April 8, 2014
Location: Bethesda North Conference Center, Cabin John Board Room
Present: Francine Waters, Cliff Cohen, Bob Daley, Tara Flynn, Brian Downie, Andy Shulman, Tom Murphy, Paul Meyer, Deirdre Johnson, Bernie Meyers, Cindy Gibson, Ken Hartman, Peggy Schwartz.
Visitors: Andy Fraser (Sandglass), Kelly Blynn (Coalition for Smarter Growth), Nkosi Yearwood (Planning), Kristi Smith (JBG), Aaron Kraut (BethesdaNow.com), Jay Corbalis (FRIT), Lindsay Hoffman (FOWF), Stefan Lobuglio (DOCR), Dee Metz, Beverly Haller.
8:00 Am – The WFDAC meeting was called to order by Francine Waters.
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to approve the March 11, 2014 meeting summary. The motion passed.
UPDATES: Updates were provided to the committee by:
Ken Hartman: Budget hearing set for 4/9/14; Fire Station / Chapman Ave; terms for Committee chairs/ one Committee member opening.
Dee Metz: CIP / Conference Center garage amendment; Nebel /Marinelli stop sign; Western workaround; Saul sketch plan revision.
Peggy Schwartz: Business Survey; Bike to work Day, 5/16/14
Francine Waters: Requested letters of support for the MCDOT rapid transit letter due this month
DISCUSSION WITH WEB SITE DEVELOPER: Andy Fraser, Sandglass, web site developer, who also created the BUP site, discussed the WFDAC web site, which will include development, retail, shopping, parking, maps & links. Sandglass will build & maintain the web site, time frame approximately 6-12 weeks.
PRESENTATION: RAPID TRANSIT ON ROCKVILLE PIKE Kelly Blynn, Communities for Transit, presented details about the proposed 81 mile Bus Rapid Transit project, including a handout describing the BRT concept & its comparison to Metro. Alexandria VA BRT opens Fall 2014.
TIGER GRANT APPLICATION Francine Waters discussed applying for a TIGER GRANT (due by 04-28-14), which would give funding for a concept study to be done in the White Flint area.
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to write a letter in support of the application of a TIGER (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery) grant. The motion passed.
Committee Updates
- Safety & Security - Paul Meyer would like to address the homeless situation at the next meeting: 05-08-14
NEW BUSINESS Francine Waters handed out a draft of a letter re: the 2013 Annual Report of the WFDAC, to be sent to Mr. Leggett & Mr. Rice, describing the first 1st year activities of the Committee, as well as a request for additional funding for the coming fiscal year.
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to approve the Annual Report letter to Mr. Leggett & Mr. Rice, pending edits. The motion passed.
MOTION: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 05-13-14, 8:00-9:15am.