Teammates by Peter Golenbock

Vocabulary Words / Kid-Friendly Definitions
Disgrace (noun) / A feeling a shame because you didn’t live up to the expectations
Hostile (adjective) / To become cranky or upset towards someone or something
Circulate (verb) / Something that is passed around to others
Provoke (verb) / To try to get someone to do something that they shouldn’t
Audible (adjective) / Something loud enough that is can be heard

Word Associations

Which word or words goes with a feeling? (hostility, disgraced)

Which word or words goes with sounds? (audible)

Which word or words goes with moving? (circulate)

Which word or words goes with bothersome? (provoke)

Which word or words are verbs? (circulate, provoke)

Which word or words are adjectives? (audible, hostile)

Have You Ever…? Turn and Talk…

Describe a time when you felt disgrace.

Describe things that are audible. Are they loud or quiet?

Describe a something that gets circulated in school.

Describe a time when you were hostile towards someone. Has someone been hostile to you?

Describe a time when you might have provoked something to happen.

Which Would…?

Which is more audible… a mosquito? Or a trumpet?

Would you be more disgraced if you didn’t pass a spelling test? Or didn’t make a sports team?

Which would be a good way to stop circulating a secret?

Who might be more likely to provoke you … your teacher? Or a sibling?

Which would make you more hostile…being tired? Or being hungry?

Engage in Conversation about Word Meanings

How does it feel when someone is hostile towards you?

When wouldn’t it be good for something to circulate? When would it be good?

Are all audible objects loud? Name some quiet audible sounds.

Name some examples of when someone might feel disgraced.

What are some things people might provoke others to do?

Name ______#____

Teammates by Peter Golenbock

1. Circle the word that best matches hostile.

excited anxious crabby guilty

Why did you choose that word? ______

2. Draw a sketch for the word audible. Explain what is happening in your sketch.


3. Use the word circulate correctly in a sentence.

4. Circle the sentence that uses the word disgrace correctly.

My mom was disgraced with me because I didn’t clean my room.

My teacher was disgraced with me because I scored well on my test.

5. Circle the sentence that uses the word provoke correctly.

The young boy was provoked to brush his teeth before bed.

She was provoked by her friend to pass notes in class.