Career Research
40 Points – Project
15 Points - Presentation
There are numerous career opportunities in the fields of Business and Finance. Your job is to select a career in the field that matches your course, research it, prepare a report and present your report. Building Wealth – Investment/Banking/Finance, Business Management – Business/Management.
Step 1: Select a Career
Select a career in the field of marketing/Technology/Accounting. Get approval for completing a project on this career from Mrs. Hasseld before continuing! Need ideas? Here are some good websites:
Research your career to find the following REQUIRED information:
- What interests you about the job?
- Education needed for this job
- Description of the job
- Job duties (what does a typical day look like in this job?)
- General salary information
This information is optional, but will help you obtain full points:
- What is the job outlook for this position? Is it easy or difficult to find jobs?
- What colleges/university’s offer a major related to this job?
- List any additional facts you discover about this job.
Step 3: “Report”
You need to create a report, outlining your findings. You MUST name the report as follows: “Day_hour_lastname_firstname_career_report”. This report can take many formats. If you want to receive full points, try one of the more unique methods listed below. Your report must contain all the information listed under step two that’s required (steps one through five) and any of the optional information that you have researched.
Basic formats: Presentation (like Google Docs), written report
Unique formats: Video, Prezi, Glogster, Rap, comic strip or you tell me an idea!)
Unacceptable / Acceptable / TargetCareer is selected that’s related to your class / Career is NOT related directly to the course you’re taking from Mrs. H or you didn’t receive approval prior to beginning
Points: 0 / Well known, related career is selected, approval obtained.
Points: 3 / Unique, related career is selected, approval obtained.
Points: 5
Report Content / Report is not written clearly or is not completely accurate; or more than one of these items is missing:
- What interests you about the job?
- Education needed for this job
- Description of the job
- Job duties (what does a typical day look like in this job?)
- General salary information
Points: 0 - 5 / Report is written clearly and accurately; contains all these items:
- What interests you about the job?
- Education needed for this job
- Description of the job
- Job duties (what does a typical day look like in this job?)
- General salary information
- What interests you about the job?
- Education needed for this job
- Description of the job
- Job duties (what does a typical day look like in this job?)
- General salary information
- What is the job outlook for this position? Is it easy or difficult to find jobs?
- What colleges/university’s offer a major related to this job?
- At least two additional facts you discover about this job.
Correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure and overall neatness of Report / The document has greater than three grammar, spelling or sentence structure errors. The document is not neat and legible.
Points: 0 - 2 / The document has three or fewer grammar, spelling or sentence structure errors. The document is neat and legible.
Points: 3 / The document has two or fewer grammar, spelling and sentence structure errors and is neat and legible.
Points: 5
Report Format / Report is not in one of the acceptable formats
Points: 0 / Report is in one of the acceptable formats
Points: 5 / Report is in a unique format
Points: 10
You will be required to present your career.
You will be graded based on the following:
Item / Points possible / Points earnedSpoke clearly in an audible voice / 5
Made eye contact with audience, did not just READ FROM SLIDES or NOTES / 5
Shared interesting facts about the career / 5
TOTAL / 15