trip and traveling mercies.
The New All Saints Men’s Club will host its annual retreat with Deacon Paul Shelton, Esq. on Saturday, December 11, 2010, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon, at the Oblate Sisters Mother House, 701 Gun Road, all are invited. Contribution is $30.00 p/p. Contact, Dr. Charles W. Griffin (410) 542-6759 for reservations and payments.
The Women of New All Saints (WNAS)(1) Are selling AVON products: Brochures are available at the front or rear of church. For additional information or to place order(s) call the WNAS AVON hotline at (410) 615-7015. (2) You are invited to attend our Christmas Bazaar, Sunday, December 5 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the church hall. (3) Rent a table for $20. More detailed information to follow. Contact: Irene Shavers (410) 496-0454 or Jeanette Hall (410) 960-1155.
Dr. Charles W. Griffin and family extend thanks to those members of New All Saints family who made contributions pursuant to his brother’s death.
THANK YOU: Many thanks to everyone who helped to make Homecoming 2010 a huge success. Special thanks to: The rectory staff, New All Saints Choirs, the Baltimore Reunion Choir, Liturgical Dancers, Ushers, Security Team and the Welcome Committee. Mrs. Shirley Hargrove, Chairperson
Support Vocations & Catholic Military Chaplains Next Weekend:Currently, 285 Catholic military chaplains provide pastoral care to over 1.5 million Catholics on ships, in combat, on bases and in 153 VA hospitals. Next week’s 2nd Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS) will fund their Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program, which identifies vocations within the military and is now educating 30 men for the priesthood and subsequent military chaplaincy. The AMS has no parishes from which to draw financial support and relies solely on donations. For more information, see their website:
Ever Consider Being A Deacon? The Office of Deacon Formationis hosting an information session formenconsidering being a deacon. (spouse is welcome and encouraged to attend). Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 7 p.m., St Joseph Parish, 17630 Virginia Avenue (at Halfway Blvd),Hagerstown, MD 21740. RSVP to Cindy Orr: 410-547-5550or Rev. Patrick Carrion (). For more information, go to
Friday with the Faculty at theEcumenical Institute of Theology:In September the Ecumenical Institute introduced a new series of public lectures, “Fridays with the Faculty.” On two Friday evenings in both the fall and spring terms an Ecumenical Institute faculty member will give a presentation followed by Q&A and discussion. The series opened on September 24 with Dr. Tracy Radosevic, who delivered a dramatic presentation of the Gospel of Mark in its entirety. “Fridays with the Faculty” continues on Friday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. when Dr. Michael Gorman, professor of Sacred Scripture and Dean of the Ecumenical Institute, will discuss his newest book, Reading Revelation Responsibly, which will be available for purchase and signing. There is no fee, but pre-registration is requested. For more information, contact the Ecumenical Institute at 410-864-4200 or , or visit the website at
Catholic Medical Association Hosts Symposium on Haiti: The Baltimore Guild-Catholic Medical Association will host a presentation by Deacon Rodrigue Mortel, M.D.,Director of the Missions office for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, on Saturday November 13, 2010on the medical relief activities underway in Haiti since the earthquake. He will also propose some solutions to the reconstructive efforts there. The day begins with the celebration of the Mass at 10:30a.m. in Our Lady’s Chapel at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen followed by light refreshments and the presentation at approximately 11:30a.m. in the Parish Center. This event is open to all persons of interest. CME credits are available for registered Baltimore Guild physicians. Please call 410-368-8475 to RSVP and consult our website, for more information.
St. Ignatius Loyola Academy Open House for current 5th grade boys residing in Baltimore City. We are a tuition-free middle school for boys. Open house will be Saturday, November 13, 2010 from 9-11 a.m. and Wednesday, November 17, 2010 from 6-8 p.m. We are located at 740 N. Calvert Street. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Scott at 410-539-8268 ext 33. You can also visit the website at for an application.
Project Rachel Retreat: “Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.” Choose hope! Forgiveness and healing are awaiting you on a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat for healing after abortion.November 19-21 2010. Manchester, MD. Contact information: (410) 625-8491; ; (national).
St. Peter Claver and St. Pius V Church Bible Classes invite you to join them on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, April 1, 2011 to April 12, 2011 accompanied by Fr. Henry R. Harper, S.S.J. For further information, please call Mrs. Marlene Brown or Fr. Henry Harper (410) 669-0512.