WHITLEY BAY HIGH SCHOOL PUPIL PREMIUM PLAN 2016-17- A strategy to raise the ambition, attainment, self-esteem, and resourcefulness of Disadvantaged/ PP students so that they achieve excellent outcomes comparable with their peers and make a successful transition to the next phase of learning.
Objective / Strategies / Led by / Resources/time/costs / End of year impact criteria / Outcome and evidence- (i) Increase staff understanding of ‘disadvantaged’ (DA) as a generic group, their trends of under
(ii) Raise the profile of individual DA including their strengths, weaknesses, barriers to learning and needs (see 3 below) / *Regular training for whole staff, NQTs, Schools Direct cohort, pastoral teams and RALS. Specific training on the Year 10/11 mentoring process and supporting Year 9 PP students
*Using RMS (whole school reporting system) store a profile/ mini passport for each PP student, similar to the system currently used for SEN students, so staff can identify and get to know students including strengths
* Keyworkers of Year 11 PP students will meet with subject staff and create an email group to share concerns and progress
* On RMS all PP pupils will be flagged in green so that they are easily identified by teachers. Staff issued with instructions to highlight PP students on SIMs (electronic registers).
* Year 9 name cards highlight PP students without drawing attention for students
* PP noticeboard in the staffroom and each member of staff will be issued with a confidential booklet of PP students
* Close liaison with SENco/ WRLco/ ECMco/Sixth form team/Connexions to identify pathways/ opportunities for PP students / RLT/AJC/SRF/MW/LT
Office staff
SEW/ Anne Heffernan
PRAM / Training days, whole staff training and regular briefings via tutor teams, RALs, PRAM
Admin costs for training materials
Staff cost – Data Manager
Staff time / RMUnify system
RMS ad SIMs systems
Printing costs
Admin cost for booklet and noticeboard photos
Meeting time
Regular updates from Connexions re: events / Staff differentiate carefully for DA students to ensure all make progress.
Passports completed to share information about background of all PP students in Year 11 and to share strengths and targets for each subject area
2017 results to show gaps are closing at WBHS 5 A*-C (or equivalent 4+) inc E & M and Maths A*-C . All PP measures 2017 at WBHS are above National All
Year 9 PP students make positive start (initial progress checks)
Monitor and track destination data by key groups – 100% of PP students go on to successful next phase / All staff highlight PP students in lesson plans – evidenced by PM
Evidence 1
Passports completed for each Year 11 student
Evidence 2
2017 results show gap has widened.
Key target for 2017/18
Evidence 3
Average score for PP was 1.16 and non PP was 1.11 shows little difference in how they have settled in.
Evidence 4
All but 1 of 25 former PP/bursary students have confirmed destinations. Awaiting data for Year 11 – available Nov 2017
Evidence 5
- Increase the self-esteem and confidence of disadvantaged students
*University / College visits to help raise aspirations and ambitions of PP students
*Organise a pre St James Park trip and style challenge for year 11 PP students to feel confident to attend the January St James Park event
* Use motivational speaker to inspire and motivate students from Years 9-13
* Use keyworkers to support and promote highly inclusive agenda – set participation targets for PP students to get involved in school events and trip
* Support to arrive at school ready for learning including borrowing uniform/equipment when required / RLT/AJC/SRF/
HD/HOYs / Escape admission
Newburn Activity Centre admission
Beamish Wild admission
Pre St James facilitated session plus travel
Speaker, including travel and accommodation.
Admin costs for speaker event and advertising events
Laundry / High levels of attendance and positive evaluations from the trips
Positive feedback via keyworkers
Positive scores and feedback for the events
High level of participation of PP students in extra activities – monitored by keyworkers / Very positive evaluations of Escape, Newburn and Beamish
Evidence 6
Trip to Ernst and Young used to raise aspirations. University visit in Oct 2017
Evidence 7
Boost Event attended by around 100 PP students Year 6 – 11. Very well evaluated by students and parents
Evidence 8
Keyworkers met with PP students at least every 2 weeks and encouraged/monitored participation. 7 PP (5.3%) students had music lessons paid for.
Evidence 9a and 9b
HD with uniform. RLT with equipment. 22 PP students used this.
Evidence 10
- Allocate all Year 11 PP
*Train key workers and regularly update them with progress data for their students from progress checks and raising achievement events
* Train keyworkers on how to best use their meeting time with PP students to promote effective revision strategies
* Use keyworker to collect soft data so that we can monitor the impact/success of events attended and the extra activities their student attends
* Keyworkers to communicate with subject teachers verbally, via email or using the ‘live’ RMS passport / RLT/SRF/AFW/
Subject teachers/AFW/DNT / Staff training time
Key workers x 3 hours
One to one support sessions (number of key workers x notional 20 hours)
Admin and copying / All students attend Key worker meetings to indicate high ‘buy in’ from PP students
Attendance globally of PP compared with non PP peers in Year 11 last year to indicates that additional pastoral support is helping maintain motivation and success of PP. / Keyworkers met with PP students at least every 2 weeks and monitored progress. Two lunchtime meetings held for all keyworkers.
Evidence 9a and 9c
Average attendance for PP in Year 11 is in line with whole cohort. Attendance initiatives improved the attendance of 5 students of concern.
Evidence 11
Online record of keyworker communication shows subject teachers spoke every half term.
Evidence 9a
- To raise the achievement of DA students - closing the gap between them and their non-disadvantaged peers at the 5+A*-C EM (or 4+ equivalent)
*Use data to evaluate impact of tailored intervention and use this to select appropriate strategies for current each DA student – where appropriate use SISRA
*Provide one-to-some teacher led weekly support sessions in Year 11 Maths and English from January 2017 for targeted PP students
* Target Year 9 non-movers for weekly one-to-some intervention in English, Maths and Science during the summer term.
*Year 9 – effective use of additional hour in Maths and English to move on progress/fill skills gaps (consolidation weeks).
* Repeat peer mentoring scheme – Year 12 students mentoring Year 11 students – following St James’ Park event in the run up to Trial exams
*Post trial exam ‘Boost’ event for year 11 PP students.
Invite parents in for a revision workshop
* Produce flyers to advertise upcoming extracurricular support sessions and monitor attendance
*Regular ‘book reviews’ to monitor progress of PP students. Share findings at RALs training
*PP on the agenda for Specialist College/PRAM meetings
* Additional curriculum support as required eg) Art packs, Music lessons / RLT/SRF? Keyworkers
SRF/KS3 team
KS3 team/Core HODs
SRF/ Year 12 students/ HODs
SRF/WRL team
RLT/ HODs/RLT/key workers
KGB/ABR/HODs / Revision guides
Data Manager
Staff mentoring
Staff time
Lunch and training
(See speaker cost above)
Admin costs
Leadership time & training time
Music lessons
Art packs / Buy in for revision increases. Keyworkers report students know how to revise.
Significant improvements in all key measures between trial and results forPP students in all subjects and particularly Maths and English.
Non-movers from Spring term improve by end of Summer term.
Progress matrices from Year 9 for 2017 shows improvements compared to 2015 and previously.
Positive evaluations for peer
mentoring and high levels of attendance. Students involved make significant improvements Jan – May in mentored subjects
Positive evaluation of boost event. Average VA of those attending improves trial to real exams.
High uptake of PP students attending support (comparable to non PP)
High uptake in extra-curricular activities (comparable to non PP) / All students provided with revision guides.
Evidence 12
PP students made improvements across all key measures including Maths and English.
FFT VA improved by 0.6
Evidence 13
30 non movers (14 PP) identified and taken on curriculum based trip with follow up sessions. Ave VA rose from -1.2 to -0.8 (-1.5 to -1.1 for PP)
Evidence 14
Peer mentors attended training session. Scheme was very positively evaluated by Year 11 and Year 12 students.
Evidence 15
For Boost see evidence 8.
For extra curricular see evidence 9b
PP discussed weekly at PRAM meetings. See minutes
- To raise the aspiration and ambition of PP in all years by providing tailored guidance and access to opportunities including trips, events and SMSC experiences
* Organise a G&T trip for PP students to a local university
*Offer year 13 PP students an individual UCAS support meeting and reference writer
* Priority connexions meetings for PP students / LT/SEW/MW/AFW/AJC
AFW/MSB / Travel to University / Yr11 students guided into best post-16 options and our number of NEETs is 0
Positive evaluations from the university trips
% of DA students applying to university continues to rise. / See evidence 5
Upcoming trip in October 2017
All Year 13 former PP students had an hour long meeting. All were successful. See evidence 5.
- To improve the attendance of disadvantaged students so that is in line with, or exceeds the % of non-disadvantaged peers in each year group
* Work with parents to improve attendance/engagement via the WRL Team / RLT/SRF/HOYs/SEW and 6th Form team
PT/MT/HD / Admin/prizes
Prizes / Improved attendance for students involved, PP attendance comparable with non PP.
Parental engagement and students’ attendance improved by the end of the project / See evidence 11
See evidence 8.
- Continue to improve transition work with our feeder middle schools so that we have detailed knowledge of PP students strengths & needs for September planning
*Put DA students on the agenda at KS3 collaborative meetings
*Organise an event in the summer term for Year 8 PP students as part transition work with the KS3 team
*Transition meeting with feeder middle school HOYs for hand over information regarding DA students, including barriers to learning and parental engagement / RLT/SRF
SRF/KS3 Team/
AFW/ JDM/ AJC /HODs / Minimum 12 meetings annually across teams / Tutor groups carefully selected – progress data checks Oct/Feb/ June indicates PP students flourishing
All DA students attend induction days – high % attendance / All PP students from 4 feeder middle schools attended a morning event and completed a profile.
Evidence 15
Evidence 16
- Continue to improve communication with parents
*Invite parents to a revision workshop for Year 11 students following the trial exam process
* Summer term of Year 9 write to the parents of PP non-movers, inviting students to additional support.
*Regularly inform parents of DA students when attendance is a concern and we would like to involve them in an attendance scheme / RLT/AFW/DNT/PT/
PT/ WRL team
SRF/KS3 team
HOYs/RLT/SRF / Admin costs
Staff time
Admin costs / Improved attendance to support and mentoring sessions compared to 2016.
Attendance to parental workshops
Attendance % of PP students improves / Departmental reports of greater attendance.
Sixth form mentors reported fewer attendance issues.
Evidence 15
Evidence 8
Evidence 11
- Raise the profile and achievement of disadvantaged students in the 6th Form
* Progress of DA students to be a regularly discussed at sixth form meetings
* SEW to take responsibility for tracking/ intervention with PP students following NOCs
*Track the destinations post sixth form of DA students
* Additional support plans led by Kirsty / SEW/ AEW
SEW/ Sixth form team
KH / RMS system
Staff time - Regular agenda item at LT sixth form team meetings
LT time
KH time / Data to indicate that sixth form DA students are on target to achieve MPGs and gaps are closing. Outcomes for former PP are not significantly different to non-PP
Destination data indicates 6th Form DA students go on to further education or employment / Former PP students made significant improvemements Trial Exams to Results 2017. Academic VA of -0.02 is in line with rest of cohort.
Evidence 16
Pupil Premium Budget 2016/17Pupil Premium Allocation 2016 – 17 = £106,800
LAC / Family Support Worker1.0FTE£28,556.00
Learning Mentor0.5 FTE£13,652.50
Post 16 Guidance Tutor0.2FTE£6,205.40
AHT i/c of PP and student data0.2FTE£13,713.60
Asst H/T i/c pastoral care0.1FTE£7,767.60
Key workers (x 20) (mentoring project)0.05 FTE£48,462.85
Pastoral team (3 HOY)0.2FTE TLR£5,627.40
Pastoral team (3 Asst HOY)0.2FTE R&R£1,740.00
WRL Co-ordinator0.4 FTE TLR£3,751.60
Data Manager0.2FTE£6,898.60
Raising Achievement Administrator0.1FTE£2,213.90
1:1 TuitionSessional£ 4,379.00
Total staffing£ 142,968.45
Resource budget
Travel & subsistence £80
Art packs£60
Subject specific resources £200
Revision guides £170
Catering £700
Stationery &equipment £450
Reprographics £60
Prizes and rewards £190
Postage £20
Music lessons £1,850
Events, visits & contributions £2,000
Motivational speaker £500
Total £6,280
Pupil Premium Actual Spend 2016/17Pupil Premium Allocation 2016 – 17 = £106,800
LAC / Family Support Worker1.0FTE£28,556.00
Learning Mentor0.5 FTE£13,652.50
Post 16 Guidance Tutor0.2FTE£6,205.40
AHT i/c of PP and student data0.2FTE£13,713.60
Asst H/T i/c pastoral care0.1FTE£ 7,767.60
Key workers (x 20) (mentoring project)0.05 FTE£48,462.85
Pastoral team (3 HOY)0.2FTE TLR£5,627.40
Pastoral team (3 Asst HOY)0.2FTE R&R£1,740.00
WRL Co-ordinator0.4 FTE TLR£3,751.60
Data Manager0.2FTE£6,898.60
Raising Achievement Administrator0.1FTE£2,213.90
1:1 TuitionSessional£1,408.75
Total staffing£ 135,619.20
Resource budget
Travel & subsistence £17.00
Art packs£174.77
Subject specific resources £135.35
Revision guides £671.64
Catering £687.05
Stationery &equipment £47.17
Prizes and rewards £42.85
Postage £0
Music lessons £2625.00
Events, visits & contributions £1415.00
Motivational speakervia WRL coordinator
Total £5,851.21
Created September 2016. Evaluated September 2017