Get Referrals

Who Do You Know, {FirstName}?

Dear {FirstName}

Who do you know who might like to join our club?

I’m asking because an increasingly high percentage of our new members are coming through referrals from existing members like you. And I like that.

You see, we love our members, and if we’re going to have more members (which we’dlike to) then it makes sense to have more like you.

So here’s my shameless bribe.

Tell your friends about us, and if they join the club, on yourrecommendation, then I’ll give you a {gift} worth {£value}, to saythanks.

Attached to this letter you’ll find 3 {RFU Club} greetings cards, with a fun image onthe front, a brief introduction to the club on the inside cover, a blank page, and aspecial ‘new member offer’ printed on the back. The new member offer is {pretty amazing/very special/our most generous ever}, evenif I do say so myself. Check it out.

The blank page in the middle is for you. You see, a recommendation from a friend is themost powerful form of marketing in the world. Nothing I can say, no offer I can give, will beas compelling as a few words from you, scrawled onto that back page - especially if theysay something nice about us.

So the ball’s in your court, {FirstName}.I hope that you can find a couple of minutes to scribble something into 2 or 3 ofthose cards, and give them to someone who might appreciate the offer on the back.

The ‘new member’ offer on the cards expires on {date}, so if you’d like to receive the {gift} please send them out in plenty of time.



PS – If you’re stuck for something to write inside the card, how about something like {idealmessage 1} or {ideal message 2}?