Terrie Robbie

White Pine Middle School – Saginaw, MI

  1. . WatchKnowLearn Videos for any and all subjects and all grades
  1. . Web 2.0 Tools for Educators Listed with Websites and brief descriptions of each. There are hundreds of different websites and Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers and Students.
  1. Discovery Education directions and videos to help teachers navigate through the many different Web 2.0 Tools available.
  1. Make animated videos
  2. Make quick jeopardy games without PowerPoint – useful on interactive whiteboards
  1. Animated timelines
  2. Digital periodic table
  3. Online scrapbook and good for digital story telling
  4. Easy conversions for science or math
  5. Twitter for educators
  6. Create layered presentations – replaces PowerPoint
  7. Convert a picture into a talking object
  8. Make videos with music, audio, text, photos
  9. Turn pictures into video presentation
  10. Avatar of yourself or something else
  11. Create a movie by typing in text – become a director
  12. Share Keynote and PowerPoint presentations with others via the web.
  1. Turn your pictures into visually appealing presentations.
  2. Can use cell phones or computers to have students answer questions and/or take a poll.
  1. On-line collaboration in real-time
  2. Wiki your own wiki.
  3. On-line collaboration with webinars for teachers
  4. On-line learning community
  5. Web conferencing
  6. Legally share and remix media
  7. A place to share slideshows, whiteboards and collaborate
  8. Pulls out words used frequently
  9. Used for digital story telling using picture, drawings, text, music, voice-over, etc.
  1. On-line poster creator for students and teachers – interactive, ability to embed video and hyperlinks to websites.
  1. Free classroom for the world – recommended by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  1. Flash activities for elementary students
  2. Web based photo editing
  3. Snapshots of live web pages
  4. Record audio on the web
  5. Learning the alphabet
  6. narrow down your web search
  7. Bibliography made easy
  8. Great for music teachers
  9. Animation for everyone
  10. Video summaries of books
  11. Free audio downloads of popular books
  12. Increase your reading speed
  13. Easy to use comic strip maker
  14. Make comic strips
  15. Download YouTube videos
  16. Get jazzed with this music resource
  17. Collaborate and edit docs and PDF websites
  18. Create easy to use flash cards and students can take a quiz from their flashcards after studying.
  1. Make digital flash card
  2. Web 2.0 resources
  3. Creating pop-up story books online
  4. Convert YouTube vides to flv files
  5. Teacher Blog with updated resources daily
  6. Math website
  7. Word relationships
  8. Converts text into speech
  9. Photos and videos converted into a presentation
  10. cool chrome application – makes cartoons
  11. diagram software (i.e., flow charts)
  12. Movie maker
  13. create certificates
  14. story maker
  15. Whiteboard wiki
  16. Another story creation on-line tool
  17. Connect with others and classrooms throughout the world