Whitleigh Big Local Partnership Board – Committee Meeting Minutes – Tuesday 9th January 2018.
Present:Barry Meek (Chair)Sandy WagerCarole HicklingJenny FitzgeraldMichael WalkerIan FordCindy PotterFr David BaileyNora WilbrahamBrian WilbrahamPaul SquiresCharlotte Bladen.
Apologies:Pippa St John Cooper, Jacky CliftJosh PulestonJulian MellorJonathan Drean.
Susan Moores (POP+) took the minutes this evening. Agreement after the committee to pay DP as minute taker for next three meetings as additional hours to work with POP+
- Update on Actions from Previous Minutes
See notes.
- CIO registration
IF explained the process the work of the sub group.
The governance/Trustees will require 3 Trustees. The Trustees will NOT be the decision makers. The CIO provides the mechanism for action and a legal status. Decision making will remain within the WBL Partnership Board.
Requested feedback on charitable purposes, by a small survey from people here. Others will be asked to contribute outside of this meeting.
Action: One more name required – so far Ian Ford and Barry Meek have come forward.
BM expressed his thanks on behalf of WBL to Pippa and Ian for their work on this.
Action: The meeting tonight gave the mandate to the sub group to take actions on this.
- Decision Making
This piece of work has started and development of a document so that all can understand is in hand. Work on this can be shared. How things are done. How decisions are taken. There is an idea of champions to take more interest in specific things, so that there is more in depth involvement, responsibility for decisions and then in the future agreed accountability for taking those decisions.
- Review Day – Saturday 20th January, at the Scout Hut, Lancaster Gardens, Whitleigh
This will take place from 10am – 4pm, with lunch provided. Action: PSJC sorting catering
SM to create an outline programme. Send to BM, IF and PSJC for distribution
This is to run as an open drop in. There will be several ways that people can contribute…things on the wall. Voting on priorities, discussion groups etc.
PS. JF asked that WBL get their own refreshments box as WASPS can’t keep providing this for meetings
- Unltd
Paul Squires updated the meeting on the funding application (successful) and the outcomes. The official start date was 1st January…and there will be business and financial support, coaching to social entrepreneurs
Unltd will be looking for people who can benefit and providing support to those who come forward with an idea.
Techniacal support; peer support; food in Whitleigh; young people
Action: With PS and PSJC a couple more people are needed to create and develop the Awards programme. PS is requesting that members of the WBL attend pitching evens and give their feedback. SM commented on her experience doing this in London on a specific ASRs programme. Very valuable opportunity for learning.
PS also suggested that WBL visit the Par Local Trust – community building
After this item there was a short discussion about the changing population make-up in the area, with all three primary schools being mixed now and the greatest diversity at St Peters. The Chair commented that he would like to see more being done positively for new (and different) people moving into Whitleigh. Several nods of support.
- The Christmas Fair
Several people commented that they noticed how busy Pippa was – handing out information leaflets and explaining about WBL and the open meeting in Feb. However people want to hear more directly from Pippa.
Action: PSJC to provide written/verbal update asap
- February meeting
Will be open and informal. Promoting FB page and web site and to be promoted on these sites.
Suggestion – write about this meeting in the three primary school newsletters as they are printed weekly and in all pupil school bags.
- Community Noticeboards – JF updated the meeting about the sites – Norwich Avenue, Woodfield School and Whitleigh Green (shops). These are ideal sites. Action : JF and PSJC to investigate further
- The Benches
There are 6 benches coming in to the area. Being mindful to spread these across the whole area.
Could there be a school competition to design one or two? Becoming a champion/protector of the bench!
- Promotion
BM reiterated that ongoing promotion of WBL is vital and that telling others about what we do and how to join is all our responsibility.
- Any Other Business
a)Can WBL please get its own refreshment box? (JF)
b)The luncheon and pantomime at St Chads were excellent (CH and SW)
c)Minibus – discussions needed about visibility in Whitleigh. Possibly differing views on this?
d)Notetaking WBL to pay DB additional hours for next 3 meetings, and then review again [POP+ provided support for 3 meetings]
e)Survey Monkey – IF to share questions for a transport survey by email and bring in printed form to next meeting
f)SW Arts Projects – a small group needed to take forward this project. To look at art work for bus.
g)Completed projects need a plaque (part of ongoing awareness raising)
Next meeting will be March 13th as the February meeting is an open evening event .