Whittington Countryside and Craft Fair1st September 2018

Stallholder Booking Form

Name of Stall
Name and Address
Of Stallholder:
Telephone: / Email:
Description of business/charity and ALL items for sale.
Charity Number (if applicable)
Please indicate clearly which facilities are required. / OUTDOOR SPACE. 16ft frontage with 12ft depth / £35
Registered charity / £15
STANDARD MARQUEE SPACE 8ft frontage x 6ft depth / £35
Registered Charity / £15
EXTRA LARGE MARQUEE 14ft frontage by 6ft depth
SPACE not available for charities / £55
Extra Items / 6ft x 2 ft are available to hire at £6 per table.
TABLES Please state number required / £6
ELECTRICITY Available to a limited number of indoorpitches at an extra cost of £3. Please state whether for lighting or power. Also state power of any appliance to be used / £3
Any other information
or special request. / Total Payable
Preferred arrival timeslot / Please indicate from the choices on the right which arrival timeslot you would prefer. The gates will open at 7.00am and all stallholders are asked to have finished setting up and to have removed vehicles to the stallholder car park by 9.00am. / 7.00 to 7.30
7.30 to 8.00
8.00 to 8.30

I/We request the above facilities and enclose a non-refundable deposit of £10 / the full amount

of £………… Or I/We have paid by BACS (Please delete as appropriate).

I/We agree to pay the balance by2nd July 2018. I/We understand and agree to the terms and

conditions of booking.

Signed…………………………...... (Name in capital letters) …………….……………………


All cheques to be made payable to WHITTINGTON AND FISHERWICK PARISH COUNCIL or payment by BACS Sort code 20-85-13 Account number 90508853. Please include your name as a reference.

Whittington Countryside and Craft Fair 1st September 2018

Terms and Conditions of Booking

Sue Walton Park House, Fisherwick Road, Fisherwick, Staffs. WS138PR

Telephone: 01543 432842 Mobile: 07515829254 e-mail:

Whittington Countryside and Craft Fair is organised and run entirely by the Parish Council and a group of volunteers from the village. All profits from the Fair are ploughed back into the community in the form of grants that are available to village groups and organisations or Council capital projects.

Since the Fair began over £160,000 has been spent on grants and community projects.

We aim:

•To provide an interesting and enjoyable family day out

•To raise money to help village groups and organisations and to improve village facilities

•To enable registered charities and voluntary village groups to promote the work of their organisation and raise money

•To bring the village together as a community in one large annual project

•To celebrate our rural tradition

•To raise the profile of the Council’s work.

  1. This booking form will be available to download from the Parish website. from 1stMarch 2018. It will also be available as an e mail attachment If a hard copy is required please send a stamped, addressed envelope to Mrs Sue Walton Park House, Fisherwick Road, LICHFIELD, STAFFS, WS13 8PR.
  2. All bookings are taken on a first come first served basis. Bookings cannot be confirmed without a completed booking form and non-refundable deposit of £10. Stallholders may choose to pay the full balance at the time of booking if they wish. Outstanding balances must be paid on or before 2nd July 2018.
  3. Reminders will be sent on 2ndJuly to those who have not paid the outstanding balance. If full payment is not received by 16th July the deposit will be lost and the stall will be offered to someone else.
  4. The full balance must accompany bookings made after 2nd July 2018
  5. Please note: The cost of the pitch does NOT include any tables, chairs or gazebos although tables measuring 6ft by 2ft can be provided at an extra cost PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN CHAIRS AND GAZEBOS (FOR OUTDOOR STALLS) IF NEEDED
  6. The pitch sizes quoted on the booking form are maximum size. If you need more space please book a double pitch, accompanied by a £20 deposit.
  7. Electricity is available to a limited number of the inside pitches onlyand will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
  8. Some pitches are available at a reduced rate of £15. Please note that this does not include the cost of any tables and/or electricity, which must be paid for at the standard rate. These pitches are only available to;

a)Registered Charities - please quote charity number on booking form.

b)Anyone selling goods where all proceeds are donated to a Registered Charity

c)Parish voluntary organisations/groups that may not have charity status.

The Fair Committee welcomes bookings from registered charities and voluntary village groups to promote the work of their organisation and run small scale fund raising activities such as selling merchandise, runningtombolas, lucky dips, children’s games etc. As one of the main aims of the fair is to raise money for the community the Committee kindly requests that no large scale fund raising such as raffles or ‘win a car’ competitions are undertaken by any stallholder as this may detract from the Parish Council’s own fund raising activities. Only 1 standard pitch per organisation is available at the reduced rate.

  1. Bookings will be confirmed by email or text message only. Receipts for deposits are not posted out at the time of booking, if you need a receipt for your deposit then please send a stamped addressed envelope with your booking form and deposit.
  2. All stallholders selling food items of any description as a business must be registered with their Local Authority and hold a current up to date Ratings Certificate, if relevant, a copy of which must accompany the booking form. Please also state on your booking form which Local Authority you are registered with.
  3. Two weeks before the date of the Fair all stallholders will receive a letter containing
  • Details of your booking andconfirmation of any special requests - please check these details carefully
  • Times of the Fair, setting up of stalls, pitch number and map of site/marquee.
  • Address and postcode of the fair
  • Receipts for deposit and balance money received.
  • Your allocated arrival time slot.
  • TWO complimentary passes for the stallholder and his/her assistant for standard stalls, THREE for extra large stalls and FOUR for double stalls.
  • The Fair Committee recognises that many charities and voluntary organisations operate a shift system for helpers during the day. In recognition of this all stallholders who qualify for the reduced rate of £15 will be issued with FOURcomplimentary passes which can all be used first thing in the morning or some saved for later in the day. Any further helpers to that stall will need to pay the standard fair entrance fee.
  1. Refunds (minus the £10 non-refundable deposit) are available to stallholders who cancel before 2ndAugust 2018
  2. Refunds are only available if the stall is re-let to another person.
  3. To avoid being placed near someone else selling similar goods, please give a full and accurate description of ALL goods for sale.
  4. Please note that although every effort will be made, we cannot guarantee special requests
  5. The committee reserves the right to refuse to accept a booking which is felt to be inappropriate.