Researching the California State University System
(a guided internet lesson based on web sites as of July, 2002)
developed by Regina Risi, AVID LA County, Region 11
Activity #1—Finding a CSU that’s right for you!
*Click on ”What is CSUMentor?”
*In the gray box in the middle of the screen, choose “What is CSUMentor?” (the smaller version) and read this page to learn the purpose of this website
*Click on “Explore Campuses”
*In the gray box, choose “Matching Assistant”
*Complete the criteria checklist, making your search as narrow as possible. Be sure to put in a major.
*Click on “View Matching Campuses” when you have finished selecting your criteria.
*Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper.
*How many campuses were you matched to?
*Which campus is closest to where you live? (Hint: Use Map
button on criteria checklist.)
*Which campus is furthest from where you live?
*Which of the criteria is most important to you (besides
your major) and why?
*Which campus seems like the best choice for you and why?
*What other criteria could be added to the checklist to make
this search better or more accurate for you?
Activity #2—Exploring a CSU that may be right for you!
(A continuation of Activity #1)
*Using the list of matching campuses from your search in Activity #1, choose the one that seems best for you and click on the link for that campus.
*Complete “Dr. H’s World Wide Web Worksheet” for this campus using the information at the link.
Activity #3—Comparing directories for college information.
*At the top left of the screen, click on “Colleges and Universities”
*Find the link for “CollegeQuest” near the center of the page and click on it
*Use the “Name Search” box and type in the name of the CSU you explored in Activity #2
*If you typed in the name correctly, your search results should yield a link to that CSU. Click on the link.
*This link should take you to Peterson’s summary of this campus
*Using the worksheet you completed for Activity #2, compare the information available on Peterson’s site to the CSUMentor site. Is there anything new or different?
Activity #4—Finding your CSU’s official web site!
*Choose a search engine or database to use (Yahoo, Google, Excite, etc.)
*Conduct a search to find your selected CSU’s official web site. Go to the web site’s home page.
*Compare the information you found on CSUMentor and Peterson’s to the information on the official web site.
*On the same paper you used to answer the questions in Activity #1, explain which site gave you the best information and why.