Welcome Back!

Welcome to your 8th grade year here at Pueblo West Middle School. I hope all of you had a wonderful summer and are ready to come back! Most of you are probably nervous starting out a new year, getting closer to your high school career; it will be here before you know it. I highly recommend using this year as a rehearsal for next year.

As most of you know, Pueblo West Middle School is in the process of becoming an IB School. During the summer, I was trained in IB for mathematics. This year, this class with be ran as an IB class.

As in society, life, this school, and all your other classes, this class also has expectations.

You can expect from me: / What I expect from you:
·  A caring environment; I will care for each of you as individuals
·  Since we are using this class as a rehearsal for high school, I will treat you like high school students
·  You will walk away from this class with an understanding of the course material
·  Instruction that will create a successful learning environment
·  Respect / ·  Behave like high school students in class. No exceptions.
·  Have respect for everyone in this class
·  Be in Dress Code
·  Do your OWN work. I want to know what you know, not your friend.
·  Create a class that is respectful for an ideal learning environment.
·  Don’t be afraid to ask questions, it’s what I am here for!

Always remember there are consequences for your actions!

1st offense – Nonverbal Warning 3rd offense–Phone Call

2nd offense – Verbal Warning 4th offense–Referral to Office

In order to be successful in this class it is imperative that you do all of your homework and get help from me if you have specific questions. This class will be based on Standards Based Grading (see below for more information). If you do not keep up on the homework, even though it is not actually score, you will be left behind and do poorly on your tests. It is also extremely important that you participate in class every day. You will be doing most of the talking, not me, in order for this to work, you must participate. You will be working in partners or groups all year long, it is critical you work together.

Almost everything in life requires a procedure. There is a procedure to get your driver’s license, apply for a job, and buying a house. There are a few procedures for you to follow in this class.

·  Entering the room: Please wait outside my door until the previous class has left.
·  Leaving the room: Make sure everything is cleaned and put away. You must be seated in your assigned seat before the bell rings. The bell DOES NOT dismiss you, the adult in the room will dismiss you when the classroom is in order and you are all seated.
·  Going to the bathroom: You must have your hall pass to leave! If you do not have your hall pass you will not leave! Only one person out of the room at a time.
·  Passing Back Homework: I will not pass back homework, if you would like to collect it, you may get it from the labeled basket on the counter. I will keep all test and some activities in your IB folder. / ·  Absent: If you are absent you will need to check the calendar on the back bulletin board and obtain any missing worksheets from the labeled folder. If you have questions please ask before or after class, not during, don’t interrupt once I have started instruction. Absent work is a zero until you have turned it in. If you don’t turn it in, it will remain a zero. You will have 1 day for every day missed and 1 additional day to turn in the work.
·  Tardy: You must be in your seat before the tardy bell rings! If you are not seated, it will be counted as an unexcused tardy, remember three unexcused tardies will result in lunch detention. If you are late to class you must have a pass, no pass will also result in an unexcused tardy.

Standards Based Grading:

This year I will be using “Standards-Based Grading” to determine students’ growth and mastery of the 8th grade mathematics curriculum. Standards-based grading uses “summative experiences” to determine the level of learning a student has achieved. The objective of this type of grading system is to allow students to demonstrate mastery of standards through various summative assessments such as tests, projects, papers, etc. Activities such as class work and homework are viewed as opportunities to practice with a standard and are important in the process of learning. The summative assessments are given to students at the end of learning an objective to document growth and mastery. They match the learning experiences and they are negotiable. Summative assessments reflect essential and enduring knowledge. Please refer to the attached rubric for more information regarding grading procedures. A student’s grade will reflect his or her knowledge of each concept. Students’ grades do not reflect task completion. Students’ grades reflect proof of mastery.


Standards-based education’s primary focus is to ensure students demonstrate proficiency. On some occasions students will need to reassess. Students will be allowed the opportunity to reassess within the following guidelines:

• If the student follows the requirements of the teacher before reassessment, i.e. further learning activities, completion of all learning activities, after school help, etc. This is a replacement score, not an average of multiple reassessments.

• Students are allowed one opportunity to reassess per assessment.

• There are a finite number of opportunities to reassess. Depending on the time of year, a student may have limited or no opportunities to reassess, particularly at the end of a semester. Certain assessments do not lend themselves to reassessment. I may use my judgment to determine if a specific assignment may not be available for reassessment.

• Students scoring below 70% may be allowed to reassess, however, students will only be allowed to reassess to a 70%

Late Work - Due To Absences

If a student is absent on the due date of a long term project, that assignment is due on their first day back to school. Make-up time granted for work assigned prior to an absence will be at my discretion. Time allowed for make-up work may not extend beyond the end of the grading period without prior approval from me. Students with prearranged absences may make arrangements prior to the absence for completing make-up work at my discretion.


Late Work - Not Handed In

LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF YOU WERE NOT ABSENT. Do not expect to wait until the end of the quarter to turn everything it, I will not accept it!

Extra Credit

Because of Standards Based Grading, there is NO extra credit! This is where reassessment should take place.

·  All activities will be graded based on a rubric. Students will be given the rubric at the beginning of every unit. Students must show understanding of the unit in order to be successful in this class.
·  Class work/ Homework will be graded in class. Students will need to grade their own work, preferably in something colorful.
·  Bell work will be given and collected weekly. / ·  Quizzes will be given after approximately at the middle of each chapter.
·  Quizzes are graded based on a rubric and for correctness.
·  Tests will be given after a chapter is completed.
·  Tests are graded based on a rubric and for correctness.
The best way to get a hold of me is by email, you can also leave a voicemail, however I do not check this often.
Contact Information:
Phone Number: 719-547-3752

I have read and understand the above information. Please sign and date the bottom and return it back to Mrs. Zamora.