Chapter 21

Section 1- Define

“white man’s burden” indirect rule direct rule racism

1. Explain why Westerners began to increase their search for colonies after 1880.

There was a strong economic motive for Westerners to increase their search for colonies after 1880. Capitalist states in the West were looking for both markets and raw materials—such as rubber, oil, and tin—for their industries. Europeans also wanted more direct control of the areas with the raw materials and markets. The issue was not simply an economic one, however. European nation-states were involved in heated rivalries. As European affairs grew tense, states sought to acquire colonies abroad in order to gain an advantage over their rivals. Some Europeans took a more religious or humanitarian approach to imperialism, arguing that the Europeans had a moral responsibility to civilize primitive people. Imperialism was also tied to Social Darwinism and racism.

Imperialism was tied to social Darwinism and racism. Social Darwinists believed that in the struggle between nations, the fit are victorious. Racism is the belief that race determines traits and capabilities. Racists erroneously believe that particular races are superior or inferior. Racist beliefs led to the use of military force against other nations. Racists believed that the defeated nations became stepping stones to a better human race.

1. Why imperialism increased after 1880. What did Social Darwinists believe to be true?

States in the West had a strong economic motive and were looking for markets and raw materials for their industries. As rivalries began to increase, European nation-states acquired colonies abroad to gain an advantage over their rivals. Colonies were considered a source of national prestige. Social Darwinists believed that in the struggle between nations, only the fit were victorious.

1. Describe the colonial resistance that emerged in Southeast Asia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Describe the characteristics of these leaders.

Resistance based on nationalism emerged. Leaders were often from a new type of class that the colonial rule had created. This class of people had been educated in Western-style schools. This urban middle class was composed of merchants, clerks, students, and professionals. Many spoke Western languages and worked in jobs connected with the colonial regimes. They tried to defend the economic interests and religious beliefs of the native peoples.

In direct rule, the local elites were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials brought from the mother country. In indirect rule, local rulers were allowed to maintain their positions of authority and status in a new colonial setting.

Section 2 – Define

Annexed indigenous

2. Explain the differences between the French and British systems of colonial rule in Africa.

The main difference between the French and British systems of colonial rule in Africa was a difference of direct versus indirect rule. The British followed the indirect approach. At first, in some areas, the British simply asked a local ruler to accept British rule and to fly the British flag over official buildings. This system had the benefit of not disrupting local customs and institutions. However, it also kept the old African elite in power and didn’t allow many ambitious and talented young Africans opportunities to get ahead. French direct rule assimilated African subjects into French culture rather than attempting to preserve native traditions. Africans were eligible to run for office and serve in the French National Assembly in Paris.

Section 3 – Define

First War of Independence Indian National Congress viceroy sepoys

3. Explain the benefits and disadvantages of British rule in India.

British rule brought order and stability to Indian society and led to a fairly honest and efficient government. A new school system was established to train Indian children to serve in the government and army. New forms of communication and transportation appeared in India shortly after they were introduced in Great Britain. Despite the benefits of British rule, the school system only served the Indian elite, so 90 percent of the population remained uneducated and illiterate. Only a small number of Indians gained financial benefits from British rule though it brought hardship to millions in both the cities and the countryside. British manufactured goods ruined local industries and put thousands of women in the textile industry out of work. The British sent tax collectors to collect taxes from Indian peasants. These collectors, the zamindars, took advantage of their authority and raised taxes and forced the less fortunate to become tenants or lose their land entirely. Because the British encouraged many farmers to grow cotton instead of food, the food supply was not sufficient and millions of Indians died. The British also showed disrespect toward Indian culture which led to the rise of an Indian nationalist movement.

Section 4 – Define

Caudillos peninsulares creoles mestizos

4. Describe the common characteristics shared by middle-class Latin Americans after 1900.

Latin Americans lived in cities and sought education and decent incomes. These individuals saw the United States as a model with regard to industrialization. They sought liberal reform instead of revolution. After having the right to vote, Latin Americans usually sided with land-holding elites.

First War of Independence - Indian revolt known to the British as the Sepoy Mutiny

“white man’s burden” - the moral responsibility of Europeans to civilize primitive peoples

Indian National Congress - group that called for a share in the governing process of India

Caudillos - ruled by military force, supported by the landed elites

indirect rule - allowed local rulers to maintain positions of authority in the new colonial setting

peninsulares - held all the important positions in colonial Latin America

viceroy - governor who ruled as a representative of a monarch