Test 1: 1a. Aeneid XII 650-671
a) vix ea fatus erat
Who had just spoken? To whom? What had the speaker said? 1+1
b) medios volat…nomine Turnum
What information about Saces are we given here? 4
c) In lines 653-664, what does he tell Turnus? 4
d) Translate 'arces Italum' and name the city referred to by this phrase. 2
e) How does the language used reinforce the urgency of Saces' appeal?
(choice of words and phrases, alliteration, repetition etc.) 6
f) Line 677 What news aroused Turnus'
(i) pudor
(ii) his luctus? 2
g) lines 665 -671 (obstipuit) .. ( turbidus)
(i) Describe Turnus' state of mind after hearing Saces' news. 2
(ii) Comment on the way Virgil's language in these lines makes this description effective.
Consider choice of words/phrases, words used metaphorically, sound of words/phrases, order of words. 6
h) Translate lines 654-5 minatur … excidioque daturum 2
Total : 30
1b. Aen.XII 666-673
a) What news has aroused
(i) Turnus’ pudor (ii) his luctus? 4
ii Name the object of his amor 1
b1) What ideas are contained in Virgil’s phrase conscia virtus ? 3
b2) Who brought the news? 1
c) Give the meaning of ut primum 1
d) What Latin auxiliary verb (in its correct part) is understood with discussae ? 1
e) Name urbem (line 6) 1
f) What is Turnus’ state of mind at this point? How does Virgil’s language bring out the conflict of his emotions? 8
g) Translate lines 7-8 (ecce… tenebat) 6
h) What is meant by eque rotis ? 1
i) What was turrim, how was it constructed and what was its purpose? 3
Total: 30
Test 2 Aen.XII 672-696
a) The tower:
(i) what was its purpose?
(ii) Sketch and label it, showing what effect the fire is having. 5
b) line 676
Name ‘soror’. What part has she played in the story so far? Who had persuaded her to act in this way? 1+1+2
c) Translate Turnus’ words to her in 676-7
‘iam iam … sequamur’. 4
d) ‘furorem’
explain why this word is significant in connection with Turnus. 3
e) Translate ‘saltum dedit ocius arvis’ 2
f) The simile (684-690): (i) what are the points of comparison? 2
(ii) What 3 causes does Virgil suggest for the rock’s movement? 3
(iii) What is striking about the sound of line 687? 1
(iv) How does the rhythm of ll. 687-8 reinforce the sense? 2
G) lines 692-5,
what does Turnus want the Rutulians and Latins to do?
Explain what he means by ‘me verius unum pro vobis foedus luere et decernere ferro 4
Total 30
Test 3 Aen.XII 697-712
a) What are Aeneas’ immediate actions when he hears people shouting Turnus’ name? 3
b) Quote and translate the words which tell you how he feels at this point. 1
c) The simile:
how many points of comparison can you find in this complex simile? (Consider such things as sights, sounds, physical characteristics.)
Why has Virgil selected these three mountains?
Where is each?
What do they add to the image Virgil is building?
Why does ‘pater Appenninus’ get the longest description? 10
d) ‘iam vero….. deposuere umeris’ (704-707)
How does Virgil’s use of language here build up the atmosphere of anticipation felt by both armies? 4
e) Translate lines 707-712 ‘stupet ipse Latinus ….aere sonoro’. 12
Total 30
Test 4 Aeneid XII 713-724
a) Translate from tum to unum 6
b) What have the districts of Sila and Taburnus in common? 1
c) What is the main point of comparison between tauri and the heroes? 2
d) State and account for the mood of sequantur. 2
e) Translate lines 9-10 (cornuaque .... remugit) 8
f) With which Latin phrase in the simile is concurrunt clipeis compared? (line 12) 1
g) Show how Virgil uses both sound and rhythm in this passage to reinforce the meaning.
(One example of each will be sufficient.) 4
Total : 24
Test 5 Aeneid XII 723-741
a) ‘non aliter’ ; in the simile that precedes this passage,
(i) to what have Tros Aeneas and Daunius heros been compared? 1
(ii) what caused the noise that corresponded to fragor here? 1
b) ‘Iuppiter…deorum’; explain exactly what Jupiter does in these 2 lines. 4
c) ‘quem…letum’ translate this line. 3
d) In the original Homeric version of this image, who are the 2 heroes involved and which of them is the loser? 2+1
e) ‘impune putans’ ; what does this phrase mean and to whom does it refer? 2
f) ‘alte sublatum…ferit’ ;
(i) How does the rhythm of these 2 clauses reinforce the sense? 3
(ii) translate from ‘corpore toto….ferit’. 3
g) ‘at perfidus ensis……..fragmina harena’
(i) Explain everything that is done by/happens to the sword in these lines. (Restrict your answer to just the information required by the question.) 6
(ii) What was it, according to this passage, that caused the sword to be ‘perfidus’? 4
Total 30
Test 7 Aeneid XII 766-790
a) How was the wild olive tree treated by
i) the Latins
ii) the Trojans? 4
b) ‘Laurenti divo’; translate this phrase accurately and then explain who this is and why he is named in this way. 3
c) To what gods does Turnus pray? What does he ask for from each? What reason does he give for hoping that his prayer will be answered? 5
d) Translate line 780 (dixit….vocavit) 3
e) Lines781-3 (namque….Aeneas); how does Virgil’s choice of language here emphasise Aeneas’ struggle to regain his spear? (Consider choice of vocabulary, sound of words, rhythm.) 6
f) From line 786 pick out and translate the two words that show Venus’ reaction to what Juturna has just done. 2
g) ‘olli’
i) What is the usual form of this word? 1
ii) Why does Virgil use this version here? 1
h) ‘armis animisque refecti’; translate the phrase and then explain from the next line (789) exactly how it applies to each of the two warriors. 5
Total 30
Test 8 Aeneid XII 800-806
a) Name the speaker 1
b) Account for the case of precibus 1
c) What has the person referred to as te done to rouse the speaker’s wrath? 1
d) Explain the original cause of tantus dolor. 3
e) Identify the form (i.e. the tense/mood) of edit. How is this form of the verb unusual? 3
f) What contrast is Virgil emphasising by putting dulci next to tristes ? 2
g) Explain in your own words what the speaker means by ventum ad supremum est .
What is the effect of using this type of language here? 3+1
h) Translate the passage 15
Total: 30
Test 9 Aeneid XII 810-820
a) Translate 810-812 (nec…Teucros) 8
b) Where was the 'aeria sede' situated? 2
c) What is meant by the phrase 'digna indigna pati'? (811) 2
d) In what way had Juturna roused the wrath of Jupiter earlier? 1
e) According to lines 813-815,
i) what does the speaker admit she had encouraged Juturna to do and approved what she did? 2
ii) what has she not permitted? 2
f) i) By whom does Juno swear her oath? Translate the phrase. 2
ii) What is her reason for choosing this power to swear by? 2
g) ' et nunc cedo equidem pugnasque exosa relinquo'
What is the tone of Juno's words here? How does she feel? 3
h) What three requests does Juno go on to make on behalf of the Latins? 3
i) Explain, with reference to the Latin here, why was it possible to grant these requests, but not the rest of what she would like. 3
Total: 30
Test 10a Aeneid XII 821-842
a) ’conubiis….felicibus’ ; why is this plural? 1
b) ‘component’, ‘iungent’ ; what tense are these verbs? 1
Translate the 2 lines 821-2 (‘cum iam…iungent’ ) 6
c) ‘ne vetus…vestem’ ; What are the 3 things that Juno asks that the Latins shall not have to change? 3
d) translate ‘indigenas’, not by ‘indigenous’. 1
e) Explain the origin of the names ‘Troas’ and ‘Teucri’. 2
f) How does the sound of lines 824-5 (‘neu Troas…vestem’ ) emphasise the depth of Juno’s affection for the Latins? 2
g) What is meant by ‘Albani reges’ ? 1
h) ‘Itala virtute’ ; from your reading of Livy I, give 2 illustrations of kinds of conduct admired by the Romans. 2
i) Translate ‘occidit, occideritque sinas sine nomine Troia’ 2
j) What case is ‘olli’ (line 829) 1
k) Line 833 (‘do quod….remitto’ ); give 3 noteworthy features of the sound of this line. Why is this statement given this emphasis? 3+1
l) Translate lines 836-837, ‘morem…Latinos’ 3
m) l.840, ‘nec gens ulla…honores’ ; in what way was this promise fulfilled, according to Livy I? 1
Total 30
Test 10b Aeneid XII: 843-871
a) his actis to what do these words refer? 1
b) Translate from ‘dicuntur’ to ‘alas’. (845-8) 12
c) 845-852: in your own words, what picture of the Furies does Virgil paint here? Pick out features
of the language that make this description particularly frightening and ominous. 5
d) In the simile of lines 856-861,
(i) What is compared to what? 1
(ii) Identify Parthusand Cydon and say why Virgil selected these two tribes for his simile here. 1
(iii) What was unusual about Parthus’ mode of fighting? 2
What is the particular feature of the Parthian’s arrow?
Pick out and translate the two phrases that give you this information. 3
e) 863-4 ‘quae quondam…in umbras’
Suggest one (English)adjective that sums up Virgil’s description of the owl, then pick out any three
features of the language (sound, choice of words, rhythm) that help create this atmosphere. 5
Total: 30
Test 12 Aeneid XII 887-895
1. ‘quae nunc deinde mora est?’ Translate these words and then explain what has happened in
the passage immediately preceding this one to provoke this taunt. 2+2
2. What does cursu mean, literally? (N.B. Translate in the proper case, to fit the context.) 1
What was the cursu referred to here and where did it take place? Who was the pursuer and who the quarry? Describe the major features of that chase. 4
Describe the scene in the Iliad on which this episode is based, identifying the pursuer and quarry on that occasion and saying where that chase happened. 3
3. Translate lines 891-3 (verte…terra) 9
4. What is Turnus’ state of mind, as revealed in lines 894-5? 2
Explain the point he is making in this speech. 2
Comment on the way by which Virgil, by his choice of vocabulary, order and sound of words, repetition etc., makes this speech effective. 5
Total: 30
Test 14 Aeneid XII 908-934
1. What has Turnus just tried to do, and with what result, in the lines immediately before this passage? 2
2 List in detail all the physical effects that Virgil describes in the nightmare simile of lines 909-912
(nequiquam ….. sequuntur) 8
3. Translate quacumque viam virtute petivit (913) 3
4. Who is dea dira? 1
5. What comparison is being made in the simile of 921-3? 3
6. Describe exactly how Aeneas’ spear manages to wound Turnus, referring closely to the Latin. 4
7. Translate lines 932-934 (utere …senectae) 9
Total: 30
Test 15 Aeneid XII 935-942
a) ‘et me… redde meis’ ; what alternative requests does Turnus make here? 4
b) ‘vicisti… videre’ ;
(i) who are Ausonii ? 1
(ii) How does Virgil emphasise the bitterness to Turnus of defeat? 3
c) ‘ulterius ne tende odiis’ ; translate 2
d) ‘stetit acer in armis Aeneas’
translate the words and say what frame of mind in Aeneas at this point they suggest. 2
e) ‘Aeneas volvens oculos…coeperat’
How does Virgil’s choice of language here convey Aeneas’ indecision? 4
f) Explain the history behind the statement that the ‘balteus’ was ‘infelix’. 4
On what episode in Homer’s Iliad is this based? 2
g) Translate the last 3 lines of the passage. 8
total 30
Test 16 Aeneid XII 938-952
1. In line 938, how does Virgil emphasise that Aeneas is the victor? 2
2. What do we learn from line 939 about Aeneas’ feelings at this point? 2
3 Translate lines 940-41 (et iam …coeperunt). 3
4. Explain who Pallas was. 3
What, according to lines 934-5, had Turnus done to him?
5.Translate inimicum insigne 1
6. How does Virgil’s choice of words/phrases in lines 945-7 (ille …terribilis) convey
the depth of Aeneas’ emotion? 5
7. Translate Aeneas’ final speech. (947-949). 8
8. Do you think Virgil wants the reader’s sympathy in the closing lines of the poem to be with Turnus or with Aeneas? Refer to the Latin to support your view. 4
Total: 30