Further information for volunteer bra testers
Contact: Dr Alexandra Milligan
Telephone:023 9284 3085
Department of Sport & Exercise Science
Spinnaker Building, Cambridge Road
Who are the Research Group in Breast Health (RGBH)?
The Research Group in Breast Healthis internationally renowned for research on the biomechanics of the breast. The group are responsible for over half of the scientific publications in this area and regularly present work nationally and internationally. The Research Group is well known, with over 60 million media mentions worldwide and commercial collaborations with many of the major lingerie, sports bra and sporting apparel manufacturers around the world. The research group work with many of the manufacturers whose products we are inviting you to test.
What has RGBH learned in the past for women and how can it be used?
The knowledge and experience we have gained in the course of our work has allowed us to offer a commercial testing service to bra manufacturers. We can provide evidence based feedback on product quality including implications for health as well as general comfort and likelihood of pain reduction. The researchers will not receive any financial reward by conducting these tests other than their normal salary as an employee of the University
What is product testing?
RGBH can invite manufacturers to contact us to help them develop better products through biomechanical testing. The purpose of the testing is to identify the effectiveness (performance) of different breast support garments during physical activities. We will monitor the motion control (breast movement reduction) and the volunteer’s impressions and opinions of different breast support garments during treadmill running, maximal jumping, and agility tests. The aims of this testing service obviously include commercial considerations but we also believe that it will help manufacturers produce better (including healthier) products which will benefit the women who purchase them. The information we gain from your test will be analysed and given to the manufacturer in the form of product advice. The information may also be retained by RGBH for future, ethics committee approved, research. You won’t be personally identified in any information we give to a manufacturer though we will maintain our own records of your involvement; these will be treated in confidence. Only University staff involved in providing the product testing service will be able to link your personal details to the test results. Very rarely people such as auditors may require access to your personal information; they would also be duty bound to treat it in confidence.
Who can volunteer?
We are seeking healthy, physically active female volunteer testers aged between 18 and 39 years. Testers must fit within the following bra size range 28A to 44JJ. Testers must be able to run comfortably at a moderate speed (8 to 10 km.hr)on a treadmill for running bouts of two minutes in multiple breast support conditions (sports bras, everyday bras, support tops, etc.) Testers must also be able to complete multiple (up to 5 successive) maximal jumps and agility tests in each breast support. Testers must also be aware of the requirement to perform these activities bare-breasted (without an external breast support or t-shirt).
If you agree to be a volunteer tester, we will ask you to sign the attached agreement form.
What is involved?
Session 1 is a preliminary session where you will be bra fitted by a professional bra fitter, this should take no longer than 20 minutes. If you fit into the range of bra sizes required for the test, you will be invited to attend further product testing sessions within our breast biomechanics laboratory. Each further session will take no longer 60 minutes. You will be asked to wear the same trainers and sports leggings or shorts for each testing session, and will be asked to run without a top on with your bra showing.
PACKAGE / Session 1: Bra fit and familiarisation with tests (<20 mins) / Session 2: (<60 mins) / Session 3: (<60 mins) / Activity / Volunteer paymentBRONZE / Yes / Up to 3 bra conditions / NA / Treadmill walking or running (2 mins max) / £15 total
SILVER / Yes / Up to 11 bra conditions / NA / Treadmill walking or running (2 mins max) / £15 total
GOLD / Yes / Up to 8 bra conditions / Up to 8 bra conditions / Treadmill walking or running (2 mins max), plus two additional activities such as jumping, agility tests, / £30 total
During the testing the laboratory will be locked at all times, with entry only permitted from within the laboratory. A maximum of two female members of staff will bepresent at any one time during the product testing sessions. Your privacy will be guaranteed at all times.
Expenses and payments
Volunteer testers are paid £15 per session for their time. We are sorry but we will be unable to pay the costs of travel or any other expenses.
Anything else I will have to do?
You will be asked to refrain from drinking alcohol for 24 hours before the test. When we invite you to the test we will tell you which manufacturer’s product you will be testing and we will encourage you to consider its business ethics. You will be asked to bring running trainers, tight fitting gym kit, and a towel if you would like to use the shower and changing facilities after the session.
What measurements will be taken?
We will take your blood pressure, height and weight. We will monitor your breast movement by placing reflective markers on your body and breast and using a multiple camera system to track the movement. This camera system does not record a video image of you (left photo), only the markers are seen within a black background (right image), as seen below.
What are the possible benefits for you?
As a volunteer tester you will gain a better understanding of sports bra support for your bra size and how the breast move during different physical activities. We provide a professional bra fit, payment for your time, and a volunteer tester feedback form which details your breast movement and a tailored recommendation for appropriate breast support for you. You might also note that the feedback we provide to manufacturers may be used to improve the quality, including health benefits, of their product; this might benefit women more generally.
What will happen if I come for thetest and change my mind or want to stop part way through?
As a volunteer you can stop any test at any time, or withdraw from the series oftests at any time before finishing all of them, without giving a reason, if you do not wish to. If you do withdraw from a test after some test results have been collected you will be asked if you are content for those, thus far, to be retained and included in the test. If you prefer, the test results can be destroyed. If you do withdraw at any point we will still pay you, pro rata for the service you have provided. Once the test has been completed, and all the results analysed, it will not be possible to withdraw your individualtest results.
This testing service has been reviewed by the University’s Faculty of Science Ethics Committee. It is believed to comply with all University policies and procedures, most notably its Ethics Policy.
Thank you
Thank you for taking time to read this information. If you do volunteer as a tester a record of your agreement will be taken, please see the following page.