Whitfield and AspenSchool

Race Equality Policy

Whitfield and AspenSchool is situated within the District of Dover. The school predominately serves the village of Whitfield. Aspen is a district facility for children with severe and profound multiple learning difficulties serving Dover/Deal and surrounding areas. The school population is predominately White English with less than 3% of children coming from an ethnic minority or of mixed race parentage. In recent years Dover has been seen as being an entry point for asylum seekers and refugees, mainly from the Baltic new states. There have been periods of increased tension within the community.

Whitfield and AspenSchool are committed to an inclusive ethos based on respect for, and celebration of, ethnic diversity. The school strives to prepare all pupils for living in a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society. The school will strive to promote race equality in all dimensions of the school's life and community.

We will:

  • Take positive action to eliminate racial discrimination and harassment
  • Promote equality of opportunity for all members of the school community
  • Promote good relations between people of different racial groups

Cultural and ethnic diversity will be valued in the curriculum, in the school workforce, the governing body, the parental body and the student body. We will ensure that the culture and ethos of the school places equal value on the diverse racial faith and ethnic groups, cultural and linguistic heritage represented in our society.

We acknowledge and value all ethnic and national groups represented in the school community, including Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Gypsies and other Travellers.

We recognise we live in a multi-cultural and multi faith community and we will strive to recruit a workforce to reflect this.

We endorse the recommendations of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report.

We accept the definition of racism and institutional racism included in the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report:

Racism - Conduct or words which advantage or disadvantage people because of their colour, culture or ethnic origin.

Institutional racism – The collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people.

We will ensure that all members of the school community will have the opportunity to improve their own understanding of race equality and understand their personal responsibility to promote race equality.


All school policies will have an explicit aim of promoting race equality and will be reviewed in terms of their contribution and effectiveness in achieving this aim.


Whitfield and AspenSchool provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. The school accepts the three principles in the statutory inclusion statement for the National Curriculum:

  • Setting suitable learning challenges for all pupils
  • Responding to pupils' diverse learning needs
  • Overcoming potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups of pupils

We recognise that citizenship presents opportunities for encouraging respect for diversity.

Our curriculum co-ordinators are responsible for ensuring their subject programmes/schemes of work raise awareness of multi-cultural issues and challenge stereotypical views of different racial groups and nomadic communities. In the purchase of resources, our curriculum co-ordinators will ensure that materials reflect and celebrate ethnic and cultural diversity.


Whitfieldand AspenSchool strives to ensure that teaching and learning styles include and raise achievement of all pupils.

We will ensure that methods of assessment are culturally neutral and do not disadvantage pupils for whom English is an Additional Language.

We will ensure that setting and grouping arrangements raise achievement of all pupils and do not reinforce negative stereotypes or lower the self-esteem of pupils.

Teachers will seek opportunities to introduce activities that demonstrate the value of other cultures and encourage children to discuss race equality.


Whitfieldand AspenSchool is committed to working in partnership with local minority ethnic community groups and promoting racial harmony.

We will be pro-active in encouraging representation on the school governing body to ensure it reflects the ethnic profile of our school population and the community.

We will welcome minority ethnic community and faith groups by inviting them to join in the celebration of cultural and religious festivals in our school.

We will be pro-active in recruiting community volunteers to ensure the school's volunteer profile reflects the ethnic profile of the school population and the community.

We will take positive action to ensure that communication is accessible to all.
We will ensure that all community groups using the school building are aware of our Race Equality Policy.


Whitfield and AspenSchool will not tolerate any form of racial harassment or abuse.

We accept the definition of a racial incident as included in the recommendations of the enquiry into the death of Stephen Lawrence:

Racist Incident – A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.

The school has a racial incidents policy procedure (Appendix 1) The Head Teacher, Nick Andrews (or nominated member of staff) is responsible for implementing the procedure and ensuring that all members of the school community are aware of, and understand, the policy.


Whitfield and AspenSchool will ensure that ethnic monitoring of the pupil population and the workforce is undertaken positively to ensure equality of opportunity and high achievement for all groups.

The Headteacher will ensure that all staff involved in recruitment, staff development and admissions receive appropriate training and understand the process and rationale for collecting data on Ethnicity.

The Headteacher will ensure that data on the ethnic profile of the school is used to monitor the impact of policies on pupils, staff and parents from different racial groups.


Monitoring and review of all policies will inform the development of a Race Equality Action Plan(Appendix 3) for the school. Whitfieldand AspenSchool is committed to monitoring by racial group:

  • Admissions
  • Attainment in all curriculum areas
  • Attendance
  • Racist Incidents and Action Taken
  • Selection and recruitment of staff
  • Staff development
  • Exclusions
  • Awards and rewards
  • Disciplinary sanctions
  • Participation in extra-curricular activities
  • Attendance at parental consultations
  • Governing body representation and retention

Headteacher will assign responsibilities to staff for each area.

Service Managers and curriculum co-ordinators will use the questions provided by the CRE in the Statutory Code as a focus for evaluating policies.


The Race Equality Policy shall be reviewed annually. As part of the review process the school will draw up a race equality action plan for the following year, highlighting key issues for action and responsibilities. This will be incorporated within or appended to the School Improvement Plan.


It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to:

  • Promote race equality and support the implementation of the Race Equality Policy including the Racial Incidents Reporting Procedure.
  • Behave in a manner which respects and values cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Challenge and eliminate racial discrimination, racial harassment and racial abuse.

Nick AndrewsNovember 2007

Head of Aspen & AEN

Chair of GovernorsAppendix 1: Racial Incidents Procedure

All cases of suspected racist behaviour bullying must be investigated as soon as possible by referring to the head teacher or a senior member of staff. The incident will be investigated by hearing both sides of the problem. As in the case of bullying if racist behaviour is proved, then a warning will be given and appropriate education and sanctions imposed. All incidents will be recorded (Appendix 2) and assessed by SMT staff. If not proved the complaint will be noted and monitored. All records will be held by DCPC Nick Andrews For serious or persistent behaviour the head teacher will contact parents, and staff will proceed as above in order to put in place a education and behaviour management and monitoring programme.

Where staff are informed of racist behaviour occurring outside school involving pupils, then the head teacher or senior member of staff will investigate and if necessary inform parents.


Children who do not seem to respond to school expectations for behaviour and discipline will need more careful monitoring and education. Teachers, classroom assistants and learning support assistants involved should, between them make informal records of incidents and changes in behaviour patterns. Reviewing these notes will help to identify possible tensions, and will suggest ways in which a education programme could be developed. When sanctions or rewards are used noting the circumstances will:

  • Be watchful, observing social relationships between pupils in the class
  • Investigate the pupil’s views
  • Try a sentence completion exercise on bullying
  • Ask pupils to complete a story on bullying
  • Keep records of any bullying incidents and what was done

Watching pupils and analysing what they write will help in finding out more about pupils’ racist behaviour. A record will help when senior staff and parents need to be involved. Where there are suspicions of racist behaviour, a class programme of education about racism through listening time using resources available in the school may be helpful.

Following the aims of the school it is essential that parents are fully involved and informed. Where there is a pattern of minor incidents it may be appropriate to communicate concerns during normal parent interviews, but in more serious situations parents must be involved as soon as the facts are clear. Strategies should then be discussed at each stage to enable home and school liaison to be evident to the child. This will reduce ‘play-off’ between parents and school.

Appendix 2


Date of incident: ______/______/______Time: ______


Record details of each perpetrator and victim (if more than one). Please attach an additional sheet if necessary.

Pupil in school? If yes, pupil number and key stage ______
Member of staff or governor? If yes, please give status ______
Pupil from another school?
Other (specify) ______
Asylum seeker?
Involved in previous incidents? If yes, how many and when? ______
Ethnicity (for pupils only, from pupil records)
______ /


Pupil in school? If yes, pupil number and key stage ______
Member of staff or governor? If yes, please give status ______
Pupil from another school?
Other (specify) ______
Asylum seeker?
Involved in previous incidents? If yes, how many and when? ______
Ethnicity (for pupils only, from pupil records)


Location: ______

What type of incident occurred?

Verbal abuse / Threatened assault
Physical abuse / Attacks on property
Graffiti / Other (please specify)

Please describe briefly what happened.


What action(s) was / were taken to deal with the incident?

Warning to the perpetrator

Discussion with the victim’s parent(s) / guardian / carer

Discussion with the perpetrator

Discussion with the perpetrator’s parent(s) / guardian / carer




Curriculum change or addition


Referral to Police / other body

Other sanction (please specify)

Other action (please specify)

No action

If no action was taken, why was this (e.g. allegations were unsubstantiated)?


Was the incident referred to the Police? /

Yes 

/ No 
If yes, by whom?
Date / ______/______/______
Time / ______:______am/pm


Name of person recording this incident
Position in school
Name of person dealing with the incident if different from above
Position in school
Date of record / ______/______/______

This form should be retained by the school.

The LEA will periodically collect information about racial incidents.

Nick AndrewsPage 1 of 11November 2011

Whitfield and AspenSchool

Race Equality Policy

Appendix 3

Objective / Activity / Success criteria / Action
Planner /Mentor / Evaluation and follow-up
School Policies /
  • Race policy to be developed in accordance with Government legislation
  • All policies to be reviewed for content and effectiveness in promotion of race equality
  • Approved plan in place
  • Updated policy in line with Gov expectations
/ NA
/Gov. Body /
  • Annual review of policy in reference to all other activities

Curriculum Planning /
  • All curriculum planning will be monitored to ensure that multi-cultural issues are recognised and diversity is demonstrated
  • Wide diverse curriculum enabling all opportunities for all students
  • Curriculum is accessible for all and respects all cultures.
/ Curriculum leaders
/AL NA /
  • Raised awareness within citizenship of individual worth

Teaching and learning /
  • Attainment is monitored with respect to equal opportunities – Assessment Manager
  • Students attainment potential is reached according to ability
/ JC MC /
  • Continued monitoring – re-adjustment of teaching styles when necessary

Community Use /
  • All community use to be given copies of Equal Opportunities and Race Equality documents
  • Community awareness of school principles
/ NA
/Gov. Body
Racial Incidents /
  • All incidents to be recorded in accordance with behaviour and bullying monitoring procedure.
  • Racial incidents treated and serious and dealt with in line with behaviour policy
  • Clear records indicate reduction and patterns of racist behaviour and response is noticeably reduced
  • Education of students enables positive approach towards each other
/ NA
/DCW /
  • Monitoring and review of practise

Objective / Activity / Success criteria / Action
Planner /Mentor / Evaluation and follow-up
Ethnic Monitoring /
  • Children’s records
  • Staff recruitment and development
  • Staff aware of and sensitive a child’s racial origin
  • Equal opportunities recruitment and career development at all times related to skills and talents
/ Admin/
Gov Body /
  • Continued support and update from outside agencies
  • Education and professional development SLT

Policy Monitoring /
  • The overall monitoring of policy implementation
  • Governing Body informed of all incidents, policy appraisal and outcomes
/ Gov Body /
  • To review policy in line with results

Nick AndrewsPage 1 of 11November 2011