Mini CHAMP: Content Outlines of Geriatric Topics and
Teaching ACGME Core Competencies
Table 1: Outline of the Mini CHAMP FDP Geriatrics Topics Content
15 Geriatric Topic modules listed under the following four themes:
8- 2 hour sessions
Theme #1: Identification of the Frail /Vulnerable Elder
• Identify and assess the vulnerable hospitalized older patient
• Dementia in hospitalized older medical patients: Recognizing and screening for dementia,
assessing medical decision making capacity, implications for the treatment of non-dementia
illness, pain assessment, improving the post-hospitalization transition of care
Theme #2: Recognize and Avoid Hazards of Hospitalization
• Delirium: Diagnosis, treatment, risk stratification and prevention
• Falls: Assessment and prevention
• Foley Catheters: Scope of the problem, appropriate indications and management
• Deconditioning: Scope of the problem, prevention
• Adverse Drug Reactions and Medication Errors: Principles of drug review
• Pressure Ulcers: Assessment, treatment and prevention
• Depression: Assessment and treatment
Theme #3: Palliate and Address End-of-Life Issues
• Pain Control: General principles and use of opiates
• Symptom Management in Advanced Disease: Nausea
• Difficult Conversations and Advanced Directives
• Hospice and Palliative Care and Changing Goals of Care
Theme #4: Improve Transitions of Care
• The Ideal Hospital Discharge: Core components and determining destination
• Destinations of Post-Hospital Care: Nursing homes for skilled rehabilitation and long-term care
Table 2: Teaching ACGME Core Competencies
ACGME Competency / Addressed in CHAMP CurriculumKnowledge/Patient Care / All geriatric lectures (See Table 1)
Professionalism / Geriatric lectures:
1) Dementia: Decision making capacity
2) Advance directives and difficult conversations
Teaching on Today’s Wards exercises and games:
1) Process mapping
2) “I hope I get a good team” game
3) “Deciding what to teach/missed teaching opportunities” game
Communication / Geriatric lectures:
1) Advance directives and difficult conversations
2) Destinations for post-hospital care: Nursing homes
3) Dementia: Decision making capacity
Teaching on Today’s Wards exercises and games:
1) Process mapping
2) “Deciding what to teach/missed teaching opportunities” game
Systems Based Practice / Geriatric lectures:
1) Ideal hospital discharge
2) Delirium: Screening and prevention
3) Frailty: Screening
4) Foley catheter: Indications for use
5) Pressure ulcers: Prevention
6) Deconditioning: Prevention
7) Falls: Prevention
8) Drug and Aging: Drug review
Teaching on Today’s Wards exercises and games:
1) Process mapping
2) “Deciding what to teach/missed teaching opportunities” game
3) Quality improvement projects
Problem Based Learning and Improvement / Teaching on Today’s Wards exercises and games:
1) Census audit
2) Case audit
3) Process mapping