Voice of the Township
I am looking forward again this year to participating in the Waynedale Memorial Day parade. It’s an honor to be part of the parade and to have the opportunity to thank veterans for the sacrifices they have made for our country.
Sadly, studies have shown that a disproportionate number of veterans, especially Vietnam era veterans, are homeless. Recently, I attended a Fair Housing Conference sponsored by the Fort Wayne Metropolitan Human Relations Commission, which addressed issues of home foreclosures and the increasing number of families who are losing their homes.
Foreclosures can be caused either by homeowners falling behind on mortgage payments or by homeowners being delinquent on their property taxes.The City presented information at the Conference that mortgage foreclosures in Fort Wayneincreased 25 percent from 2006 to 2008 and are continuing to rise. Further, in November of 2008, almost 3,000 properties were auctioned for delinquent taxes.
Home foreclosuresare a huge problem in WayneTownship. The South Central and South East parts of Fort Wayne have been hit particularly hard, but the City’s map also shows numerous foreclosures in the Waynedale area.
Our Eligibility Standards allow the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office to help clients with their mortgage payments, but only on a limited basis. I wish so much we could provide more help to deserving clients who cannot afford their mortgage payments. However, we simply do not have the tax funds to offer as much help I would like to be able to give clients.
Many WayneTownshipresidents have lost or are in danger of losing their homes because of our high unemployment rate or because of large medical bills. Some clients are victims of predatory lending, which was discussed at length at the Fair Housing Conference.
The HUD speaker at the Conference emphasized that before you sign a loan document or other legal paperwork regarding your home, you must have that document reviewed by a legal person who represents you and is being paid by you. The small fee you pay could save you many problems in the future.
The HUD speaker also recommended that anyone in danger of foreclosure should seek the help of a HUD approved housing counselor by calling 800-569-4287. The service is free. She added that a person needing foreclosure help should never have to pay for counseling.
The speaker for the Attorney General’s Office noted that many times persons charging for “foreclosure counseling” are doing nothing more than trying to scam a homeowner who already is in a difficult situation. Another free foreclosure consulting service can be reached at 877-GET-HOPE, she said.
My office was pleased to be able to support the Southwest Fire District at its Fundraiser on May 16 to raise money to restore the 1941 WayneTownship fire truck. Seeing that fire truck reminds me of the long history of the Wayne Township Trustee’s Office and the many Trustees before me. We also were happy to participate again this year in the City’s “Great America Clean-up,” with both staff and clients volunteering to help.
I hope you have a great Memorial Day and hope to see you at the Parade.
Richard A. Stevenson, Sr.
WayneTownship Trustee