White Rose Studentship Networks2015/6Proposal Form
Closing Date: Thursday 5 February 2015
The network leader should submit the application electronically to the WRoCAH office ().Any proposal received after Thursday 5 February 2015 will not be considered. Please note that individual studentship applications, which do not form part of a network, will not be considered.
Section 1 – Description of Studentship Network (to be completed by the Network leader)Title of network:
Which of the four named AHRC Themes does this proposal align to?
Academic lead for proposed network:
Name:Department/School: University:
Tel:Email Address:
Network Overview (approx. 500-700 words)
Please provide brief details of the proposed network explaining the complementarity of the collaborators, the interdisciplinary nature and timeliness of the network theme, the added value and strategic relevance of the network.
Interdisciplinarity: Please list the separate disciplines this Network covers
Network Operations (approx. 100-200 words)
Please outline how the network will operate (e.g. meeting schedule, communications between students)
Interactions with other networks and stakeholders (approx. 100-200 words)
Please explain how this network will interact with others in this field. For example, will this network have any interaction with other people within Leeds, Sheffield and York? Will there be any interaction with people outside of the White Rose universities? Include academic, industrial and other stakeholder groups where appropriate.
Future developments and sustainability (approx. 250-350 words)
Please describe how this network will increase the potential for future collaboration between the universities (and other partners, where appropriate), highlighting possible opportunities for joint funding bids. Please indicate how you would sustain the network past the initial stage, including potential bids for funding.
PhD Student 1
Section 2 - Studentship InformationStudentship research areatitle (maximum of 50 words):
(see notes below)
Principal Supervisor:
Name:Department/School: University:
Name:Department/School: University:
Notes: We wish to allow a degree of student-led research ideas for the PhD studentships, but the requirements for co-supervision and being part of a network make this complicated.
- The principal supervisor and co-supervisor must agree a research area where they would be happy to jointly supervise a PhD student (the text for this must be included in the “Studentship research area title” box).
- There is a balancing act for the description of the studentship research area title. Since the student will be part of a network, then the description of the research area must be narrow enough to make the network a meaningful collaboration. However, since we wishto allow a degree of student-led ideas, then the research area must not be so tightly defined that it overly restricts student ideas.
Section 3 – Additional Background Information – Track Record
Principal Supervisor
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Section 4 –Approval
Principal Supervisor:…………………………………………………………Date:……………………
Head of School/Department:……………………………………………….Date:……………………
For a proposal to be eligible then the Head of Department/School where a PhD student would be hosted must approve of the proposal. This is because this Department/School would provide the principal supervisor for this student as well as having the student based there. By submitting the Studentship Network proposal the applicants confirm that the proposed principal supervisors of the PhD students have approval from their Head of Department/School. Please note that we need this approval for all three PhD students in the Studentship Network. Any studentship proposal submitted without the appropriate Head of Department/School approval will not be considered, and the entire network will be withdrawn from the competition.
PhD Student 2
Section 2 - Studentship InformationStudentship research area title (maximum of 50 words):
(see notes below)
Principal Supervisor:
Name:Department/School: University:
Name:Department/School: University:
Notes: We wish to allow a degree of student-led research ideas for the PhD studentships, but the requirements for co-supervision and being part of a network make this complicated.
- The principal supervisor and co-supervisor must agree a research area where they would be happy to jointly supervise a PhD student (the text for this must be included in the “Studentship research area title” box).
- There is a balancing act for the description of the studentship research area title. Since the student will be part of a network, then the description of the research area must be narrow enough to make the network a meaningful collaboration. However, since we wish to allow a degree of student-led ideas, then the research area must not be so tightly defined that it overly restricts student ideas.
Section 3 – Additional Background Information – Track Record
Principal Supervisor
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Section 4 – Approval
Principal Supervisor:…………………………………………………………Date:……………………
Head of School/Department:……………………………………………….Date:……………………
For a proposal to be eligible then the Head of Department/School where a PhD student would be hosted must approve of the proposal. This is because this Department/School would provide the principal supervisor for this student as well as having the student based there. By submitting the Studentship Network proposal the applicants confirm that the proposed principal supervisors of the PhD students have approval from their Head of Department/School. Please note that we need this approval for all three PhD students in the Studentship Network. Any studentship proposal submitted without the appropriate Head of Department/School approval will not be considered, and the entire network will be withdrawn from the competition.
PhD Student 3
Section 2 - Studentship InformationStudentship research area title (maximum of 50 words):
(see notes below)
Principal Supervisor:
Name:Department/School: University:
Name:Department/School: University:
Notes: We wish to allow a degree of student-led research ideas for the PhD studentships, but the requirements for co-supervision and being part of a network make this complicated.
- The principal supervisor and co-supervisor must agree a research area where they would be happy to jointly supervise a PhD student (the text for this must be included in the “Studentship research area title” box).
- There is a balancing act for the description of the studentship research area title. Since the student will be part of a network, then the description of the research area must be narrow enough to make the network a meaningful collaboration. However, since we wish to allow a degree of student-led ideas, then the research area must not be so tightly defined that it overly restricts student ideas.
Section 3 – Additional Background Information – Track Record
Principal Supervisor
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Current position:
Length of supervision experience:
Registration Year / 2008 / 2009 / 2010
Total number of full-time students who registered for a PhD in each of the years shown
Percentage of students who submitted their thesis within 4 years of registration
Section 4 – Approval
Principal Supervisor:…………………………………………………………Date:……………………
Head of School/Department:……………………………………………….Date:……………………
For a proposal to be eligible then the Head of Department/School where a PhD student would be hosted must approve of the proposal. This is because this Department/School would provide the principal supervisor for this student as well as having the student based there. By submitting the Studentship Network proposal the applicants confirm that the proposed principal supervisors of the PhD students have approval from their Head of Department/School. Please note that we need this approval for all three PhD students in the Studentship Network. Any studentship proposal submitted without the appropriate Head of Department/School approval will not be considered, and the entire network will be withdrawn from the competition.