Approved by BOD on 12/13/08
WhiteOak Shores Annual Meeting
September 27, 2008
1:00 P M
Pool Area
President Susan Tyler called the meeting to order at 1:15 PM. She welcomed everyone to the meeting and confirmed with the members present that each one had signed in and received their ballots.
Susan informed the group the meeting would work under the old by-laws and a quorum was present.
The first vote taken was for the new By-Laws. Members were allowed time for comments and concerns. One member spoke before the group identifying specific articles and paragraphs requiring changes for improvement. Their comment was the park had previously worked under inadequate By-Laws and the current ones are not adequate at presented. Comments from the audience-expressed concern the Board of Directors were making rules and regulations according to their likes and how they feel about people in the park. Two members of the Board spoke to the audience stating the Board will always accept input and help from the members. The Board stated to the members “ you pass the rules, the Board administers the rules”.
A member questioned if the vote was for the By-Laws as presented or to amend them. Susan answered that the agenda states the vote is on the By-Laws as presented with typos being corrected. To make changes in wording will require amending them and voting on them again at another time. Members were told to provide their changes and rewrites to the Board for review. Susan called for the vote.
Item Number 2-Reduce the number of Board Members from 7 to 5. Susan stated the reason was the lack of volunteers for the Board of Directors. Audience questioned if the WOS board was different from the Sewer board. Currently the board is almost identical but in May the Sewer Board of Directors would be voted on. Statement from a member: “ Feel 7 members provides better opinions and views”. Susan called for the vote.
Vote results: 92 total votes 54 Yes 38 No
Item Number 3- Road Project. Nick Garner reported the current roads were repaired using the funds given by the members. The cost was a small amount over what had been collected and money was available from the WOS budget. A load of gravel will be provided for members at the boat ramp to use for maintenance of potholes. Calvin Green can be contacted to bring the gravel to the road location when needed.
The Board has received an estimate of $163,000 for asphalting the park’s roads. The bid does not included work on the ditches. A “chip and seal” process is being investigated as a second road option. The vote today is authorization to have the Board of Directors proceed with acquiring the funding. Susan stated a mailing to each member would be sent requesting input on how they will be able to pay when and if the loan is acquired. Several members indicated an interest in being investors and providing funding for the road project. Susan called for the vote.
Item Number 4 RTV- Donna Gilmore reported her investigation determined RTV(s) are used on golf courses for maintenance and golf carts are used for recreational purposes. RTV(s) will be held to the posted speeds in the park and tire types will be addressed should become an issue with any new road materials. Susan called for the vote.
Item Number 5 Election Board of Directors- April Smoot was removed from the ballot due to her lots not being closed on in time. Nick Garner was a write in and before the vote withdrew his name. Candidates Julie Danford, Robert Bambach, and Jane McDowell presented their qualifications to the members before the vote was taken. Susan called for the vote.
Sewer Report – Connie Autrey President WhiteOak Shores Sewer Service Corporation.
Connie stated that all WhiteOak Shores Members with both a water meter and sewer connection must join the Sewer Corporation. If they choose not to become a member, they will be disconnected from the sewer. For members connected to the sewer and do not have a water meter, they will be required to connect to water.
The Sewer Corporation will be using Lake Fork Water for billing and on the water bill the fees of $21.00 for the debt payment and $41.00 for the sewer will be shown. A maximum of 2000 gallons can be used before being charged an overage fee. WhiteOak Shores Sewer Corporation mirrored Lake Fork Water in the number of gallons used.
The vote being taken at the meeting is to have WhiteOak Shores Association charge members that do not have water and sewer a monthly convenience fee of $10.00 plus their portion of the debt service of $21.00 to use the bathhouse.
WhiteOak Shores Association members wanting to join the Sewer Corporation must be current on their dues and assessments or they will have to pay a higher membership application fee.
The checks of members applying are being held until their sewer connections have been inspected and found to be incompliance.
Members with multiple lots, each lot having a water meter and sewer connection will be billed $21.00 and $41.00 for one lot and $41.00 for the second lot. Members can add a second water meter and have an exemption if a waiver is signed stating the water meter is not connected to a trailer and will not be going into the sewer.
A member asked if the flow meters were considered as usable. Connie stated the meters would require additional manpower to read and do the administrative work of recording and billing the members resulting in higher costs.
A member stated that $10.00 per month or $120.00 a year for a fisherman was high. Comments to how the bathhouse was used and the need for someone to come in and clean up the remains of some people, $10.00 was a small amount to pay.
A thank you was given to Teri and Richard Barnes for cleaning the bathhouse and doing the behind the scenes work so members using the facility always find a clean facility.
Susan called for the vote.
Wanda Hammons introduced the Tammy Loftus the new WhiteOak Shores Office Manager.
Susan provided the voting results.
Board of Director Robert Bambach 29 New Board Of Director Member
Jane McDowell 24
Julie Danford 25
Accept Revised By-Laws As Presented YES 63 NO 28 TOTAL 91
RTV’s To Be Operated In The Park YES 55 NO 39 TOTAL 94
Proceed With Obtaining Road Financing YES 52 NO 40 TOTAL 92 (SEE ATTACHED BALLOT RESULTS WOS ANNUAL MEETING 9-27-2008)
Architectural Committee Report – Wanda Hammons
Wanda thanked the members for maintaining their lots allowing the park to have a positive impact to visitors and potential new buyers.
She thanked her committee of Nick Garner, Larry Compton, Don Rubenkoenig, and new member Lee McDowell.
Wanda committed on the concern of those members who do not keep their property in good maintenance. She stated the letters requesting they follow the deed restriction go unanswered or are returned. The non-compliance charges go on their bill and continually increase because they do not pay even their dues and assessments.
Fund Raising Committee – Sherri Jones, Shirley Garner, Donna Santoy
Monies collected have been around $6,000.00. The money has paid for the concrete slab, the cover, and the gravel around the pavilion. Next project is to get electricity and fans. Sherri thanked all the volunteers who have given their time and tools to the projects as they were done.
Monies collected are being put into a separate account so an accurate accounting can be done on the monies given for the projects.
Donna reported the can recycling was money provided to the fundraisers. The last two checks were withheld due to trash being placed in the can receptacles. She asks for everyone’s help in keeping the recycle free of trash.
Member asked if there was any consideration to getting more T-Shirts? The committee is working to get a good quality product. Vending machine availability was questioned. This was referred to the Board of Directors.
Park Recognition – David Santoy
- Tom Loftus – Hours of work to aid in the improvements to WhiteOak Shores.
- Fund Raiser Committee Sherri Jones, Donna Santoy, Shirley Garner
For the hours of work to make WhiteOak Shores a better place to live through their brilliant ideas.
- Jack Hammons – For the 100’s of hours spent cleaning and
maintaining the park’s grounds.
- Steve Gilmore – For contribution of hours spent keeping the park
- Teri Barnes – Providing research and consultation free of charge for the park’s Deed restrictions and By-Laws.
- Wanda Hammons – Contribution of 100’s of hours for keeping the office and the accounting of the books in order and the tough calls for the ACC in maintaining the high quality in the park.
- Lois Compton – Hours spent assisting with the administrative duties for WhiteOak Shores and the set up of the WhiteOak Shores Sewer Service Corporation.
- Nick Garner – His willingness to assist in project estimates, volunteering for park projects and member of the Board of Directors multiple times when a resignation occurs.
- Connie Autrey – Thank you for the years of unselfish giving to WhiteOak Shores Owners Association.
Financial Report – Wanda Hammons
Heavy Enterprises, an outside the park accountant has been doing the internal review of the books. The financial review is 90% completed.
As of 9-27-2008 we have the following:
Checking Account $23,289.67
Road Fund $ 1,218.25
Legal Fund $10,311.65
Fund Raisers $ 1,700.00
Sewer Savings $ 1,500.00
Certificates $ 5,400.00, $ 5,400.00, $ 3,200.00
Total Cash $52,344.60
59 Delinquent Owners owing $55,623.07
Open Forum
A member spoke to removing the 2 membership classification that voting rights were allowed only for members current on dues and assessments. All owners are members when they buy in the park and should be allowed to vote. Other options should be taken to collect monies from those members not current and still allow them to vote.
Sewer Plant – Nick Garner
All permits are completed. Completion is expected by the following week and we have hired Tony Parker to be the operative for $300.00 per month.
Ice Machine – Donna Gilmore
Ice Machine is a something we all can use. If we do not pay for the ice the park will have to remove the unit. Investigation of other options at this time are cost prohibitive to the park.
$10.00 convenience Fee In Addition to Loan Payment
82 Yes 11No Passed
New WhiteOak Shores window stickers will be included in the next invoice. Guest Passes can be gotten at the office.
Member asked if the budget was to be voted on. The budget does not require a vote due to no increase in the dues or assessments to the members.
Susan thanked Bill Ruslink, Jan Rubenkoenig and Nick Garner for their hard work while serving on the Board of Directors and looked forward to working with them as advisors.
Meeting adjourned by Susan Tyler.
Respectively Submitted,
Lois Compton for Donna Gilmore
WhiteOak Shores
Owners Association
Annual Meeting
Sept. 27, 2008