Tool Type / HANDOUT / Last Reviewed / 11/22/16
Geography / All / Source: / WorkSafeBC



Canada is well into the process of moving from the old WHMIS system (WHMIS 1988) to WHMIS 2015, which reflects the GHS and includes new requirements for labels and safety data sheets. Federal WHMIS laws and regulations have already been updated; the provinces and territories are in the midst of updating their own OHS laws to reflect the new federal WHMIS 2015 requirements. As a result,all employers across the country will need to train workers on WHMIS 2015.


Adapt this handout for the WHMIS 2015 requirements and transition to WHMIS 2015deadlines in your jurisdiction’s OHS laws and use itas part of your worker training on WHMIS 2015.


WorkSafeBC WHMIS 2015 Overview Toolbox Meeting Guide

WorkSafeBCWHMIS 2015 Basics

WHMIS 2015 Education & Training Checklist

WHMIS 2015: What Canadian Employers Need to Know

Around the Provinces: Implementation of WHMIS 2015 Across Canada

WHMIS 2015: The New Supplier Label Requirements

WHMIS 2015: Understanding the New Safety Data Sheets


The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) provides you with health and safety information about hazardous products inyour workplace.Exposure to some types of hazardous productscan result in health problems such as cancer, lungdamage or irritation ofthe eyes. Other types ofhazardous products can cause fires, explosions orother incidents when improperly stored or handled.

Under WHMIS, you have the right to receiveinformation about each hazardous product you use,handle or store, such as its identity, its hazardsand the safety precautions you need to take. Youcan use this information to help make sure you and your co-workers gohome alive and well at the end of every workday.

The overall purpose of WHMIS is to help ensure asafer, healthier workplace.WHMIS first came into effect in 1988 acrossCanada. It was updated in early 2015 to reflect a newset of rulescalled the Globally Harmonized Systemof Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

GHS has not replaced WHMIS. Instead, GHSintroduces some important changes to WHMIS,including new rules for:

• Classifying and labelling hazardous products

• Safety data sheets or SDSs (previously known asmaterial safety data sheets or MSDSs).

For the sake of clarity, the original WHMIS is nowcalled WHMIS 1988. The updated version iscalledWHMIS 2015.The four key elements of WHMIS 2015 includeclassification, labels, SDSs,and worker educationand training.

Key changes from WHMIS 1988 to WHMIS 2015include the following:

• The term “hazardous product” replaces“controlled product.”

• Hazard classification criteria are more complete, which improves the ability to show the severity ofhazards.

• New hazard classes are included, such as “Aspiration hazard”.

• The language has been standardized and made moreconsistent.

• Supplier labels have a few new requirements.For example, they must now use specific signal words,hazard statements, pictograms and precautionarystatements.

• SDSs replace MSDSs. SDSs follow a 16-sectionformat and the information in those sections hasbeen standardized.

A three-year transition period is in place. By June 1,2018, all suppliers are expected to comply withWHMIS 2015. By Dec. 1, 2018, all employersare expected to comply with WHMIS 2015.

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